The End of the 'Trump Loves Putin' Argument

and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country and Trump.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.
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and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Luckily for you, you couldn't possibly appear more of a fool than you're already recognize to be.

Ukraine is ful of Nazis. Ti send weapons to Ukraine is the same as to send weapons to ISIS
I've been posting on this board for years now...and that is the stupidest post I've ever read here...Just sayin...
Stupid? Both Ukrainian Nazis and ISIS are Obama’s administration + Soros creation. Ukrainian officials [Deep State puppets] have been killing, burning alive and throwing to prison their own civilians since the 2014 coup. Also they have been destroying its own population in Donbass while Soros Media (both in West and Ukraine) keeps calling it “Russian aggression ”. Smart thing would be to reveal all those war crimes and to judge war criminals (=Deep State and its puppets), but not to send more weapons to those who keep killing civilians.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.
Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism


Some 6,500 people across Ukraine took part in marches on the first day of the year to mark the birthday of Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist leader considered a hero in the country despite his dubious and violent methods.

Bandera was a prominent leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (UPA), which fought against Poland and Soviet Union for an independent national state for Ukrainians – initially through propaganda and anti-Polish sabotage, later becoming more and more about violence.

Bandera acted as a German intelligence agent and helped recruit Ukrainian nationalists for Nazi auxiliary units.

UPA murdered about 1 million of civilians: Ukrainians who supported Soviets, 200 thousand of Poles and 30 thousand of Jews.
Thousands march in Ukraine to mark Nazi collaborator Bandera’s birthday

"And the more efforts the Kiev regime applies to perpetuate the memory of the torturer and murderer, responsible for the genocide of hundreds of thousands innocent people… My position is it is necessary to insist the Ukrainian Nazism ideology is recognized at the international level as criminal."
Ukrainian Nazism ideology must be recognized as crime - Crimean head

Polish authorities intend to find out how Ukrainians travelling to the country perceive radical nationalist organizations. Citizens of Ukraine must give an assessment of Stephan Bandera’s activity and UPA. Loyalty and even a neutral position in relation to nationalists can result in not being allowed to enter the territory of Poland.
Without Bandera: Poland Will Test Entering Ukrainians for Sympathy for Radicals

And I could have posted a lot more info about Nazis in Ukraine, however not too many people are going to read it, they prefer to listen to their "free" Media and to buy everything it tells them.
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"This helps Putin, not hurts him you fool. "

If there was ever any doubt that you are an imbecile...this post cements the view.

I cannot help it if you are too stupid to understand basic military strategy. This weapon system from us does not make the Ukraine the equal to the Russian army, but it does make them more of a threat back home for Putin to use to his advantage to gain even more power.

Trump helped Putin by selling these weapons to the Ukraine.

Russia is the only existential threat to the country, but somehow you think the Ukraine is now a match for do you drive a car being this dumb?

You cannot, it seems, help your imbecility.

"The Trump administration signaled Thursday that it plans to sell the Ukrainian government Javelin antitank missiles, a weapon Ukrainian troops could use in combat against Russian-backed separatists.

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of Ukraine,” the State Department’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement. “The Javelin system will help Ukraine build its long-term defense capacity to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity in order to meet its national defense requirements.”

China is the real threat.

As the saying goes, 'Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.'

Damn girl, try and keep up with the shit you are posting..

two post back you had these quotes...

U.S. defense officials have consistently cited Russia as the most significant strategic threat to the United States, and the primary reason to build up its defense budget.

Gen. John Hyten, who leads U.S. Strategic Command, said in a speech Wednesday that Russia poses “the only existential threat to the country.”

Now, you say Russia is no threat at all...make up your crazy little mind would you, please.
Obama imposed sanctions on Russia then increased them - Trump relaxed Obamas sanctions after one call to Putin.

if it walks like a duck .............
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...
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and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Hello, left field. Is that your idea of "look, squirrel!"?
Wonder who they will actually be shipped to.

Is this a request for a geography lesson????

A condescending deflection. How predictable.

Let us know when that ship docks at a Ukrainian sea port not controlled by those patriotic troops in uniforms with no insignia. Better yet, why don’t you hold your breathe until it does.

Two days ago, Putin issued an overt threat against the United States. Why hasn’t Trump called him out for it? Putin is ripe for some of Trumps classic insults. He’s very short, and is always posing for manly pictures with his shirt off exposing his droopy man boobs.

No clever nicknames for Bad Vlad. No twitter insults. Instead Trump went after Alec Baldwin. That’s so 2016. Sad.
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Hello, left field. Is that your idea of "look, squirrel!"?

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Your fear of an answering, in effect.....provides the answer.
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Hello, left field. Is that your idea of "look, squirrel!"?

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Your fear of an answering, in effect.....provides the answer.

Is this because I inferred that you were Russian? Lighten up Francis (or do you prefer Natasha?) it was a joke.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

I'll never match your particular expertise at the cut and paste, but I'll try AND stay on your topic at the same time.
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and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel - Samuel Johnson
As the saying goes, to know that the Left is doing, just look at what they blame on the other side.

Soooo.....they made up the Trump-Putin-Collusion argument.....notice how they're no longer using the term 'collusion'....

....when the only folks with known links to the Kremlin are know, beside the Clintons and Podestas,....there was the guy who was gonna be more 'flexible.'

In any case.....there's this news:

"Trump defies Putin and agrees to sell Ukraine scores of Javelin anti-tank missiles which are capable of blasting Russia's armor off the battlefield
  • Trump's State Department approves export of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launch units to Ukraine
  • Its military is in a tense standoff with Russia's after annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and Putin's forces have advanced T-14 battle tanks at their disposal
  • Trump had avoided sending 'lethal' weaponry to Ukraine until now but missiles systems could arrived within two months"
Trump approves anti-tank missiles for Ukraine as they face Putin | Daily Mail Online

Remember all those disgusting cartoons of Trump servicing Putin...?

They've become boomerangs.

This is like when Trump sent 100 cruise missiles into Syria, and gave the russians 1-2 hours notice of the attack. Anti-tank missiles are cannon fodder in the age of air superiority. Didn't you ever see the battle of the bulge to the gulf war.
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel - Samuel Johnson

I'm retired U.S. military. Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. My patriotism is safe from the pathetic distractions of a Trump apologist.
The only thing Putin has
WON is the LOYALTY and OBEDIENCE of The Democrat Party, Liberals and their Leftist Propaganda Machine who do Putin’s Bidding every day just like the Leftist Scum On this board do.

This place is infected with Russian Trolls and some of them are American Citizens that should have their citizenship revoked and then deported to Russia if they like Russia so much.

For God’s sake Clinton and Obama stooped so low to win this election that they paid Putin for Russian Propaganda and handed it to The FBI who knowingly used it knowing it was Salacious and paid for by Hillary to spy on a rival political campaign for Obama and the hag.

And you Damn Putin Butt Puppets are totally ok with that?

Fuck all of you to Hell who are.

You are the problem.

Don't you get it? Putin has this point. He has sown discord and dissension in this country. His cyber attack on social media and our institutions has been successful.

Without entering the debate of how much Putin may have contributed to Trump's win, Trump's obstinate refusal to condemn Russia or Putin or enforce sanctions, is a win for Putin no matter how you divide the stronganoff.

However, the real reason for Trump's action lies in his current political woes. Trump will do or say anything to deflect attention away from him.

That is the danger of Trump.
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The only thing Putin has
WON is the loyalty and obedience of The Democrat Party, Liberals and their Leftist Propaganda Machine who do Putin’s Bidding every day just like the Leftist Scum On this board do.

This place is infected with Russian Trolls and some of them are American Citizens that should have their citizenship revoked and then deported to Russianif they like Russia so much.

For God’s sake Clinton and Obama stopped so low to win this election that they paid Putin for Russian Propaganda and handed it to The FBI who knowingly used it to spy on a political campaign.

And you Damn Putin Butt Puppets are totally ok with that?

Fuck all of you to Hell who are.

You are the problem.

The original tree is the original russian troll.
and the board Russians are still here bashing Clinton, and making excuses for their Mother Country.

KGB cream floats on most every thread on this board.

Of course, comrade, our apologies for getting the name of your secret intelligence agency wrong. Don't put any plutonium in our soup, please.

Why hasn't Putin's puppet not instituted the sanctions Congress imposed? Why did he roll back sanctions that had been put in place? Why no nickname for the Russian "rocket man"?

So many questions with only one plausible answer...

As a real American, I support the very same things the Founders did....
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Any who don't support those views is either un-American, or anti-American.

Where do you stand on the above?

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel - Samuel Johnson

I'm retired U.S. military. Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. My patriotism is safe from the pathetic distractions of a Trump apologist.

"Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."

I gave you several opportunities to state that you did punted.

So don't get a third chance to answer the question.

Your shame is understandable.
The only thing Putin has
WON is the loyalty and obedience of The Democrat Party, Liberals and their Leftist Propaganda Machine who do Putin’s Bidding every day just like the Leftist Scum On this board do.

This place is infected with Russian Trolls and some of them are American Citizens that should have their citizenship revoked and then deported to Russianif they like Russia so much.

For God’s sake Clinton and Obama stopped so low to win this election that they paid Putin for Russian Propaganda and handed it to The FBI who knowingly used it to spy on a political campaign.

And you Damn Putin Butt Puppets are totally ok with that?

Fuck all of you to Hell who are.

You are the problem.

The original tree is the original russian troll.

It's amusing when the supporters of the party that still identifies with the aims of the Communist Party....the Democrats.....calls others 'Russian.'
The only thing Putin has
WON is the loyalty and obedience of The Democrat Party, Liberals and their Leftist Propaganda Machine who do Putin’s Bidding every day just like the Leftist Scum On this board do.

This place is infected with Russian Trolls and some of them are American Citizens that should have their citizenship revoked and then deported to Russianif they like Russia so much.

For God’s sake Clinton and Obama stopped so low to win this election that they paid Putin for Russian Propaganda and handed it to The FBI who knowingly used it to spy on a political campaign.

And you Damn Putin Butt Puppets are totally ok with that?

Fuck all of you to Hell who are.

You are the problem.

The original tree is the original russian troll.

That does seem to be the case

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