The end of all your freedoms

I can picture the Qtards in this topic googling like crazy right now, trying to find evidence a CBDC is going to steal their cash. :lol:
I can picture the Qtards in this topic googling like crazy right now, trying to find evidence a CBDC is going to steal their cash. :lol:
They don't have to...It's a communist move....#5 in the ten pillars of communism, so on that alone....NO.
But if you have a dollar in your hand, it is still yours to spend, however much that is worth. But if you put it in a bank, it is no longer your money, it is the banks.
This is complete horseshit. Your deposits in the bank are a liability to the bank. It's your money and you can demand it back any time you wish.

In fact, you get it back every time you use your debit card to make a purchase.
So no explanation by you or anyone else what a CBDC is and how it will steal your cash.

Didn't think so.
I already said....It's a communist model centralized banking system, that could determine how much money you keep, or they redistribute....It's bull shit...
It doesn't even take a brain to follow this trail.

Today some of the credit card companies track your purchases and send those to the Government.
Certain medicines, firearms, air travel to DC - etc.

(Cash it's a little harder.)

Next -

The people administrating the Digital Currency can eliminate the credit card step.
Track it themselves and decline purchases that they don't agree with.

Want to buy firearms - currency declined.
Want to but a gas guzzler vehicle - currency declined.

This is actually the easy part; it gets harder from here.

The President's son, Don Junior, recently had his bank account closed because he was operating a media business that wasn't Democrat Media Bubble Cult approved.
I bet all the naysayers are the same ones that pay for everything with a debit card or use their phones for same. They want to be controlled. I bet they whine like little bitches when their debit card gets hacked.

Full disclosure....I tried that route till my card was hacked twice....Fuck that noise, I never activated the new one they sent me, went back to cash, and never looked back.

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