The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
still opining eh? 63 million americans in 30 states knew it.
and more winning by PC and me!


Well, the three of you have that in common - none of you are winning a damn thing.

and yet here you are whining.

You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.

he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?

So? The Nazis won a majority of the Reich stag which enabled Hitler to become Chancellor.

Winning by appealing to the stupid has been the Achille's heel of Democracy since Athens.

To Date America has avoided this, for the most part, until 2016.

Winning isn't everything. Being right is.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
It's also sad that you don't know what winning actually is but then, neither does Trump.
and he's in the white house, so yeah, I'm confident he knows what winning is. And since I helped put him there, I must also know cause he is there.
He is there because - the majority lost. That's known as - not winning. The Trump mandate is - you lost.
son, do you know the constitution and how we elect a president? look it up by electoral college not popular vote. and he took 30 states majority. see lesson free of charge. god I like winning.
The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.
That has to be one of the stupidest posts I've seen yet...and PoliticalChic has some incredibly stupid posts.

Are you saying that I've never read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine or Hamilton?

If so, you are very mistaken.

Have you ever read the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? Or is it being French enough for you to dismiss it?

Did George Washington enforce federal taxation?

Did Hamilton want a much stronger federal government, but decide to champion the Constitution because he thought it was the best he would get?

Who do you think wrote the Constitution, thereby creating a strong Federal government with the power to tax?

While you and your RWNJs focus on the ideas of Stalin and the like, I'll stick with the ideas of the aforementioned.

And yes, U.S. Government school taught us American political philosophy.

Where was your private school? North Korea?

You defend the Clinton's....yet pretend to be oh so "brilliant".....
Tis better to keep your mouth closed and be "thought" a fool that to open it and remove all doubt.

oops...too late for you.
he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
trump has been screwing the little guy all his life,,,,,now he's mr good guy? I don't think so
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
still opining eh? 63 million americans in 30 states knew it.
Just wait. Many of those morons (but not you) will wake up soon enough. It's why 60% of Americans already oppose the Orange Menace. That's not winning.
I'm going home for the day.

I wouldn't want PC and the other RWNJs misconstruing my ending posts for the day as them winning.

Have a good evening to all.
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
trump has been screwing the little guy all his life,,,,,now he's mr good guy? I don't think so
These people are literally too stupid for words. They will believe anything told to them by right-wing propagandists.

The billionaire, out to help the little guy (who made him rich because he fucked them over).
Tell me Gnat, why did the Machrone family hate the Gambino family?

I guess John Gotti could not be Mafia, since he hated and killed others in the Mafia

What the fuck are you babbling about???? Did you miss your nap?

(who the hell were the Machrones???LOL)
Last edited:
The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.

Hillary....the "better person".....
Since you don't know...this is the SAME Hillary Clinton who knowingly accepted the Presidential debate questions from the DNC chair...(amongst 1000 other factual nasty traits of hers)
But HEY...she's all golden to you....figures

f-ing hilarious. Pathetic, sad and delusional....but hilarious

The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.

Hillary....the "better person".....

f-ing hilarious. Pathetic, sad and delusional....but hilarious

There's no honest way you can look at her and not find a better person. She doesn't get sued for ripping people off. And she actually knows how the government works. That's why the majority wanted her not your little king-wannabe Trump.
BHU, got a problem with this?

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."

Yes or no only, please.
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
trump has been screwing the little guy all his life,,,,,now he's mr good guy? I don't think so
nice to see you thinking at least.
I'm going home for the day.

I wouldn't want PC and the other RWNJs misconstruing my ending posts for the day as them winning.

Have a good evening to all.
I'm going home as well in ten minutes. have a great night.
The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.

Hillary....the "better person".....
Since you don't know...this is the SAME Hillary Clinton who knowingly accepted the Presidential debate questions from the DNC chair...(amongst 1000 other factual nasty traits of hers)
But HEY...she's all golden to you....figures

f-ing hilarious. Pathetic, sad and delusional....but hilarious

why? you think the guy in our wh who has been f-ing over people his whole life is a better person ? Are you on drugs?
The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.

Hillary....the "better person".....
Since you don't know...this is the SAME Hillary Clinton who knowingly accepted the Presidential debate questions from the DNC chair...(amongst 1000 other factual nasty traits of hers)
But HEY...she's all golden to you....figures

f-ing hilarious. Pathetic, sad and delusional....but hilarious

why? you think the guy in our wh who has been f-ing over people his whole life is a better person ? Are you on drugs?
how did he get there if you're so certain of that opine?
The Electoral College is undemocratic. Trump won the morons like you but lost to the better person. She got more votes.

Hillary....the "better person".....
Since you don't know...this is the SAME Hillary Clinton who knowingly accepted the Presidential debate questions from the DNC chair...(amongst 1000 other factual nasty traits of hers)
But HEY...she's all golden to you....figures

f-ing hilarious. Pathetic, sad and delusional....but hilarious

why? you think the guy in our wh who has been f-ing over people his whole life is a better person ? Are you on drugs?
how did he get there if you're so certain of that opine?
Because loud-mouthed assholes like you think he's a God.
What the fuck are you babbling about???? Did you miss your nap?

I'm developing a new tool to deal with Leftist Lemming Liberal Morons....
It's called the Internet Bitch Slap..........Stay at your computer....I'll be testing it soon......

Thank God for - adblock. And idiots like you two are why the Founders didn't let the ditch-diggers vote.
What the fuck are you babbling about???? Did you miss your nap?

I'm developing a new tool to deal with Leftist Lemming Liberal Morons....
It's called the Internet Bitch Slap..........Stay at your computer....I'll be testing it soon......


The above poster is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia".........As trump would say,"SAD"...LOL

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