The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

Now we have you of the fascist left who are benighted dolts who are influenced by the writing of Marx, Lenin, and Pol Pot.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

So you have actually never read anything from Payne, Jefferson, or Mason. :thup:

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.


Does it hurt to be that stupid.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

Right bite boi, I mean it's not like George Washington was literally the richest man in the nation...

They supported central government and taxation.

Particularly the anti-federalists, brite boi... :thup:

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

Herpaderpity derp indeed.


Unbelievable, huh?

Government school indoctrination is indelible.

He literally represents the level of knowledge that the average democrat has. These are people who have utterly no idea what this nation was founded on, nor what it is they are advocating for.

How does a Stalin type dictator differ from a King? How do bureau chiefs differ from Earls or Barons? Ignorant fools like Richard H advocate for a return to the feudalism that America finally found escape from. He not only willingly rushes back into chains, he violently opposes those who would guide him away from the chains he so desires.

That has to be one of the stupidest posts I've seen yet...and PoliticalChic has some incredibly stupid posts.

Are you saying that I've never read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine or Hamilton?

If so, you are very mistaken.

Have you ever read the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? Or is it being French enough for you to dismiss it?

Did George Washington enforce federal taxation?

Did Hamilton want a much stronger federal government, but decide to champion the Constitution because he thought it was the best he would get?

Who do you think wrote the Constitution, thereby creating a strong Federal government with the power to tax?

While you and your RWNJs focus on the ideas of Stalin and the like, I'll stick with the ideas of the aforementioned.

And yes, U.S. Government school taught us American political philosophy.

Where was your private school? North Korea?
and more winning by PC and me!


Well, the three of you have that in common - none of you are winning a damn thing.

and yet here you are whining.

You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.

he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?

The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
We'll leave it up to the readers, .....OK?
PC is to debate what a copy machine is - to debate.
look more of righty showing how he's getting spanked by PC. too fking funny.

Spanked by her? Impossible. That's not an option for Copy and Paste.
and you keep going. wow dude. you got absolutely nothing to support yourself but your insults.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
PC is to debate what a copy machine is - to debate.
look more of righty showing how he's getting spanked by PC. too fking funny.

Spanked by her? Impossible. That's not an option for Copy and Paste.
and you keep going. wow dude. you got absolutely nothing to support yourself but your insults.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
the previous president when he put a red line in the sand and walked backward

The line needed to be drawn and even our current President saw the necessity in an attack that was by magnitude 10 times less deadly as the one Obama was responding to. But Obama should have known the hypocritical Republicans would never have his back.

No support from Congress. A no vote by the UK. Republicans overwhelmingly rejected a military strike by Obama, but overwhelmingly supported Trumps even though the magnitude of the Chemical attack was so much less. Nope the GOP left Obama with his dick swinging in the wind. Even still there were war ships heading for the Syrian coast for a strike (like the one Trump authorized I bet) when Kerry made them an offer Putin couldn't refuse.

Seems you've decided to ignore this....his roiling the Middle East due to duplicity, incompetence and his being a crypto-Islamist:

Obama made a huge mistake in refusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.
This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean."
[Yeah....he really said that!]
Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”
Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.

Effectively, he created and supported ISIS.

I knew where the snake's interests lay when I saw this....and not a single bomb or missile from the US:

View attachment 133282

I think you're missing a page.

But for what it's worth, why didn't President Bush secure a long term agreement for a residual force in 2008 when he was forced into negotiating the SOFA that set the time table for our complete withdrawal from their country?

Well, the three of you have that in common - none of you are winning a damn thing.

and yet here you are whining.

You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.

he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?

The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.

yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

look more of righty showing how he's getting spanked by PC. too fking funny.

Spanked by her? Impossible. That's not an option for Copy and Paste.
and you keep going. wow dude. you got absolutely nothing to support yourself but your insults.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
Well, the three of you have that in common - none of you are winning a damn thing.
and yet here you are whining.
You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.
he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bothered to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.

And haw many thousands of job and have drifted off to Mexico since he was appointed POTUS?
and more winning by PC and me!


Well, the three of you have that in common - none of you are winning a damn thing.

and yet here you are whining.

You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.

he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?

Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known
Michael Riley
Jordan Robertson
June 13, 2017, 5:00 AM EDT
  • Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases
  • A ‘red phone’ warning to the Kremlin from Obama White House

Russians Breach 39 States in Election Cyberattack

Russian Election Cyberattack Breached 39 U.S. States

Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed, including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported.

In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.
Spanked by her? Impossible. That's not an option for Copy and Paste.
and you keep going. wow dude. you got absolutely nothing to support yourself but your insults.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
It's also sad that you don't know what winning actually is but then, neither does Trump.
and yet here you are whining.
You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.
he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her
look at this pathetic pos, no evidence to support a claim the president is a traitor. Only in america. now I see why the guy went off yesterday, you must encourage others. we'll have to watch out for thr lefty crazies who where tin foil russia hats.

When Trump publicly encouraged the Russian government to hack Clinton, it was treasonous.

You imbecile....he said it the way a baseball fan says 'Kill the umpire!"

If he actually meant it....the way I mean that you're an imbecile.....would he have said it out loud?????????

People as stupid as you and Trump tend to say stupid things...and mean it.

If Trump was stupid enough to say this...even in jest...he's too stupid to be President.

And if you support him, your too stupid for words.

But we all knew that already.
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.
Isn't one of the charges against historians is that they are liberal communists?
and you keep going. wow dude. you got absolutely nothing to support yourself but your insults.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
It's also sad that you don't know what winning actually is but then, neither does Trump.
and he's in the white house, so yeah, I'm confident he knows what winning is. And since I helped put him there, I must also know cause he is there.
I have what founded this nation. What you got, little man?
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
It's also sad that you don't know what winning actually is but then, neither does Trump.
and he's in the white house, so yeah, I'm confident he knows what winning is. And since I helped put him there, I must also know cause he is there.
He is there because - the majority lost. That's known as - not winning. The Trump mandate is - you lost.
America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

Now we have you of the fascist left who are benighted dolts who are influenced by the writing of Marx, Lenin, and Pol Pot.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

So you have actually never read anything from Payne, Jefferson, or Mason. :thup:

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.


Does it hurt to be that stupid.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

Right bite boi, I mean it's not like George Washington was literally the richest man in the nation...

They supported central government and taxation.

Particularly the anti-federalists, brite boi... :thup:

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

Herpaderpity derp indeed.


Unbelievable, huh?

Government school indoctrination is indelible.

He literally represents the level of knowledge that the average democrat has. These are people who have utterly no idea what this nation was founded on, nor what it is they are advocating for.

How does a Stalin type dictator differ from a King? How do bureau chiefs differ from Earls or Barons? Ignorant fools like Richard H advocate for a return to the feudalism that America finally found escape from. He not only willingly rushes back into chains, he violently opposes those who would guide him away from the chains he so desires.

That has to be one of the stupidest posts I've seen yet...and PoliticalChic has some incredibly stupid posts.

Are you saying that I've never read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine or Hamilton?

If so, you are very mistaken.

Have you ever read the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? Or is it being French enough for you to dismiss it?

Did George Washington enforce federal taxation?

Did Hamilton want a much stronger federal government, but decide to champion the Constitution because he thought it was the best he would get?

Who do you think wrote the Constitution, thereby creating a strong Federal government with the power to tax?

While you and your RWNJs focus on the ideas of Stalin and the like, I'll stick with the ideas of the aforementioned.

And yes, U.S. Government school taught us American political philosophy.

Where was your private school? North Korea?
one of the stupidest posts ever?

And then you post that? dude too funny, you topped your own stupid comment.
You mean - winning. Whatever Trump tries fails.
he beat 18 GOP candidates and then spanked the democrat who felt owned the position. I say that is a lot of winning, then he got a SCOTUS in, deregulated the industries, got the stock market at it's highest ever, got a coal mine opened in Pennsylvania for the first time in a generation. Now tell me what he's lost exactly?
The Supreme Court is the same as when Scalia was alive, and the rest of your list is - horseshit.
yep and he got to replace him, not a demogogger.

and then there is this which calls you a liar :
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
"President Trump lauded the opening of the nation's first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. - outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration."

And the only way that gets opened is for trump's deregulation. so see, winning is easy and fun.

70 jobs? Sorry, I cant' be bother to care. If that's all that Trump can win between now and hie impeachment we might as well just talk football.
I know because you don't give a shit about middle class workers. Trump does. hitlery didn't either and lost. funny how that fking works at election time. and now here you are all butt hurt whining on a message board. you're so mature.
The billionaire, who loves the little guy. Spare us. Total bullshit.
So do I. I live here, I voted for the guy that is now the president based on the founders constitution. And now I have you butt-hurt that you have nothing to say.
I doubt that Trump has ever read the Constitution and his understanding of it is as pathetic as yours.
ahh see butt hurt, that is nothing but opining bubba. just shows again me kicking your ass.
It's also sad that you don't know what winning actually is but then, neither does Trump.
and he's in the white house, so yeah, I'm confident he knows what winning is. And since I helped put him there, I must also know cause he is there.
He is there because - the majority lost. That's known as - not winning. The Trump mandate is - you lost.
son, do you know the constitution and how we elect a president? look it up by electoral college not popular vote. and he took 30 states majority. see lesson free of charge. god I like winning.
Actually, the American people won.

LOL (well, a minority did)

The Democrat outpaced PresidentTrump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

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