The End of the 'Trump Loves Putin' Argument


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
As the saying goes, to know that the Left is doing, just look at what they blame on the other side.

Soooo.....they made up the Trump-Putin-Collusion argument.....notice how they're no longer using the term 'collusion'....

....when the only folks with known links to the Kremlin are know, beside the Clintons and Podestas,....there was the guy who was gonna be more 'flexible.'

In any case.....there's this news:

"Trump defies Putin and agrees to sell Ukraine scores of Javelin anti-tank missiles which are capable of blasting Russia's armor off the battlefield
  • Trump's State Department approves export of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launch units to Ukraine
  • Its military is in a tense standoff with Russia's after annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and Putin's forces have advanced T-14 battle tanks at their disposal
  • Trump had avoided sending 'lethal' weaponry to Ukraine until now but missiles systems could arrived within two months"
Trump approves anti-tank missiles for Ukraine as they face Putin | Daily Mail Online

Remember all those disgusting cartoons of Trump servicing Putin...?

They've become boomerangs.

ldSchool, post: 19421315, member: 39852]How ‘bout them unanimously voted for sanctions?[/QUOTE]

So, you opine that this..

"Trump defies Putin and agrees to sell Ukraine scores of Javelin anti-tank missiles which are capable of blasting Russia's armor off the battlefield" a sign of fealty to the Kremlin?

Don't you get it? Putin has this point. He has sown discord and dissension in this country. His cyber attack on social media and our institutions has been successful.

Without entering the debate of how much Putin may have contributed to Trump's win, Trump's obstinate refusal to condemn Russia or Putin or enforce sanctions, is a win for Putin no matter how you divide the stronganoff.

However, the real reason for Trump's action lies in his current political woes. Trump will do or say anything to deflect attention away from him.

That is the danger of Trump.
Don't you get it? Putin has this point. He has sown discord and dissension in this country. His cyber attack on social media and our institutions has been successful.

Without entering the debate of how much Putin may have contributed to Trump's win, Trump's obstinate refusal to condemn Russia or Putin or enforce sanctions, is a win for Putin no matter how you divide the stronganoff.

However, the real reason for Trump's action lies in his current political woes. Trump will do or say anything to deflect attention away from him.

That is the danger of Trump
Turn off CNN...just for a will thank me...
Ukraine is full of Nazis. To send weapons to Ukraine is the same as to send weapons to ISIS.

One day you all will figure it out, may be after International Tribunal starts judging Obama's administration+Soros+McCain and their puppets (who overthrew the legitimate Ukrainian president and are currently controlling Ukraine) for all their war crimes.

You don't live in Ukraine and "know" about it only from your "free" Media, but I do and know about it a lot more than any other American.
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Ukraine is ful of Nazis. Ti send weapons to Ukraine is the same as to send weapons to ISIS
I've been posting on this board for years now...and that is the stupidest post I've ever read here...Just sayin...
Don't you get it? Putin has this point. He has sown discord and dissension in this country. His cyber attack on social media and our institutions has been successful.

Without entering the debate of how much Putin may have contributed to Trump's win, Trump's obstinate refusal to condemn Russia or Putin or enforce sanctions, is a win for Putin no matter how you divide the stronganoff.

However, the real reason for Trump's action lies in his current political woes. Trump will do or say anything to deflect attention away from him.

That is the danger of Trump.

" much Putin may have contributed to Trump's win,..."

You're not serious....are you????

Have you heard of the 'dossier'?
It was created to sink the Trump candidacy.

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Ukraine is full of Nazis. To send weapons to Ukraine is the same as to send weapons to ISIS.

Actually, we did send weapons to the pre-ISIS.....and for exactly the same reasons we're sending them to the Ukraine today.

A lesson in political science for you:

Lord Palmerston quote:
“Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”
One just has to wonder: How many of President Trump's actions are reactions to constantly being accused by the left, that he is "soft" on the Russians? Will the left goad him into engaging in an all-out nuclear war with Russia, and will there still be any Democrats around to take the blame for it?
One just has to wonder: How many of President Trump's actions are reactions to constantly being accused by the left, that he is "soft" on the Russians? Will the left goad him into engaging in an all-out nuclear war with Russia, and will there still be any Democrats around to take the blame for it?
Psh we can't even get him to put sanctions on them for subverting our elections
One just has to wonder: How many of President Trump's actions are reactions to constantly being accused by the left, that he is "soft" on the Russians? Will the left goad him into engaging in an all-out nuclear war with Russia, and will there still be any Democrats around to take the blame for it?
Psh we can't even get him to put sanctions on them for subverting our elections

That’s what the Washington Post is reporting:

“The Russians have gotten past the phase where they thought with President Trump they would be able to move the relationship in a different direction,” said Thomas Graham, senior director for Russia on the George W. Bush National Security Council staff and now managing director at Kissinger Associates Inc.

“This is qualitatively worse than any post-Cold War period,” Graham said."
Russia sees Trump as 'lost cause'

You must be feelin' pretty stoooooopppppid,huh?
One just has to wonder: How many of President Trump's actions are reactions to constantly being accused by the left, that he is "soft" on the Russians? Will the left goad him into engaging in an all-out nuclear war with Russia, and will there still be any Democrats around to take the blame for it?
Psh we can't even get him to put sanctions on them for subverting our elections

I'm still waiting to hear exactly how they "subverted" your election because if you have proof of that, you need to get in touch with Mueller, ASAP.
As the saying goes, to know that the Left is doing, just look at what they blame on the other side.

Soooo.....they made up the Trump-Putin-Collusion argument.....notice how they're no longer using the term 'collusion'....

....when the only folks with known links to the Kremlin are know, beside the Clintons and Podestas,....there was the guy who was gonna be more 'flexible.'

In any case.....there's this news:

"Trump defies Putin and agrees to sell Ukraine scores of Javelin anti-tank missiles which are capable of blasting Russia's armor off the battlefield
  • Trump's State Department approves export of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launch units to Ukraine
  • Its military is in a tense standoff with Russia's after annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and Putin's forces have advanced T-14 battle tanks at their disposal
  • Trump had avoided sending 'lethal' weaponry to Ukraine until now but missiles systems could arrived within two months"
Trump approves anti-tank missiles for Ukraine as they face Putin | Daily Mail Online

Remember all those disgusting cartoons of Trump servicing Putin...?

They've become boomerangs.

This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool.

Even with our best equipment the Ukraine is no match for Russia. But a Ukraine that is seen as a "threat" to Russia makes Putin's position stronger.

Putin would gladly sacrifice a few of his soldiers to solidify his power.
As the saying goes, to know that the Left is doing, just look at what they blame on the other side.

Soooo.....they made up the Trump-Putin-Collusion argument.....notice how they're no longer using the term 'collusion'....

....when the only folks with known links to the Kremlin are know, beside the Clintons and Podestas,....there was the guy who was gonna be more 'flexible.'

In any case.....there's this news:

"Trump defies Putin and agrees to sell Ukraine scores of Javelin anti-tank missiles which are capable of blasting Russia's armor off the battlefield
  • Trump's State Department approves export of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launch units to Ukraine
  • Its military is in a tense standoff with Russia's after annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and Putin's forces have advanced T-14 battle tanks at their disposal
  • Trump had avoided sending 'lethal' weaponry to Ukraine until now but missiles systems could arrived within two months"
Trump approves anti-tank missiles for Ukraine as they face Putin | Daily Mail Online

Remember all those disgusting cartoons of Trump servicing Putin...?

They've become boomerangs.

This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool.

Even with our best equipment the Ukraine is no match for Russia. But a Ukraine that is seen as a "threat" to Russia makes Putin's position stronger.

Putin would gladly sacrifice a few of his soldiers to solidify his power.

"This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool. "

If there was ever any doubt that you are an imbecile...this post cements the view.

"Andrew Weiss, who held senior Russia policy positions during both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, echoed this view. “The Russians basically see the Trump administration as a lost cause,” he told the Post.

This news should put the final nail in the Russia collusion story. If Russia had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, I assume it would not consider his administration a lost cause. Rather, it would be confident it could use that evidence to influence Trump administration policy. U.S.-Russia relations would not be “qualitatively worse than [during] any post-Cold War period.”

Are Graham and Weiss exaggerating? I don’t think so. Consider these facts noted by the Post, facts that give the lie to the claim by Post reporters that former president Obama was tougher on Russia that President Trump:

U.S. defense officials have consistently cited Russia as the most significant strategic threat to the United States, and the primary reason to build up its defense budget.

Gen. John Hyten, who leads U.S. Strategic Command, said in a speech Wednesday that Russia poses “the only existential threat to the country.”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that there will be no warming of relations with Russia until it abandons its 2014 annexation of Crimea, something Russia has vowed never to do. The administration has reversed an Obama-era prohibition against providing lethal weapons to the Ukrainian military. In the first major implementation of that decision, it notified Congress on Thursday of plans to sell 210 antitank missiles to Ukraine.

Tillerson has also come down increasingly hard on Russia for failing to control the brutal attacks against civilians by the government of President Bashar al-Assad that it supports in Syria. . . .

Both the United States and Russia have now outlined expansions of their nuclear arsenals, and it remains unclear whether New START, the primary arms-reduction treaty in effect between the two, will remain viable beyond its expiration date of 2021. Each has also charged the other with violations of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty."
Russia sees Trump as 'lost cause'
One just has to wonder: How many of President Trump's actions are reactions to constantly being accused by the left, that he is "soft" on the Russians? Will the left goad him into engaging in an all-out nuclear war with Russia, and will there still be any Democrats around to take the blame for it?
Psh we can't even get him to put sanctions on them for subverting our elections

I'm still waiting to hear exactly how they "subverted" your election because if you have proof of that, you need to get in touch with Mueller, ASAP.
He's already on it. Plenty has already been proven.
"This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool. "

If there was ever any doubt that you are an imbecile...this post cements the view.

I cannot help it if you are too stupid to understand basic military strategy. This weapon system from us does not make the Ukraine the equal to the Russian army, but it does make them more of a threat back home for Putin to use to his advantage to gain even more power.

Trump helped Putin by selling these weapons to the Ukraine.

Russia is the only existential threat to the country, but somehow you think the Ukraine is now a match for do you drive a car being this dumb?
"This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool. "

If there was ever any doubt that you are an imbecile...this post cements the view.

I cannot help it if you are too stupid to understand basic military strategy. This weapon system from us does not make the Ukraine the equal to the Russian army, but it does make them more of a threat back home for Putin to use to his advantage to gain even more power.

Trump helped Putin by selling these weapons to the Ukraine.

Russia is the only existential threat to the country, but somehow you think the Ukraine is now a match for do you drive a car being this dumb?

You cannot, it seems, help your imbecility.

"The Trump administration signaled Thursday that it plans to sell the Ukrainian government Javelin antitank missiles, a weapon Ukrainian troops could use in combat against Russian-backed separatists.

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of Ukraine,” the State Department’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement. “The Javelin system will help Ukraine build its long-term defense capacity to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity in order to meet its national defense requirements.”

China is the real threat.

As the saying goes, 'Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.'

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