The end of the Trump presidency

That would be the worst case scenario. But a possible one. If mainstream politics completely fails, people will look for an alternative.

You looking forward to that? Because I think it was be pretty much the End of the World.

Nope - our system of justice including the military if necessary will take your guns and toss you in the slammer if you attempt an armed insurrection of come sort.

Might be fun - ready your arsenal and bunker up Trumptard! :D
Republicans impeached over a blowjob
Why? Because they could

Trump is facing some serious charges. Like Nixon, even his own party will not stand behind him.

Like Nixon, he will be offered resignation instead of impeachment and criminal charges

We were told that sexual harassment was a major issue. We were stupid enough to believe it, and acted accordingly.

We learned. We now know that sexual harassment is only important when a liberal can use it as a weapon against a republican.

That lie, btw, was part of the wake up process for Americans. We are done with your lies.
Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here

We are past your lies, rw.

I'm asking, like I've asked you before, what you think will happen when you tear the nation down, and why you want to.

So far, all I've gotten is variously shades of pathetic psychological denial.
Trump has torn the nation down

He is not above the law

Your denial of obvious reality is noted.

Dude. The results of this, if you lefties pull it off, will be on your head, and you will have to live in the dystopia you are building.

Lies won't change that. You won't be able to spin your way out of it.
That would be the worst case scenario. But a possible one. If mainstream politics completely fails, people will look for an alternative.

You looking forward to that? Because I think it was be pretty much the End of the World.

Nope - our system of justice including the military if necessary will take your guns and toss you in the slammer if you attempt an armed insurrection of come sort.

Might be fun - ready your arsenal and bunker up Trumptard! :D

So, you are willing to risk armed insurrection, just to not let your fellow Americans will an election.

How many people do you think you would see die in that scenario? And what kind of country do you think you will have, if 46 percent of the country rebels and is put down by force?
One thing I'm sure of is that it won't be a pretty inauguration day when Trump is reelected. The crazy left will be plump out of ideas and agenda and if all they have left is hatred it's going to be worse than smashing windows and torching cars.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.
Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.
That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.
YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.
You do this, and you reveal the Truth.
Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?

You failed to address my numbers, retreating to the outlier comfort that is Rasmussen.
Apparently, you seriously believe that half the country would take to the streets?


And OUCH!! - There go the swing state burbs!
Trump's standing plummets in Pa. in new swing-state poll | Monday Morning Coffee

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.
Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.
That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.
YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.
You do this, and you reveal the Truth.
Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?

You failed to address my numbers, retreating to the outlier comfort that is Rasmussen.
Apparently, you seriously believe that half the country would take to the streets?


And OUCH!! - There go the swing state burbs!
Trump's standing plummets in Pa. in new swing-state poll | Monday Morning Coffee


You are the one that, when I asked where you think this is going, brought up armed insurrection.

And no, of course not. You oppress a group, and not every one of them will rise up.

But a small percent of 46% is plenty to make your victory, nothing but ashes.

ONly a madman or a monster, would consider that scenario, and not want to avoid it.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.
Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

46% of Russia :)
Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

46% of Russia :)

YOur cowardice is noted.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed
46 percent of the country, round up to half.
Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.
You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?

Reality check needed here... ding ding ding...
About 55.7 percent of eligible voters in the United States voted in the 2016 Presidential election.
Of those, about 46.1 percent voted for Donald Trump.
Multiply those out, and about 25.7 percent of all 'eligible' voters in the USA voted for Trump. (26.8 percent voted for Hillary Clinton.)

All right then... remember that this was before the 18 month roller coaster ride, 4229 lies in 558 days, failed OBAMACARE repeal, failed wall, insulting allies, kissing Kim Jung Ill and Putin.. Not to mention he's been surfing on Obama's economic wave since the beginning and taking credit for it ;) To be honest I'll admit the irresponsible deregulation did boost the growth trend but it's short term, artificial and eventually results in market crashes. (GW did the same thing back in 2004.... remember Fannie Mae? Freddie Mac?)

I'd say recent events just chewed off at least 25 percent of that initial 25.7%.... so at best he still has a core of 18% of that initial 'eligible' voter count. With all the recent crap, I'm sure a big chunk of the lazy ass 45% percent of the population that didn't vote in 2016 will get off their rocking chairs in November. If Trump can't motivate voter turnout... you deserve nothing less than a dictatorship!

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
Last edited:
No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.
Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.
46 percent of the country, round up to half.
Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.
You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?

Reality check needed here... ding ding ding...
About 55.7 percent of eligible voters in the United States voted in the 2016 Presidential election.
Of those, about 46.1 percent voted for Donald Trump.
Multiply those out, and about 25.7 percent of all 'eligible' voters in the USA voted for Trump. (26.8 percent voted for Hillary Clinton.)

All right then... remember that this was before the 18 month roller coaster ride, 4229 lies in 558 days, failed OBAMACARE repeal, failed wall, insulting allies, kissing Kim Jung Ill and Putin.. Not to mention he's been surfing on Obama's economic wave since the beginning and taking credit for it ;) To be honest I'll admit the irresponsible deregulation did boost the growth trend but it's short term, artificial and eventually results in market crashes. (GW did the same thing back in 2004.... remember Fannie Mae? Freddie Mac?)

I'd say recent events just chewed off at least 25 percent of that initial 25.7%.... so at best he still has a core of 18% of that initial 'eligible' voter count. With all the recent crap, I'm sure a big chunk of the lazy ass 45% percent of the population that didn't vote in 2016 will get off their rocking chairs in November. If Trump can't motivate voter turnout... you deserve nothing less than a dictatorship!

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

1. YOur pretense that everyone who did not vote, is against Trump, is absurd, and dismissed.

2. Your point about the massive propaganda campaign is noted, but it will not matter. The point is not so much about Trump, but about the people he represents. Even if you get rid of him, all of them will still want to have their voices heard, and you will have demonstrated that they will never have that again.
46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".
1. YOur pretense that everyone who did not vote, is against Trump, is absurd, and dismissed.

2. Your point about the massive propaganda campaign is noted, but it will not matter. The point is not so much about Trump, but about the people he represents. Even if you get rid of him, all of them will still want to have their voices heard, and you will have demonstrated that they will never have that again.

All I'm saying is that were a lot more lazy ass liberals than engaged republicans (or former liberals) that hated Hillary.

And point 2... after this saga? you gotta be kidding !. You can be assured that their voices were heard loud and clear. If this mistake is repeated, you'll have learned nothing. And sheesh ! was this ever a reality check from hell.
46% of what country? 'Cause it certainly wasn't this one.

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously
1. YOur pretense that everyone who did not vote, is against Trump, is absurd, and dismissed.

2. Your point about the massive propaganda campaign is noted, but it will not matter. The point is not so much about Trump, but about the people he represents. Even if you get rid of him, all of them will still want to have their voices heard, and you will have demonstrated that they will never have that again.

All I'm saying is that were a lot more lazy ass liberals than engaged republicans (or former liberals) that hated Hillary.

I appreciate your assumption that liberals are lazier than Trump supporters, but it is not supported.

And point 2... after this saga? you gotta be kidding !. You can be assured that their voices were heard loud and clear. If this mistake is repeated, you'll have learned nothing. And sheesh ! was this ever a reality check from hell.

Trump won, not because of Trump, but because he spoke for a large segment of the population that has been ignored. They will still be here even if you have your coup and get rid of TRUmp.

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