The end of all your freedoms


What is the CBDC for and how will it steal your cash?

Entertain us with your hilarious paranoid ignorance. Please!
Without cash, the government can track and control every dime you spend.
True enough Dook, but it would require huge expenditures by government employees hired and paid with taxpayers' money.

Do you'all really think that government cares about how you spend your money? They would already know anyway by referring to statistical evidence such as how much money Americans spend on buying guns, for one example. Cars, real estate, ammuntition, etc??
True enough Dook, but it would require huge expenditures by government employees hired and paid with taxpayers' money.

Do you'all really think that government cares about how you spend your money? They would already know anyway by referring to statistical evidence such as how much money Americans spend on buying guns, for one example. Cars, real estate, ammuntition, etc??

Naive beyond all reason
True enough Dook, but it would require huge expenditures by government employees hired and paid with taxpayers' money.

Do you'all really think that government cares about how you spend your money? They would already know anyway by referring to statistical evidence such as how much money Americans spend on buying guns, for one example. Cars, real estate, ammuntition, etc??
No it would not

It would be cheap and easy as it would all be tracked by computer.

Of course they care. That siproven fact. They demand to know every detail of your life.

Asset forteiture WITHOUT any conviction charges or indictment, A cop pulls you over for a bad taillight, does a search and finds a bunch of cash they TAKE it ( steal it ) without any justification or explanation.

Using the war on drugs as an excuse they passsed laws REQUIRING banks to report any transaction over $20,000. When many people simpply lowered their transactions to $19,000 or less they altered the limit to $10,000. Now people simply conduct transaction of 9,000 or less so they pressure banks to report any transactions of $5,000 or more.

Recently they proposed making banks report any transaction of $600 or more. Luckily it was defeated but only a fool would miss the trend. They want access to every detail of every dime you spend and were you got the dime.

CDBC simply makes this easy and wipes out all the obstacles.
This is how much of an idiot fraud he is.

The C is literally for currency, but he thinks that it has nothing to do with money.

The story is about restricting freedoms not stealing money.

Well, that WAS fun.
This is how much of an idiot fraud he is.

The C is literally for currency, but he thinks that it has nothing to do with money.

The story is about restricting freedoms not stealing money.

Well, that WAS fun.
Stealing money IS restricting freedom and vice versa

What is the CBDC for and how will it steal your cash?

Entertain us with your hilarious paranoid ignorance. Please!
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a "national bank" and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
This is how much of an idiot fraud he is.

The C is literally for currency, but he thinks that it has nothing to do with money.

The story is about restricting freedoms not stealing money.

Well, that WAS fun.
Tell us how the CBDC restricts your freedoms.

So much fun!

Must start with digital currency.


As we see with the dollar, the government can take as much of it from you as it wants via inflation. The more money they spend, the higher the inflation.

But if you have a dollar in your hand, it is still yours to spend, however much that is worth. But if you put it in a bank, it is no longer your money, it is the banks.

And as we have seen with bank failure, once the banks go bad your money disappears, unless the Federal government agrees to reimbruse you, which it does to a certain amount of money.

But with digital currency, you have no money in hand. All you will have is digital currency the government owns. In fact, they have to agree to let you use it. For example, if you spend dollars in a way they don't want you to, they can withhold those funds. As we saw with the Fuhrer Trudy in Canada, if you act in ways the government does not like, such as a trucker protest, they will just seize all y our digital assets as you become penniless overnight.
Rightwing demagoguery and nonsense.
No it would not

It would be cheap and easy as it would all be tracked by computer.

Of course they care. That siproven fact. They demand to know every detail of your life.

Asset forteiture WITHOUT any conviction charges or indictment, A cop pulls you over for a bad taillight, does a search and finds a bunch of cash they TAKE it ( steal it ) without any justification or explanation.

Using the war on drugs as an excuse they passsed laws REQUIRING banks to report any transaction over $20,000. When many people simpply lowered their transactions to $19,000 or less they altered the limit to $10,000. Now people simply conduct transaction of 9,000 or less so they pressure banks to report any transactions of $5,000 or more.
Why, in your brain, would government want to know about transactions over 20,000?
Recently they proposed making banks report any transaction of $600 or more. Luckily it was defeated but only a fool would miss the trend. They want access to every detail of every dime you spend and were you got the dime.

CDBC simply makes this easy and wipes out all the obstacles.
Between me and you, and don't tell Dook, government already knows as much as it wants to know about your spending habits. Unless Dook is trying to suggest his 'personal' spending habits, and that would just be more of his fkng arrogance.

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