The End of the Christian Right

Yes, I do know what it is.

Do you? I think we already established you don't.
Your 'side' has won? So you're an oppressor now forcing your moral views down a minorities throat whether they like it or not? Gee, imagine that. The hypocrisy never ends with you people.

The counter-culture of the left has waged a 50 year war on ethics, integrity and values. I wouldn't say they've won, not by a long shot, but ethics are passe' in about half of the American people. Communists like Dragon, who seek the destruction of the Republic, cheer such a decline and hope that it has reached critical mass, so as to be used as a basis for ending representative governance and establishing an authoritarian dictatorship - which is the goal of the left.

Force is the only tool the left has. Everything in their agenda depends on force. The economic programs that reduce 99% of the population to sustenance level existence with no opportunity to rise above ones station require force, violence to keep people in poverty. The social programs that destroy the family unit, as family garners loyalty among members that exceeds the state, so must be destroyed, also require force.

The brave new world of Dragon, which is identical to the decayed old world of Stalin and Pol Pot, is one of brutality, violence and despair. Building such a world requires force.
I am not afraid. Why should I be? My side has won.

Your 'side' has won? So you're an oppressor now forcing your moral views down a minorities throat whether they like it or not?

Care to explain how you get from one to the other logically? Sure ain't obvious to me.

I guess if you WANT to be a raped wife, or if you WANT to be a gay-basher, or if you WANT those glass ceilings and shit like that, then yes, we're forcing our moral views down your throat whether you like it or not. Tell you what, though. If you want your husband to be able to rape you whenever he pleases, that's between you and him. You have to bring a complaint before the new morality goes into effect. You want to live under the old one? You still can.
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koshergirl has so failed miserably here to support her points.

She has the right to BELIEVE as she wants, but her opinion has no moral bearing on the correctness of the point.

Her thinking is that of those cried to free Barabas when only the week before they cheered Jesus.

Amazing personality, koshergirl.
koshergirl has so failed miserably here to support her points.

She has the right to BELIEVE as she wants, but her opinion has no moral bearing on the correctness of the point.

Her thinking is that of those cried to free Barabas when only the week before they cheered Jesus.

Amazing personality, koshergirl.

Can anybody say "Home schooled"? :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, not homeschooled at all. I went to some pretty amazing schools. My high school biology teacher was a teacher of the year, in fact...

I attended 3 high schools...including this one:

Los Alamos High School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My grade schools were also top notch in the nation. My lit teacher in college turned down a position at Stanford, and I aced science in college as well.

Additionally, I worked on school newspapers the whole time I went to grade, middle and high school, through college, and did a couple of stints as a reporter and columnist for an award winning paper later.

So spare me your sneers. The lack of education is indeed evident on this page, as it is on every page where the yahoos come out to proclaim themselves the last word on all things "scientific" and "factual". Look at any of Drock's, Starkey's, Loki's, Gaddawg's, Rtard, tm's, even Huggy's posts, you'll see the deplorable lack of education that seems to characterize the loudest lefty voices on this site.
koshergirl has so failed miserably here to support her points.

She has the right to BELIEVE as she wants, but her opinion has no moral bearing on the correctness of the point.

Her thinking is that of those cried to free Barabas when only the week before they cheered Jesus.

Amazing personality, koshergirl.

Can anybody say "Home schooled"?

Yes, she is.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, not homeschooled at all. I went to some pretty amazing schools. My high school biology teacher was a teacher of the year, in fact...

I attended 3 high schools...including this one:

Los Alamos High School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My grade schools were also top notch in the nation. My lit teacher in college turned down a position at Stanford, and I aced science in college as well.

Additionally, I worked on school newspapers the whole time I went to grade, middle and high school, through college, and did a couple of stints as a reporter and columnist for an award winning paper later.

So spare me your sneers. The lack of education is indeed evident on this page, as it is on every page where the yahoos come out to proclaim themselves the last word on all things "scientific" and "factual". Look at any of Drock's, Starkey's, Loki's, Gaddawg's, Rtard, tm's, even Huggy's posts, you'll see the deplorable lack of education that seems to characterize the loudest lefty voices on this site.

You have no ability to critically think is the point here.

You are the deplorably educated far right evangelical who knows nothing of which she prats.
I'm quite well educated.

And via a formal opposed to Wiki, PBS and the History Channel. Unlike you and your buddies.
And I actually took a class in critical thinking, and got CREDIT for it.

Unlike you.
I'm quite well educated.

And via a formal opposed to Wiki, PBS and the History Channel. Unlike you and your buddies.

Au contraire, you have shown yourself to possess a pathological depravity that inflicts her personal opinions as God given belief to rule over other people.

You are the ultimate narcissist.
And you condemned wikipedia usage in another thread?

Hypocritical, hmmm?

:lol: You did not learn how to critically think and account for your bias, koshergirl.
Silly, I'm not using wiki to prove a point or establish science.

I'm just linking to some information about my alma mater.
That's a compliment coming from the Prince of Deflection.

Why are we talking about wiki?

Oh, I know, DEFLECTION .... a diversion from JS getting his butt spanked all rosy...
You were the one who condemned the use of wiki.

You are the one who will chose baby over mother every time.

You are the one who cannot bend at all.

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I never chose a baby over a mother.

Please link me doing that.

I condemn the use of wiki as a primary source when you are arguing a point. I wasn't arguing a point, just linking my school. Didn't I explain that once? Were YOU homeschooled, perhaps? Or are you just drunk again?
I never chose a baby over a mother.

Please link me doing that.

I condemn the use of wiki as a primary source when you are arguing a point. I wasn't arguing a point, just linking my school. Didn't I explain that once? Were YOU homeschooled, perhaps? Or are you just drunk again?

If you support carrying every child to term, then, yes, you support killing. That's the point, kg, this not a black and white issue. Can you see that?

You condemned wiki. I agree that it should not be used as a primary source, and I am glad you finally got on board.

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