The end of the Trump presidency

Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?
Everyone should reject it and mock it, because it is a stupid idea.

So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them? That they will never, ever get to be represented in policy in this country again?
So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them?
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.
So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them?
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.

They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.
So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them?
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.

They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?
Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for you actions, and half the country is pissed of and now realizes that democracy does not work.
Well the first part is retarded, as my actions will have exactly nothing to do with the impeachment of trump. And the second part would make them retarded, as impeachment would show that our democratic process and due process actually do work. Let them cry and blubber...the rule of law does not care about their fetishes....
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

Reports of Trump's imminent death have been grossly exaggerated.

He paid hush money to women who had signed non-disclosure agreements using his attorney as an intermediary and they repaid the lawyer.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for you actions, and half the country is pissed of and now realizes that democracy does not work.
Well the first part is retarded, as my actions will have exactly nothing to do with the impeachment of trump. And the second part would make them retarded, as impeachment would show that our democratic process and due process actually do work. Let them cry and blubber...the rule of law does not care about their fetishes....

Ok, so your plan is to play dumb.

News flash pal, that will not work.

Half the country will know that democracy is effectively dead, at least for them.

You think that will be a nice country to live in? You think they will just let it go?
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

Reports of Trump's imminent death have been grossly exaggerated.

He paid hush money to women who had signed non-disclosure agreements using his attorney as an intermediary and they repaid the lawyer.

Its as big a deal as congress chooses to make it. A felony is impeachable.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.
And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

Reports of Trump's imminent death have been grossly exaggerated.

He paid hush money to women who had signed non-disclosure agreements using his attorney as an intermediary and they repaid the lawyer.

Its as big a deal as congress chooses to make it. A felony is impeachable.

Campaign violations are incredibly common and usually settled with fines.

Just ask Obama about the $375K fine for his $1.8M violation.
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.
You didn't win, Vladimir Putin did.
Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.
You didn't win, Vladimir Putin did.

Russia baiting won't change anything. You are trying to destroy our system of government.

What do you think will happen if you succeed?
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

Are you trying to get into stand-up comedy

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