The end of the Trump presidency

Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

Up Crap Creek without a paddle ^ TripleSpaceBoy gets personal.
Fine with me.. Enjoy the carnage and bunker up A-hole!
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

YOU (and in particular YOU) are not interested in a "democracy" as much as you are and AUTOCRACY led by an Orange Fascist..
Just go the fuck away and allow normals to restore our "democracy".
Got that? GOOD!!
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

Up Crap Creek without a paddle ^ TripleSpaceBoy gets personal.
Fine with me.. Enjoy the carnage and bunker up A-hole!

Only a fool would enjoy tearing down his own country. I think we should NOT do this, what I not clear, moron?
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

YOU (and in particular YOU) are not interested in a "democracy" as much as you are and AUTOCRACY led by an Orange Fascist..
Just go the fuck away and allow normals to restore our "democracy".
Got that? GOOD!!

Empty words coming from the side that has been trying to overturn the results of the election.

Democracy means sometimes the other guy wins. If elections are just for show, then it is not democracy, and you are the Authoritarian.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

You have not seen this before. This is far and away different then watergate. There was no crime committed by the accused, the investigators. Y
Libtards have already made hundreds of thousands of new NOT DEMOCRAT with all your hyperbole and fit throwing . I see sadness in your future.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...
You are correct. The end of Trump's presidency will come in six years.
So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?
Everyone should reject it and mock it, because it is a stupid idea.

So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them? That they will never, ever get to be represented in policy in this country again?

I suggest we let CONSERVATIVE Erik Erickson answer all your dumb questions:

Verified account 12 hours ago
Wonder what other outlets have gotten money from Trump folks to protect Trump.

23 replies12 retweets 47 likes

Verified account 12 hours ago
With Clinton we got cigar jokes. With Trump we can get Pecker jokes. He really is making America great again.

7 replies15 retweets49 likes

Verified account Aug 22
Caller to my show told my call screener that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels not to keep her from costing him the election, but because he's a good husband who was protecting his wife from scandal.
Call screener hung up on him. Good.

29 replies18 retweets130 likes

Verified account Aug 22
You can say "but Hillary" all you want, but the reality is Donald Trump would have been indicted over this Cohen stuff if he were not President of the United States.

594 replies1,377 retweets 7,560 likes
So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them?
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.

They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on
Last edited:
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

He’s toast that’s a given... and on a personal level, he just threw Melania under the bus this week. (No mention in the media... yet).

Still... you absolutely have to admire the extreme high pressure he’s able to tolerate. This is beyond human. The resilience... wow!
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...
This one is too big to go away

Mueller has built a first rate team and is quietly going about his business of building a solid case

He will drop his report and Trump and his family will face serious charges
So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?
Everyone should reject it and mock it, because it is a stupid idea.

So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them? That they will never, ever get to be represented in policy in this country again?

I suggest we let CONSERVATIVE Erik Erickson answer all your dumb questions:

Verified account 12 hours ago
Wonder what other outlets have gotten money from Trump folks to protect Trump.

23 replies12 retweets 47 likes

Verified account 12 hours ago
With Clinton we got cigar jokes. With Trump we can get Pecker jokes. He really is making America great again.

7 replies15 retweets49 likes

Verified account Aug 22
Caller to my show told my call screener that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels not to keep her from costing him the election, but because he's a good husband who was protecting his wife from scandal.
Call screener hung up on him. Good.

29 replies18 retweets130 likes

Verified account Aug 22
You can say "but Hillary" all you want, but the reality is Donald Trump would have been indicted over this Cohen stuff if he were not President of the United States.

594 replies1,377 retweets 7,560 likes

He might not like Trump, but rub his face in the fact that democracy is not for him, anymore, and he and never trumpers like him, will be in the same boat.

Permanently disenfranchised.

So, answer the question, tyrant. What do you think happens next, now that you have made peaceful change impossible?
So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them?
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.

They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?
Everyone should reject it and mock it, because it is a stupid idea.

So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them? That they will never, ever get to be represented in policy in this country again?

I suggest we let CONSERVATIVE Erik Erickson answer all your dumb questions:

Verified account 12 hours ago
Wonder what other outlets have gotten money from Trump folks to protect Trump.

23 replies12 retweets 47 likes

Verified account 12 hours ago
With Clinton we got cigar jokes. With Trump we can get Pecker jokes. He really is making America great again.

7 replies15 retweets49 likes

Verified account Aug 22
Caller to my show told my call screener that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels not to keep her from costing him the election, but because he's a good husband who was protecting his wife from scandal.
Call screener hung up on him. Good.

29 replies18 retweets130 likes

Verified account Aug 22
You can say "but Hillary" all you want, but the reality is Donald Trump would have been indicted over this Cohen stuff if he were not President of the United States.

594 replies1,377 retweets 7,560 likes

He might not like Trump, but rub his face in the fact that democracy is not for him, anymore, and he and never trumpers like him, will be in the same boat.
Permanently disenfranchised.
So, answer the question, tyrant. What do you think happens next, now that you have made peaceful change impossible?

Number 88 :)
President Trump being impeached would be our democratic system and due process at work. So I will tell them to read the rules and get over it.

They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here
Answer the fucking question, or don't bother hitting the reply button, asshole.
Learn to read amd write you undereducated tRumpkin. When you do you will see I did respond to your idiotic "question" which was really nothing more than a weak attempt at trolling.

Oh, and since we're apparently going with the grade school insults let me finish by saying "eat my shorts butt-breath".

Remember that someone tried to talk sense to you, before you blew our system of government to hell.

THe results will be on your heads, lefty.
Lol, that's my line kid.

No, it's not.

We won an election. YOu and yours are trying to shit can the results and the whole system with them.

Yeah, you "won" an election that you lost by 3 million votes, squeaking an electoral win by 77,000 votes in 3 states thanks to two Comey announcements on eve of election (you should have created a shrine for him by now) and THOUSANDS of Russian hackers, trolls and bots working overtime.

You "won" by hook and by crook :)

46 percent of the country, round up to half.

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to catch that. My bad.

That 4 per cent difference is not going to loom large when you tell them that democracy for them, is over.

YOur excuses and lies for your actions will not be relevant. That is what you've been running on for decades already.

You do this, and you reveal the Truth.

Answer the fucking question, what do you think that 46 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY, will do, when you tell them they are permanently disenfranchised?
So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?
Everyone should reject it and mock it, because it is a stupid idea.

So, what do you think all those who voted for Trump, will do, when you prove to them, that democracy is not going to be allowed to work, not for them? That they will never, ever get to be represented in policy in this country again?

I suggest we let CONSERVATIVE Erik Erickson answer all your dumb questions:

Verified account 12 hours ago
Wonder what other outlets have gotten money from Trump folks to protect Trump.

23 replies12 retweets 47 likes

Verified account 12 hours ago
With Clinton we got cigar jokes. With Trump we can get Pecker jokes. He really is making America great again.

7 replies15 retweets49 likes

Verified account Aug 22
Caller to my show told my call screener that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels not to keep her from costing him the election, but because he's a good husband who was protecting his wife from scandal.
Call screener hung up on him. Good.

29 replies18 retweets130 likes

Verified account Aug 22
You can say "but Hillary" all you want, but the reality is Donald Trump would have been indicted over this Cohen stuff if he were not President of the United States.

594 replies1,377 retweets 7,560 likes

He might not like Trump, but rub his face in the fact that democracy is not for him, anymore, and he and never trumpers like him, will be in the same boat.
Permanently disenfranchised.
So, answer the question, tyrant. What do you think happens next, now that you have made peaceful change impossible?

Number 88 :)

That would be the worst case scenario. But a possible one. If mainstream politics completely fails, people will look for an alternative.

You looking forward to that? Because I think it was be pretty much the End of the World.
They won't buy your lies. What is your next trick?
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here

We are past your lies, rw.

I'm asking, like I've asked you before, what you think will happen when you tear the nation down, and why you want to.

So far, all I've gotten is variously shades of pathetic psychological denial.
Republicans impeached over a blowjob
Why? Because they could

Trump is facing some serious charges. Like Nixon, even his own party will not stand behind him.

Like Nixon, he will be offered resignation instead of impeachment and criminal charges
What lies? Those are facts. Impeachment was built right into our democratic process, and for good reason. And it will be senate republicans removing him from office anyway, if it happens. So you sound ridiculous.

Assume that no one gives a fuck about your justification for your actions, and half the country is pissed off and now realizes that democracy does not work.

Now what lefty?

Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here

We are past your lies, rw.

I'm asking, like I've asked you before, what you think will happen when you tear the nation down, and why you want to.

So far, all I've gotten is variously shades of pathetic psychological denial.
Trump has torn the nation down

He is not above the law

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