The end is near for North Korea

What action will be taken against NOKO

  • Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia.

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Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.

Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

Kim & NOKO arbmy.jpg

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen



Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.


The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
Last edited by a moderator:
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

In fact, President Truman was faced with the SAME decision back in 1950 when he decided not to nuke Koreans off the face of the earth and fired General MacArthur for urging we do just that.

North Korea has been a cult willing to fight to the last person for nearly sixty years and we've been containing/appeasing/ignoring them ever since with mixed success.

However, unlike Japan, which actually was an existential threat to the US, the NK army hasn't moved past its borders since 1951 and has yet to attack any country directly. So, there is no actual need to deal with them at all. Just let them continue to bluster and rant until they run out of food.
No war!

Let Kim stew in his juices.
That is what we have done for 60 years Scirock. But this kid is too dangerous to ignore. His stated goal is to mass produce all types of missiles, and I think he wants NOKO to be the world black market arms provider, and will nuke Any one who tries to stop him!
His stated goal is to mass produce all types of missiles, and I think he wants NOKO to be the world black market arms provider, and will nuke Any one who tries to stop him!

North Korea's stated goal has been this for 70 years, with only one little hitch. They can't. Thanks to geography and a history of pissing off their neighbours, North Korea is one of the easiest nations on earth to isolate. All land routes in and out of North Korea are controlled tightly by China and all Sea / Air routes are controlled by the US, Japan, China, and South Korea.

North Korea has no friends in the region who would assist them in facilitating their aspirations of being world-class arms marketers.
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

In fact, President Truman was faced with the SAME decision back in 1950 when he decided not to nuke Koreans off the face of the earth and fired General MacArthur for urging we do just that.

North Korea has been a cult willing to fight to the last person for nearly sixty years and we've been containing/appeasing/ignoring them ever since with mixed success.

However, unlike Japan, which actually was an existential threat to the US, the NK army hasn't moved past its borders since 1951 and has yet to attack any country directly. So, there is no actual need to deal with them at all. Just let them continue to bluster and rant until they run out of food.
Good point about Truman in 1950, I had forgotten about him and MacArther. NOKO hasn't invaded anyone because of USA. Any excuse to finish the job. Eisenhower and JFK were both willing to destroy NOKO, not just contain them. Plus, all,their funding dried up when interest shifted to South East Asia. Better to be a fortress, and now an arms dealer!
I think all of us are hoping for a peaceful solution like killing Kim Jong Un-stable, or China taking over; but the situation just keeps getting worse, and Trump says NO WAY to a Nuclear NOKO!
should have let McCarther off his leash and let him win the war, but Truman was a pussy and went for the tie.

best plan now is to further isolate them and starve them out.
For Sciencerocks:
Dennis Rodman describes '7-star party' lifestyle of Kim Jong-un ...

Oct 21, 2013 ... North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (L) meets with former NBA star Dennis ... Party animal: Kim Jong-un 'likes people to be happy around him'.

Kim Jong Un party paradise: North Korean dictator's resort revealed ...

Apr 22, 2017 ... These aerial pictures show Kim Jong Un's party island– dubbed 'North Korea's Ibiza' – where the nuke-loving dictator entertains his cronies ...

Secret retreat where Kim Jong-un parties in North Korea | Daily Mail ...

Apr 21, 2017 ... This is the secret complex in North Korea where Kim Jong-un ... This is one of Kim Jong-un's party compounds, located near Wonsan, on. +6 ..... Absolutely, a total animal who only thinks of his own benefit, Prashant Modi.
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
View attachment 137072 View attachment 137073
Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

View attachment 137078
View attachment 137076

Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
Japan didn't have nukes. NK does.
His stated goal is to mass produce all types of missiles, and I think he wants NOKO to be the world black market arms provider, and will nuke Any one who tries to stop him!

North Korea's stated goal has been this for 70 years, with only one little hitch. They can't. Thanks to geography and a history of pissing off their neighbours, North Korea is one of the easiest nations on earth to isolate. All land routes in and out of North Korea are controlled tightly by China and all Sea / Air routes are controlled by the US, Japan, China, and South Korea.

North Korea has no friends in the region who would assist them in facilitating their aspirations of being world-class arms marketers.
Interview: Syria, Iran Main Buyers of North Korean ...

Interview: Syria, Iran Main Buyers of North Korean Chemical Weapons. 2013-10-03. Tweet. Print; Share; Comment; Email; ... and North Korea is supplying, training, ...

View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
View attachment 137072 View attachment 137073
Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

View attachment 137078
View attachment 137076

Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
Japan didn't have nukes. NK does.
That has been suggested to force China to act!
Military action will not, and should not, be taken until NK attacks first. It is unlikely IMHO that NK will take such action considering that their destruction would be guaranteed if they did and even if Un is crazy enough to commit suicide I am not so sure that his top generals are so eager to do so.

A military solution is simply untenable with the resulting destruction of millions of people in SK being a given in any military scenario. Whatever weapons NK is or is not developing, they have the largest artillery capability in the world and all of it will target Sol.
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

In fact, President Truman was faced with the SAME decision back in 1950 when he decided not to nuke Koreans off the face of the earth and fired General MacArthur for urging we do just that.

North Korea has been a cult willing to fight to the last person for nearly sixty years and we've been containing/appeasing/ignoring them ever since with mixed success.

However, unlike Japan, which actually was an existential threat to the US, the NK army hasn't moved past its borders since 1951 and has yet to attack any country directly. So, there is no actual need to deal with them at all. Just let them continue to bluster and rant until they run out of food.
Good point about Truman in 1950, I had forgotten about him and MacArther. NOKO hasn't invaded anyone because of USA. Any excuse to finish the job. Eisenhower and JFK were both willing to destroy NOKO, not just contain them. Plus, all,their funding dried up when interest shifted to South East Asia. Better to be a fortress, and now an arms dealer!
I think all of us are hoping for a peaceful solution like killing Kim Jong Un-stable, or China taking over; but the situation just keeps getting worse, and Trump says NO WAY to a Nuclear NOKO!

In fact, the situation hasn't got any worse in 70 years and, in fact, better in some ways. North Korea has been contained by a combination of US/ROK forces and China.

Through the regimes of Kim Il Sun, to his son Kim Jong Il, and his son Kim Jong un, from the cease-fire of the Korean War in 1951 (the war is still officially on) to the present, the world (UN and the US) has had one simple and effective strategy for dealing with NK aggression. The strategy, borrowed from the parents of any spoiled child anywhere, is one of pure appeasement. North Korea will provoke international ire with some act, the world condemns the act, NK threatens to destroy the world, and finally North Korea is rewarded with massive amounts of international aid -- rinse, repeat, cash the check.

This pattern culminated with US capitulation on the issue of nuclear weapons under Bill Clinton. Based on NK threats to develop nuclear weapons in the '90s, the US agreed to remove all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula -- and act that pleased NK and China greatly, Japan and South Korea, not so much. In response to this magnanimous gesture from the US, North Korea promptly went out and developed nuclear weapons (1).

NK has also used this strategy to keep their regime afloat with food aid following ludicrous threats to destroy the world with their missiles and bombs.

NK is often described as 'unpredictable', but anyone who follows the regime's history can see that they're actually quite predictable, as is the world's response to their lunacy.

1. To be fair, NK didn't actually DEVELOP nuclear weapons, but were sold the technology by Pakistan under the guise of a peaceful nuclear program. Not all intelligence agencies are convinced that NK has actually developed a nuke weapon as the seismic activity from their tests is feeble and the telltale signs of airborne nuclear material are often not as expected.

China sees value in having Korea as the proverbial pit bull to keep neighbours out of their yard
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

In fact, President Truman was faced with the SAME decision back in 1950 when he decided not to nuke Koreans off the face of the earth and fired General MacArthur for urging we do just that.

North Korea has been a cult willing to fight to the last person for nearly sixty years and we've been containing/appeasing/ignoring them ever since with mixed success.

However, unlike Japan, which actually was an existential threat to the US, the NK army hasn't moved past its borders since 1951 and has yet to attack any country directly. So, there is no actual need to deal with them at all. Just let them continue to bluster and rant until they run out of food.
Good point about Truman in 1950, I had forgotten about him and MacArther. NOKO hasn't invaded anyone because of USA. Any excuse to finish the job. Eisenhower and JFK were both willing to destroy NOKO, not just contain them. Plus, all,their funding dried up when interest shifted to South East Asia. Better to be a fortress, and now an arms dealer!
I think all of us are hoping for a peaceful solution like killing Kim Jong Un-stable, or China taking over; but the situation just keeps getting worse, and Trump says NO WAY to a Nuclear NOKO!

In fact, the situation hasn't got any worse in 70 years and, in fact, better in some ways. North Korea has been contained by a combination of US/ROK forces and China.

Through the regimes of Kim Il Sun, to his son Kim Jong Il, and his son Kim Jong un, from the cease-fire of the Korean War in 1951 (the war is still officially on) to the present, the world (UN and the US) has had one simple and effective strategy for dealing with NK aggression. The strategy, borrowed from the parents of any spoiled child anywhere, is one of pure appeasement. North Korea will provoke international ire with some act, the world condemns the act, NK threatens to destroy the world, and finally North Korea is rewarded with massive amounts of international aid -- rinse, repeat, cash the check.

This pattern culminated with US capitulation on the issue of nuclear weapons under Bill Clinton. Based on NK threats to develop nuclear weapons in the '90s, the US agreed to remove all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula -- and act that pleased NK and China greatly, Japan and South Korea, not so much. In response to this magnanimous gesture from the US, North Korea promptly went out and developed nuclear weapons (1).

NK has also used this strategy to keep their regime afloat with food aid following ludicrous threats to destroy the world with their missiles and bombs.

NK is often described as 'unpredictable', but anyone who follows the regime's history can see that they're actually quite predictable, as is the world's response to their lunacy.

1. To be fair, NK didn't actually DEVELOP nuclear weapons, but were sold the technology by Pakistan under the guise of a peaceful nuclear program. Not all intelligence agencies are convinced that NK has actually developed a nuke weapon as the seismic activity from their tests is feeble and the telltale signs of airborne nuclear material are often not as expected.

China sees value in having Korea as the proverbial pit bull to keep neighbours out of their yard
China is the clandestine partner of NOKO. It allows them to do all the things that would bring world condemnation if known. China wants to be a trading partner of the world, but the old Mao disregard for human life is still there. China is Dr. Jeckel, and NORKO is Mr. Hyde.
Did you read the 3 sites I posted for you. I don't think so.
The other half of this picture is outlined in my post:
The New Middle East
To understand NOKO intentions and motivation you need to read both. Iran, Syria and North Korea, are the new Axis of evil!
Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

In fact, President Truman was faced with the SAME decision back in 1950 when he decided not to nuke Koreans off the face of the earth and fired General MacArthur for urging we do just that.

North Korea has been a cult willing to fight to the last person for nearly sixty years and we've been containing/appeasing/ignoring them ever since with mixed success.

However, unlike Japan, which actually was an existential threat to the US, the NK army hasn't moved past its borders since 1951 and has yet to attack any country directly. So, there is no actual need to deal with them at all. Just let them continue to bluster and rant until they run out of food.
Good point about Truman in 1950, I had forgotten about him and MacArther. NOKO hasn't invaded anyone because of USA. Any excuse to finish the job. Eisenhower and JFK were both willing to destroy NOKO, not just contain them. Plus, all,their funding dried up when interest shifted to South East Asia. Better to be a fortress, and now an arms dealer!
I think all of us are hoping for a peaceful solution like killing Kim Jong Un-stable, or China taking over; but the situation just keeps getting worse, and Trump says NO WAY to a Nuclear NOKO!

In fact, the situation hasn't got any worse in 70 years and, in fact, better in some ways. North Korea has been contained by a combination of US/ROK forces and China.

Through the regimes of Kim Il Sun, to his son Kim Jong Il, and his son Kim Jong un, from the cease-fire of the Korean War in 1951 (the war is still officially on) to the present, the world (UN and the US) has had one simple and effective strategy for dealing with NK aggression. The strategy, borrowed from the parents of any spoiled child anywhere, is one of pure appeasement. North Korea will provoke international ire with some act, the world condemns the act, NK threatens to destroy the world, and finally North Korea is rewarded with massive amounts of international aid -- rinse, repeat, cash the check.

This pattern culminated with US capitulation on the issue of nuclear weapons under Bill Clinton. Based on NK threats to develop nuclear weapons in the '90s, the US agreed to remove all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula -- and act that pleased NK and China greatly, Japan and South Korea, not so much. In response to this magnanimous gesture from the US, North Korea promptly went out and developed nuclear weapons (1).

NK has also used this strategy to keep their regime afloat with food aid following ludicrous threats to destroy the world with their missiles and bombs.

NK is often described as 'unpredictable', but anyone who follows the regime's history can see that they're actually quite predictable, as is the world's response to their lunacy.

1. To be fair, NK didn't actually DEVELOP nuclear weapons, but were sold the technology by Pakistan under the guise of a peaceful nuclear program. Not all intelligence agencies are convinced that NK has actually developed a nuke weapon as the seismic activity from their tests is feeble and the telltale signs of airborne nuclear material are often not as expected.

China sees value in having Korea as the proverbial pit bull to keep neighbours out of their yard

All your history is irrelevant! This is a new world, with a new cast. You need to read both of my posts,
The New Middle East and The end is near for NOKO to understand the big picture.
And to the other wishful thinkers, it isn't going to go away! This is Armageddon folks!
Any radical solution must be either led by or totally include China in order to be successful and lasting.
The Brave New World!

When it all comes down, I hope it doesn't land on you! Hoyt Axton
The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?
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Besides the fact that North Korea isn't actually in the Middle East, the subject of arms dealing in the Middle East is fairly complex. Up until the 1980's, the major players were the US, USSR, France and Britain. Then China got into the business, then petro-rich states started exporting surplus weapons out of the region to other hot spots around the world. Israel has it's own home-grown arms industry ... from small arms to missiles, fighters and submarines. Pakistan (not in, but allied to Middle Eastern states) developed and exported nuclear technology to whomever could pay. Iran is now a key player in selling both locally developed weapons and Russian technology.

Onto that already crowded chess board comes North Korea, flogging the Hwasong-10 intermediate range ballistic missile. A 60's technology, liquid fuel rocket with a payload of 1,000 Kgs (according to North Korea).

There have been reports that NK has supplied Iran with Hwasong-10 missiles but those reports are unconfirmed and many intelligence agencies are highly skeptical that Iran would purchase an un-tried missile system that competes directly with their own Shahab missile program.

What is more likely is that NK has sold technical details of their Hwasong program to Iran (paid for by the billions of dollars Iran received from the Obama administration). While that would technically make NK a player in the Middle East arms dealing club ... but no one is too interested in nuking the dozens of other members. So, why the panic over the tiny country whose leader arguably has the world's worst haircut?


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