The end of the Trump presidency

Who cant be chomping at the bit for the Presidents forthcoming tweets?!! Gonna be a hoot.....might be the most ePiC of all of the recent collective liberal head explosion displays :hhello::hhello::hello77:. Maybe more epic than the Kennedy resignation.
The Trump Alt Right cult45 live in denial.

Their ongoing tears are precious to true Americans.
It'll be interesting to see how much more that Paul Ryan and the GOP will put up with.
Well, allow me to reveal it: an infinite amount. As long as Trump's popularity among Republican voters stays in the stratosphere, he is untouchable. The republicans are completely terrified of him, because they care more about reelection and controlling congress the they do about anything Trump has done or will do.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

Well, let's discuss again in 2025 when Trump leaves office
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

It's coming bill718 and here is proof. Dotard up tweeting at 1 in the morning .. feels walls closing in ... can't sleep a wink - Sad :(

Verified account 7 hours ago

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It'll be interesting to see how much more that Paul Ryan and the GOP will put up with.

Trump's problems would increase exponentially if they decide they've had enough.

No doubt they're running the political calculus now - ya never know.

Yes, how much of this economic success will we tolerate? I was just getting used to Obama's new normal growth of 2% and starting to like it!

And having more jobs than applicants rather than how it was the other way around under Obama? It's all just tiring
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

It's coming bill718 and here is proof. Dotard up tweeting at 1 in the morning .. feels walls closing in ... can't sleep a wink - Sad :(

Verified account 7 hours ago

36,248 replies12,546 retweets 51,663 likes

Trump is correct, seems like they are not even trying to find collusion anymore. Get Trump by any means necessary.

I am sure that it really is the end this time.

Trump can't be removed by Mueller or ANY investigation. Sitting Presidents can ONLY be removed through the process of IMPEACHMENT.
Now, considering the current Congressional mix, that's all but impossible.

However, should the Right sit on it's ass and not get out and vote in November, and the Left wins enough seats, THEN Impeachment becomes possible for the 2nd half of Trump's term.

Rosenstein and Mueller know this, so all these proceedings are in hopes that enough on the Right will be discouraged from voting in November, and or the Left will be energized enough in November to win enough seats in Congress.

For the Right, this November's elections could be some of the most critical in history given the stakes.

If you aren't for Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, Gay men parading around naked in public in front of horrified children, a dismantled military etc etc best vote in November without fail. Otherwise, impeachment becomes possible, if not likely.
I am sure that it really is the end this time.

Agree ^ Won't be today - Won't be tomorrow - But you know ... :)

Funny how Dr.Love is as racist as they come....but is relying on white men to make him happy probably fantasizes about a love threesome with himself, Mueller and Rosenstein
it will be over after November if the Left takes enough seats in Congress. Then Impeachment will be possible.

Don't be over confident. Never underestimate your enemy. Fatal mistake.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.
it will be over after November if the Left takes enough seats in Congress. Then Impeachment will be possible.

Don't be over confident. Never underestimate your enemy. Fatal mistake.

Can you explain why would Americans vote for a party that puts illegals above Americans?

So that's it for that if. Trump is just unstumpable.

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