The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary


A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You actually think that the damage these kinds of tricks are doing to this country is a joke?

Hillary was committing treason in Benghazi....that is what the coverup was about. I don't expect the grabasstic Republicans to ever get to the bottom of it.....chickenshit motherfuckers the lot of them.

I would just love it if we had a political opposition that didn't feel like they have to pull a bunch of sneaky tricks to stay in power.

I wondered what happened to the 9/11 truther.
Best way there is to argue against a fact is through ridicule.
That way you don't have to have any facts or truth to your argument.

This is one of the reasons why this country is in such a mess.

The voters that are serious about their right to vote are being replaced with low-information voters that don't know anything and don't care about anything. All they care about is the Kardashians. Is the basketball player that partied with hookers till he lost both his kidneys gonna get back with one of the uglier Kardashian sisters. Will they find true love....or will he end up being dumped again as soon as the celebrity of his illness wears off. Tune in next week and find out.
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"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
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A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

Here's a tip: Learn to lose like man, Muddy.

Stop making excuses for the GOP's epic fail and move on.
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
Well, taking into consideration what happens to people that have had dealings with the clintons and turned into a liability, they're probably DEAD.

"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
Sorry, but half-truths don't work in the real world. We can't prove that Obama is intentionally arming al Qaeda members. We can only assume that it happened by accident. But the problem is, he's still trying to do it. Two weeks ago the fucking idiot dumped a bunch of them into the middle of nowhere and just hoped that the right people would find them. This is not only reckless, but totally insane.

My experience tells me that he's both incompetent and criminally negligent. As long as you know-it-all fuckers keep running around this site providing interference....nobody will know what's really going on. Your job is really just to confuse the issue. Nobody can make heads nor tails of what's going on, and anyone who raises the red-flag gets the chicken little treatment. There is so much lying going on here it's impossible to ascertain the truth.

Who really started the truther scandal.


Why did she do that?

Nobody can say for sure.....but anyone who put any stock into the rumor Hillary started has been labeled a fool.
"TREASON" grrrrrrrr.

Seriously, who the hell came up with the idiot questions the idiot gopers were asking? Even Trey. Does he want to have sex with Blumenthal or what? Hillary did well not to double down on "what does it matter" with "who the fck cares?" LOL
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
Sorry, but half-truths don't work in the real world. We can't prove that Obama is intentionally arming al Qaeda members. We can only assume that it happened by accident. But the problem is, he's still trying to do it. Two weeks ago the fucking idiot dumped a bunch of them into the middle of nowhere and just hoped that the right people would find them. This is not only reckless, but totally insane.

My experience tells me that he's both incompetent and criminally negligent. As long as you know-it-all fuckers keep running around this site providing interference....nobody will know what's really going on. Your job is really just to confuse the issue. Nobody can make heads nor tails of what's going on, and anyone who raises the red-flag gets the chicken little treatment. There is so much lying going on here it's impossible to ascertain the truth.

Who really started the truther scandal.


Why did she do that?

Nobody can say for sure.....but anyone who put any stock into the rumor Hillary started has been labeled a fool.
Muddy! I am focking amazed at your munficant open mindedness is admitting you can't prove Obama was intentionally arming al queda. I mean this is a positive step for you! Congratulations! Perhaps someday you may come to the grips with the unpleasant fact that he not only is an AMERICAN but also not a MUSLIM.

A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You've posted a thread about nothing from an event that turned out to be about nothing.
You should be busying yourself with determining the incompetence of certain Republicans who have wasted $5,000,000 on nothing, and leaved the damned dead horse alone.
Well, that was more honest than what we saw the other day.

She honestly doesn't give a fuck.

BTW, if you're running guns in the Middle-East and fomenting armed aggression against our allies in an attempt to destroy American interests abroad, that's called treason. Too bad 4 people had to die to cover it up. The rest of the witnesses are nowhere to be found.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
Sorry, but half-truths don't work in the real world. We can't prove that Obama is intentionally arming al Qaeda members. We can only assume that it happened by accident. But the problem is, he's still trying to do it. Two weeks ago the fucking idiot dumped a bunch of them into the middle of nowhere and just hoped that the right people would find them. This is not only reckless, but totally insane.

My experience tells me that he's both incompetent and criminally negligent. As long as you know-it-all fuckers keep running around this site providing interference....nobody will know what's really going on. Your job is really just to confuse the issue. Nobody can make heads nor tails of what's going on, and anyone who raises the red-flag gets the chicken little treatment. There is so much lying going on here it's impossible to ascertain the truth.

Who really started the truther scandal.


Why did she do that?

Nobody can say for sure.....but anyone who put any stock into the rumor Hillary started has been labeled a fool.
Muddy! I am focking amazed at your munficant open mindedness is admitting you can't prove Obama was intentionally arming al queda. I mean this is a positive step for you! Congratulations! Perhaps someday you may come to the grips with the unpleasant fact that he not only is an AMERICAN but also not a MUSLIM.
Of course he's not a Muslim......he's an Apostate. He was born one....but doesn't practice the faith. Muslims consider all children of Muslims to be born Muslim.

My nephew is the same. His father is a Muslim from Somalia, but my nephew never even cracked open a Koran or learned Arabic because his father bailed on him when he was 2. Obama's father was out of his life almost immediately.

The difference being that Obama has spent plenty of time learning the religion in Indonesia, when his mother married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro,, but he's not practicing the faith. He's one of those folks that ISIS is executing in Iraq. He's not a good Muslim.

Got any more smart-assed remarks, fucker.

A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

Get your nose out of Orly's Taint.
fokc Muddy, the gop was all for running guns to Syria. You've literally got nothing.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
Sorry, but half-truths don't work in the real world. We can't prove that Obama is intentionally arming al Qaeda members. We can only assume that it happened by accident. But the problem is, he's still trying to do it. Two weeks ago the fucking idiot dumped a bunch of them into the middle of nowhere and just hoped that the right people would find them. This is not only reckless, but totally insane.

My experience tells me that he's both incompetent and criminally negligent. As long as you know-it-all fuckers keep running around this site providing interference....nobody will know what's really going on. Your job is really just to confuse the issue. Nobody can make heads nor tails of what's going on, and anyone who raises the red-flag gets the chicken little treatment. There is so much lying going on here it's impossible to ascertain the truth.

Who really started the truther scandal.


Why did she do that?

Nobody can say for sure.....but anyone who put any stock into the rumor Hillary started has been labeled a fool.
Muddy! I am focking amazed at your munficant open mindedness is admitting you can't prove Obama was intentionally arming al queda. I mean this is a positive step for you! Congratulations! Perhaps someday you may come to the grips with the unpleasant fact that he not only is an AMERICAN but also not a MUSLIM.
Of course he's not a Muslim......he's an Apostate. He was born one....but doesn't practice the faith. Muslims consider all children of Muslims to be born Muslim.

My nephew is the same. His father is a Muslim from Somalia, but my nephew never even cracked open a Koran or learned Arabic because his father bailed on him when he was 2. Obama's father was out of his life almost immediately.

The difference being that Obama has spent plenty of time learning the religion in Indonesia, when his mother married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro,, but he's not practicing the faith. He's one of those folks that ISIS is executing in Iraq. He's not a good Muslim.

Got any more smart-assed remarks, fucker.
Muddy, you fuck tard, I haven't even warmed up for you. But again, admitting you can't PROVE Obama was intentionally arming al queda is a huge step for you. Seriously, no sarcasm intended ... or needed.

A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You've posted a thread about nothing from an event that turned out to be about nothing.
You should be busying yourself with determining the incompetence of certain Republicans who have wasted $5,000,000 on nothing, and leaved the damned dead horse alone.
Actually, you're trivializing the fact that Republicans keep letting these assholes trick them. I won't rehash the details, but for anyone who's paying attention, it's easy to figure out.

I think we can assume that nothing that Democrats do is what it appears. They are deceivers of the first order.

Republicans need to realize that simple fact, and assume that when Hillary says they are her worst enemies (or anyone who supports Republicans).....she means it.
Some members of the GOP are for giving guns to rebels....but not intentionally giving them to al Qaeda and ISIS. And if they are....they're part of the conspiracy.

I have're problem is you never question any of this. The only protection against abusive government we have is to question everything and not assume that all of the strange things that are going on happen by accident, or is happening because it's natural.
Oh bs, no one in either party intentionally armed al queda or isisi, which btw really didn't exist at the time. The problem is not that people won't question, but rather yours and others derangement syndrome. It was a fck up. And that's all it ever will be.

What there is really is that some in the admin and intelligence never believed the "spontaneous protest" story. I think it's close to a smoking gun that Hillary didn't buy it, because she did tell the Egyptian potus it was not a video protest. But, the admin line was to not admit that until the intelligence left them no other choice. And, there is no dispute that the intelligence really was in dispute. Did team Obama do everything they could to keep this from being an issue for Romney? Hell yeah. But, there's no real smoking gun that Hillary intentionally lied to Americans, because when she said there's no justification ever to attack .... that was literally the truth.
Sorry, but half-truths don't work in the real world. We can't prove that Obama is intentionally arming al Qaeda members. We can only assume that it happened by accident. But the problem is, he's still trying to do it. Two weeks ago the fucking idiot dumped a bunch of them into the middle of nowhere and just hoped that the right people would find them. This is not only reckless, but totally insane.

My experience tells me that he's both incompetent and criminally negligent. As long as you know-it-all fuckers keep running around this site providing interference....nobody will know what's really going on. Your job is really just to confuse the issue. Nobody can make heads nor tails of what's going on, and anyone who raises the red-flag gets the chicken little treatment. There is so much lying going on here it's impossible to ascertain the truth.

Who really started the truther scandal.


Why did she do that?

Nobody can say for sure.....but anyone who put any stock into the rumor Hillary started has been labeled a fool.
Muddy! I am focking amazed at your munficant open mindedness is admitting you can't prove Obama was intentionally arming al queda. I mean this is a positive step for you! Congratulations! Perhaps someday you may come to the grips with the unpleasant fact that he not only is an AMERICAN but also not a MUSLIM.
Of course he's not a Muslim......he's an Apostate. He was born one....but doesn't practice the faith. Muslims consider all children of Muslims to be born Muslim.

My nephew is the same. His father is a Muslim from Somalia, but my nephew never even cracked open a Koran or learned Arabic because his father bailed on him when he was 2. Obama's father was out of his life almost immediately.

The difference being that Obama has spent plenty of time learning the religion in Indonesia, when his mother married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro,, but he's not practicing the faith. He's one of those folks that ISIS is executing in Iraq. He's not a good Muslim.

Got any more smart-assed remarks, fucker.
Muddy, you fuck tard, I haven't even warmed up for you. But again, admitting you can't PROVE Obama was intentionally arming al queda is a huge step for you. Seriously, no sarcasm intended ... or needed.
Actually, I never said I could prove it.

But which is worse......intentionally arming them, or doing it repeatedly by accident.

Fucking tool.

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