The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary


A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You actually think that the damage these kinds of tricks are doing to this country is a joke?

Hillary was committing treason in Benghazi....that is what the coverup was about. I don't expect the grabasstic Republicans to ever get to the bottom of it.....chickenshit motherfuckers the lot of them.

I would just love it if we had a political opposition that didn't feel like they have to pull a bunch of sneaky tricks to stay in power.

Having a Clinton eat the Republicans' collective lunches AGAIN sure gives you nutters a sad, huh?
They've found no evidence of it because they either aren't looking or they refuse to release the evidence that proves it.

After EIGHT hearings, if no one's found any evidence, it's because it doesn't exist.

Do you really think your wingnut heroes would let her skate through this and possibly get elected President?

Mudwhistle, accept that the Congressional wingnuts were on a witch hunt and they faceplanted.

Accept that Hillary did nothing criminal re: Benghazi.

Accept that you were hoodwinked by the Far Right leadership.
I guess you didn't pay attention to the hearings.

You keep repeating this false narrative that they didn't find any evidence. They pointed out that Hillary knew it wasn't a protest because her own emails to everyone showed she didn't believe it was a protest. Also, do you really believe that 600 requests for increased security never reached Hillary?

Either she's lying or she's totally incompetent....take your pick.

October 25, 2015
Hillary covered up a terror attack, Nixon a burglary
By Yossi Gestetner

Thursday was the first time that the public saw email evidence of Hillary Clinton partaking in a cover-up of a terror attack as the attack took place. An attack that killed a U.S. ambassador. Context? Nixon covered up a burglary where no one died.

Hillary's emails from 9/11/12 show that she knew that an al-Qaeda-type group executed a terror attack, but as early as 9/11/12 10:10 PM Eastern Time (when the attack was still ongoing), Hillary released a public statement talking more about a video and respect for religion than talking about the attack itself. Hillary then tried deleting evidence of this cover-up, which is why the Benghazi Committee's life is so long: they were waiting months to get relevant emails.

The other thing revealed for the public Thursday is the fact that paid Clinton hack Sidney Blumenthal, with business interests in Libya, had more back-and-forth Libya access to and from Hillary than did her hand-picked ambassador in Libya. This shows a shocking level of incompetence or negligence on Hillary's part. (Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler tried minimizing this by saying that ambassadors usually don't have email access to the SoS. Well, most U.S. ambassadors are not stuck in newly created hell-holes like Libya, as Stevens was at the time.)

The left is pointing out that Hillary "performed well," as if most witnesses in front of congressional hearings break down crying or run on stage – as Matt Taibbi credits Hillary for not doing. Besides, last time around, when Hillary did lose it ("what difference at this point does it make"), the left praised that, too, saying it showed she had the energy to be president. This time Hillary is praised for not losing it.

The bottom line is as follows. 1) Hillary left her top envoy vulnerable to attack because she was more interested in Libya opinions from her privately paid hack than from her envoy on the ground. 2) Hillary tried covering up a terror attack as it took place – an attack that killed an ambassador. 3) Hillary then tried deleting evidence of the cover-up.

All this is without even getting to the bottom as to who in the Obama administration led this cover-up. All this is before mentioning that Hillary took credit (and was given credit) for the U.S. intervention in Libya.
Blog: Hillary covered up a terror attack, Nixon a burglary

And your evidence is to post stuff from a wingnut blog. Good show.
I'm beginning to think the good people this country used to be filled with are all dying out to be replaced with mind-numb idiots that can't figure out when they're being bullshitted. Why else would they want someone back who is a serial rapist, who parties with child-molesters, who pardoned terrorists a few days before he left the White House several years ago. She isn't the solution folks. She's part of the problem in Washington. The sooner they're gone the better.

Yes, that is generally what people say when elections don't go their way.
So, the Democrats have enslaved the GOP.

Even got Republican staging shows for Clinton.

No wonder Conservatives look like Dormammu.


No more RINOs
No more Weak Leadership!
The Weakness must be eradicated!
Fiery and Strong Conservative Principles NOW!!
(Oh my head feels like an atomic bomb went off in it!)​
So, the Democrats have enslaved the GOP.

Even got Republican staging shows for Clinton.

No wonder Conservatives look like Dormammu.


No more RINOs
No more Weak Leadership!
The Weakness must be eradicated!
Fiery and Strong Conservative Principles NOW!!
(Oh my head feels like an atomic bomb went off in it!)​
Nope.......the media is helping the Democrats.

But keep trying dipshit.
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.
or she was confident and simply knew she had nothing to hide and wanted Americans to see such, after all she is running for President....

sure, she probably knew, from reading about their other hearings, that they would make jackasses out of themselves, so that too was to her advantage to have the hearing public....where everyone can hear and see what really is going on....

I'm surprised that Republicans in the hearing even thought for a nano second that their antics and bloviating would work on Hillary?

It was dumb as dumb to approach this hearing in such a toddler like, and amateurish way....where in their 15 minutes of time, they spent 13 minutes of it on themselves and what they speculated and 2 minutes on hillary having an actual question to answer....

The R's simply sucked wind.... Hillary shined compared to them...because of them....
So, the Democrats have enslaved the GOP.

Even got Republican staging shows for Clinton.

No wonder Conservatives look like Dormammu.


No more RINOs
No more Weak Leadership!
The Weakness must be eradicated!
Fiery and Strong Conservative Principles NOW!!
(Oh my head feels like an atomic bomb went off in it!)​
Nope.......the media is helping the Democrats.

But keep trying dipshit.

dipshit--that was not called for!

Any way, I do not need to try to paint the GOP base as angry as hell with their leadership.

You guys state that here every day. You guys even state why as well!!
the media is helping the Democrats.
The Republicans are helping the Democrats get media coverage. What's the point of putting your opponent on TV answering questions they've practiced over and over? It doesn't make sense and backfired just like government shutdown threats did. Any wonder the Republican field is called the clown car?
the media is helping the Democrats.
The Republicans are helping the Democrats get media coverage. What's the point of putting your opponent on TV answering questions they've practiced over and over? It doesn't make sense and backfired just like government shutdown threats did. Any wonder the Republican field is called the clown car?

Nothing the Republicans in Congress do make sense unless they have been co-opted by Democrats or do not plan things.

I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say the GOP has been co-opted.
Hillary was either incompetent, or very loyal to Obamy and took one for the team by getting out front with the Obamy spin narrative. That is not a crime..

What was the crime Hillary is alleged to have committed? The violation of security procedures is perhaps one thing, but after all this time and free ranged investigations that dealt with the deaths then the Ambassadors treatment, then the emails and the classified docs....smells like a fishing expedition to me.
I think Mudwhistle is right here...

Benghazi just needs another few investigations... Everytime we have one Clinton gets a boost...
Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons.


Want a Dramamine with that OP?

"Hillary DEMANDED the Benghazi hearings! She orchestrated the whole thing!!!11"

Gawd, you people are pathetic. Hillary's occupying that empty space between your ears, and she'll never leave.

"The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary"

This belongs in the CT forum.

And anyone who believes this is in need of mental health treatment.

Got one of those for Reagan and the 241 Americans he allowed to be killed because he refused to allow our men to have weapons at the gate of the base. Come on you ass, let's see how you really feel about the killer Reagan. How about killer Bush and Chaney? You going to give them a pass too? Let's see your true colors. If you truly believe that Hillary has blood on her hands then you have to feel the same about Reagan, Bush, and Cheney. If not you are a lying hypocrite using this to further your political ideology, and nothing more. So what is it. Are you going to call out Reagan for the murderer that he was, along with Bush and Cheney? I want to hear you Reagan, Bush, and Cheney murderers. If not, STFU!
Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons.


Want a Dramamine with that OP?

"Hillary DEMANDED the Benghazi hearings! She orchestrated the whole thing!!!11"

Gawd, you people are pathetic. Hillary's occupying that empty space between your ears, and she'll never leave.


Ranks right up there with CrusaderFrank's assertion that the government shutdown in 2013 was actually instigated by Valerie Jarrett.

A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

Careful...Darth Vader's undoubtedly got better polling numbers than anyone in politics. Linking him with Clinton can very easily backfire and...Only make her more powerful than you can possibly imagine. ;)

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