The end of the Trump presidency

YOu one of those people who fell for the lies that the russians hacked the vote count?

Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.

Funny the same can be said for your side! Right now in a sleazy hillbilly county in Georgia, they had 9 polling places before; now going to just 2 mainly affecting the Black voters! I'm shocked! FU...ATHURIO! :102: :321: :aargh:
Republicans impeached over a blowjob
Why? Because they could

Trump is facing some serious charges. Like Nixon, even his own party will not stand behind him.

Like Nixon, he will be offered resignation instead of impeachment and criminal charges

We were told that sexual harassment was a major issue. We were stupid enough to believe it, and acted accordingly.

We learned. We now know that sexual harassment is only important when a liberal can use it as a weapon against a republican.

That lie, btw, was part of the wake up process for Americans. We are done with your lies.
Half the country? :lol:
Don't be ridiculous - 35% of the country AT BEST are defending Trump
20% are doing so for tax cuts, deregulation and judges
10% have deep concerns and would not be rioting in the streets were the orange day trader to mercifully quit or be removed
That leaves 5% of you Deplorables who we will have to keep an eye on

Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here

We are past your lies, rw.

I'm asking, like I've asked you before, what you think will happen when you tear the nation down, and why you want to.

So far, all I've gotten is variously shades of pathetic psychological denial.
Trump has torn the nation down

He is not above the law

Your denial of obvious reality is noted.

Dude. The results of this, if you lefties pull it off, will be on your head, and you will have to live in the dystopia you are building.

Lies won't change that. You won't be able to spin your way out of it.

Do you think Trump is above the law?

Would you like to see him answer charges like others were forced to?
Nobody has ever said that - Go back to bed

No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

What's it like for Liberals to wake up in the morning realizing this is all BS. Trump isn't going any where.
Republicans impeached over a blowjob
Why? Because they could

Trump is facing some serious charges. Like Nixon, even his own party will not stand behind him.

Like Nixon, he will be offered resignation instead of impeachment and criminal charges

We were told that sexual harassment was a major issue. We were stupid enough to believe it, and acted accordingly.

We learned. We now know that sexual harassment is only important when a liberal can use it as a weapon against a republican.

That lie, btw, was part of the wake up process for Americans. We are done with your lies.
Half the country voted for him. You impeach Trump on shit far less than you gave HIllary a pass for, and the message is clear.

No democracy for that half the country.

What happens next, in your scenario, lefty?
Trump will be impeached for serious shit

We are not talking blowjobs here

We are past your lies, rw.

I'm asking, like I've asked you before, what you think will happen when you tear the nation down, and why you want to.

So far, all I've gotten is variously shades of pathetic psychological denial.
Trump has torn the nation down

He is not above the law

Your denial of obvious reality is noted.

Dude. The results of this, if you lefties pull it off, will be on your head, and you will have to live in the dystopia you are building.

Lies won't change that. You won't be able to spin your way out of it.

Do you think Trump is above the law?

Would you like to see him answer charges like others were forced to?

What charges?
No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return

I've decided not to waste any more time with that Trumptard. Suggest same
Please list the laws Trump has broken here:

I got it:

1. Made people butt -hurt.
2. He dared to win an election that was supposed to be handed to Hillary. (You know, the whole election process and electoral college got in the way. Those damn people in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida want jobs and good economy.)
No, you keep implying it, to trick the stupid. Eventually you'll work your way around to trying to make that the narrative.

Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return

What Russian propaganda?
We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

What laws has he broken? Please be specific, including dates and how he broke each one... OH! and no anonymous sources either—that means I need verifiable and undeniable proof he’s broken said laws.

Thanks in advance!
Sorry - NO ONE has ever said that, nor will they. Go back to bed.

Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

What laws has he broken? Please be specific, including dates and how he broke each one... OH! and no anonymous sources either—that means I need verifiable and undeniable proof he’s broken said laws.

Thanks in advance!
You have to ask Mr Mueller

I’m sure his list will be impressive
We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

What laws has he broken? Please be specific, including dates and how he broke each one... OH! and no anonymous sources either—that means I need verifiable and undeniable proof he’s broken said laws.

Thanks in advance!

You must have missed it, though he came up short with specific dates and that. See post 130
Sure they will. That's the whole point of constantly saying "hacked", instead of the more descriptive, "leaked".

You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.
You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.

According to Rosenstein, 100% unsuccessful.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

It's coming bill718 and here is proof. Dotard up tweeting at 1 in the morning .. feels walls closing in ... can't sleep a wink - Sad :(

Verified account 7 hours ago

36,248 replies12,546 retweets 51,663 likes

LOL really? He’s never tweeted in the middle of the night before? According to his haters he tweets at odd hours all the time, yet him tweeting at a late hour somehow proves he’s going bye bye? How’s that? And please spare me a worthless meme non-answer. You’re not going to trick me into believing you know what you’re talking about.
Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?
Too many, commas. Who are, you, captain Kirk?

Only about 30% of the people here in America support tRump. The other 70% are not fans.

Uh-huh and this is your opinion or...?

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