The end of the Trump presidency

We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

What laws has he broken? Please be specific, including dates and how he broke each one... OH! and no anonymous sources either—that means I need verifiable and undeniable proof he’s broken said laws.

Thanks in advance!
You have to ask Mr Mueller

I’m sure his list will be impressive

Translated: There really is a Santa Claus, and he brings progressive's presents, believe me.
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
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Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

YOU (and in particular YOU) are not interested in a "democracy" as much as you are and AUTOCRACY led by an Orange Fascist..
Just go the fuck away and allow normals to restore our "democracy".
Got that? GOOD!!

Empty words coming from the side that has been trying to overturn the results of the election.

Democracy means sometimes the other guy wins. If elections are just for show, then it is not democracy, and you are the Authoritarian.

Why are you even trying to talk sense into Dr Love? There is no point bc there’s no chance he’ll see things from your perspective or anyone else’s. Nothing will change his mind.
And what do you think happens next?

Now that you have demonstrated to half the country, that that democracy is not allowed to work, when what the Left considers, the "Wrong People" win?

Do you expect US to accept this, like well broken peasants?

Trump doesn't have half the country. 43% is the current RCPA but if you remove the shaky Trump supporters (suburban college educate women largely) that actual hardcore Trump base who will follow their Orange Overlord over the cliff is more like 30%. Good luck with that.

So you don't deny my point about the actions of you lefties being an attempt to end democracy as we have had it in this country?

Thank you, for your honesty.

YOu can downplay the people who Trump represents if you want, but don't believe your own lies. YOu do this, and it is the beginning of a new phase in this country, one where the better half of the country, knows that democracy does not work any more.

YOu will not enjoy your victory, fool.

YOU (and in particular YOU) are not interested in a "democracy" as much as you are and AUTOCRACY led by an Orange Fascist..
Just go the fuck away and allow normals to restore our "democracy".
Got that? GOOD!!

Empty words coming from the side that has been trying to overturn the results of the election.

Democracy means sometimes the other guy wins. If elections are just for show, then it is not democracy, and you are the Authoritarian.

Why are you even trying to talk sense into Dr Love? There is no point bc there’s no chance he’ll see things from your perspective or anyone else’s. Nothing will change his mind.

And one can change the mind of you or Correll?

Trump supporters: I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, in fact she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but it's time you faced the fact that this Trump presidency will not end well. I was 18 during the Watergate hearings in the 70's and I've seen this situation before. Accusations of witch hunts, deep state conspiracies and other nonsense won't work with prosecutors and judges (even Republican appointed ones!) We are a nation of laws, and regardless of whether you want to admit it, Donald Trump has broken too many laws, tried too many cover up's, and taken too many liberties.

On some level I think President Trump sincerely meant well in what he's done as President, but he has created too many legal brush fires for himself, and he is out of fire hoses. The wheels of justice turn slowly in America, especially on the Federal level, but they do turn. The end of the Trump Presidency is not yet, but it's coming, and it won't be a happy one. Sorry...

It's coming bill718 and here is proof. Dotard up tweeting at 1 in the morning .. feels walls closing in ... can't sleep a wink - Sad :(

Verified account 7 hours ago

36,248 replies12,546 retweets 51,663 likes

LOL really? He’s never tweeted in the middle of the night before? According to his haters he tweets at odd hours all the time, yet him tweeting at a late hour somehow proves he’s going bye bye? How’s that? And please spare me a worthless meme non-answer. You’re not going to trick me into believing you know what you’re talking about.

He tweeted in the middle of the night that time and then again at 5 AM. Better tell your Orange Loser to get some sleep and start coming clean with the American people. This week (one of his worst) was one of his more epic meltdowns. :)
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I have confidence in the loyalty to oath of fellow service members to stand between a radical American Left revolutionary Vanguard Party engaged in open, nationwide revolt. What concerns me most at this time are American Conservative losses of tradition, religion and moral values to recent, further victories by the radical Leftist cultural revolutionary judges, politicians, entertainment stars, professors and atheist movement leaders. While the American armed forces are highly trained to defeat any conventional enemy in a shooting war, anywhere around the globe, no force on Earth can defeat an idea or an ideology once it has conquered enough minds, young minds in particular. In the minds of our children is where the deadliest battle for the future of America is currently being fought. That is a war we must not lose.
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I have confidence in the loyalty to oath of fellow service members to stand between a radical American Left revolutionary Vanguard Party engaged in open, nationwide revolt. What concerns me most at this time are American Conservative losses of tradition, religion and moral values to recent, further victories by the radical Leftist cultural revolutionary judges, politicians, entertainment stars, professors and atheist movement leaders. While the American armed forces are highly trained to defeat any conventional enemy in a shooting war, anywhere around the globe, no force on Earth can defeat an idea or an ideology once it has conquered enough minds, young minds in particular. In the minds of our children is where the deadliest battle for the future of America is currently being fought. That is a war we must not lose.

They have clearly won the cultural war. That is clear.

The take over is happening and has been happening for decades now.

We are beyond trying to "play nice" and show them how good Christians simply turn the other cheek over and over. That same bible also says there is a time for war too.

They are not interested in our niceties or aoft ways. Either way, they want us ERADICATED and each step and little cultural war they win, they get closer and closer.

Those same people that are supposed to protect us from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC are ignoring that DOMESTIC enemy. Both clearly calling for the death of the president, cops and America itself. They are clearly violent and well funded from the puppeteers who are committed to bringing us down. They are not even hiding their intentions.

So, what am I to think?
Campaign violations are incredibly common and usually settled with fines.
And they come in different varieties. For instance, the obama campaign finance violation was not a crime, but rather a procedural violation. What Cohen and Trump did was a felony. So, thank you for pointing out the large contrast.
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I have confidence in the loyalty to oath of fellow service members to stand between a radical American Left revolutionary Vanguard Party engaged in open, nationwide revolt. What concerns me most at this time are American Conservative losses of tradition, religion and moral values to recent, further victories by the radical Leftist cultural revolutionary judges, politicians, entertainment stars, professors and atheist movement leaders. While the American armed forces are highly trained to defeat any conventional enemy in a shooting war, anywhere around the globe, no force on Earth can defeat an idea or an ideology once it has conquered enough minds, young minds in particular. In the minds of our children is where the deadliest battle for the future of America is currently being fought. That is a war we must not lose.

They have clearly won the cultural war. That is clear.

The take over is happening and has been happening for decades now.

We are beyond trying to "play nice" and show them how good Christians simply turn the other cheek over and over. That same bible also says there is a time for war too.

They are not interested in our niceties or aoft ways. Either way, they want us ERADICATED and each step and little cultural war they win, they get closer and closer.

Those same people that are supposed to protect us from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC are ignoring that DOMESTIC enemy. Both clearly calling for the death of the president, cops and America itself. They are clearly violent and well funded from the puppeteers who are committed to bringing us down. They are not even hiding their intentions.

So, what am I to think?

Considering that hot garbage post, maybe you should stop thinking for a while.
Campaign violations are incredibly common and usually settled with fines.
And they come in different varieties. For instance, the obama campaign finance violation was not a crime, but rather a procedural violation. What Cohen and Trump did was a felony. So, thank you for pointing out the large contrast.

Spending your own money to pay someone to sign a non-disclosure agreement is not a felony.

But laundering money through a law firm to pay Russian sources to cook up a fake dossier and then working it through the DOJ to enable spying on a political opponent probably is. Maybe Mueller should look into that, whadayathink?
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I have confidence in the loyalty to oath of fellow service members to stand between a radical American Left revolutionary Vanguard Party engaged in open, nationwide revolt. What concerns me most at this time are American Conservative losses of tradition, religion and moral values to recent, further victories by the radical Leftist cultural revolutionary judges, politicians, entertainment stars, professors and atheist movement leaders. While the American armed forces are highly trained to defeat any conventional enemy in a shooting war, anywhere around the globe, no force on Earth can defeat an idea or an ideology once it has conquered enough minds, young minds in particular. In the minds of our children is where the deadliest battle for the future of America is currently being fought. That is a war we must not lose.

They have clearly won the cultural war. That is clear.

The take over is happening and has been happening for decades now.

We are beyond trying to "play nice" and show them how good Christians simply turn the other cheek over and over. That same bible also says there is a time for war too.

They are not interested in our niceties or aoft ways. Either way, they want us ERADICATED and each step and little cultural war they win, they get closer and closer.

Those same people that are supposed to protect us from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC are ignoring that DOMESTIC enemy. Both clearly calling for the death of the president, cops and America itself. They are clearly violent and well funded from the puppeteers who are committed to bringing us down. They are not even hiding their intentions.

So, what am I to think?

You're correct in your concerns. However, and while all of us here are strangers to each other, there is comfort to be had in the knowledge that many of those who took "the oath" are actively and directly working against domestic radical revolutionary elements infecting our great nation. As I mentioned in another thread dealing with any form of possible second American shooting civil war, we the common people would likely be the last to find out either it has started or been going on for some time in plain sight. Along with MSM political spin, misinformation and calculated psychological warfare we experience daily, our perspectives on the ground to see and realize the big picture of what is actually going on, is very limited.

Any physical war fought in the 21st century will be preceded by extensive cyber, psychological, cultural and electronic warfare campaigns, social engineering combat, waged to soften minds, inspire doubt, create mass confusion, and catalogue and identify the individual American citizen's political beliefs. That stage, I am confident, has been going on now for at least 17 years. Once the primary targets (our minds) have been softened up enough, only then will any war of physical violence begin.

Look, the deadliest weapon radical Left revolutionaries have been using against us is in two parts. First part is our American judiciary corps which they use to turnover or uphold decisions which fundamentally attack and change our traditional American way of life, such as Roe v. Wade, birth control legalization and many, many others. Judges have become cultural dictators who in effect override our votes by judicial decision and opinion. Second part of their weapon is dissemination of radical postmodernist ideologies through our institutions of higher learning and public schools which introduce anti-American philosophies as normative and rewrite American social and political history.

Take heart, America has always triumphed over threats to its fundamental existence by choosing and doing the most righteous (according to God and our Founder's philosophies) acts possible to preserve our traditional spirit of individual freedom. So we God fearing, law abiding, Constitution and heritage loving Americans are now faced with fighting a two front war. One front is the slowing emerging physically violent attack on our freedoms by illegal immigrants, narco-terrorists, small Muslim terror cells, and Antifa. The second front is the cultural ideological war to dominate hearts and minds, our children's minds in particular.

Thus, in response to this radical Left purge of traditional American values and government institutions, we have two choices for fighting back, as everyday Americans. The first is to for now allow our federal and military law enforcement and counterintelligence units a chance to what they do best, which is to prevent and neutralize insurgent and revolutionary elements both civilian and within our own government. The second thing we can do is one, stand-up for our beliefs, never apologize for being Christian, conservative, any skin tone or a patriotic American. Do not yield the radical Leftist one inch of moral or intellectual ground. Two, educate yourself, friends and family members on actual, true American social and political history.

Do the research. Find out when in history the modern push for atheism began; which philosophers and philosophies drive the radical Left, and from which ones they've derived their core modern American radical Left cultural ideas. Knowledge is the greatest weapon we can wield against them--the sharpest sword. Third thing each of us can do to fight back is to talk to young people about personal responsibility, the value of family, and the true righteousness of Christianity. Further, vote. Vote and encourage others to vote. Join a local Republican election campaign and help it do the leg work. Run for office at any level if qualified. Spread the word. Distribute flyers, get involved.

One person can make all the difference.
They will eventually find something. Some of us know this and have been saying it.

I am hoping that it starts the 2nd civil war. Not sure how long we can allow this to happen.

How is it allowed that a scumbag domestic terror group and enemy to the US is allowed to exist and thrive in antifa?

They openly call for the destruction of the country. They violently attack individuals and gladly destroy private and public properties.

Those people that are sworn to protect this country from enemies, foreign and domestic. Just what the fuck is that? Not only taking them down in a violent way but also tracing their finances. Then arresting them and executing each one for high treason. Hoping we can find the clintons are guilty.

You think that is all a joke? It isn't. They will be impeaching Trump. They will find something. What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing? Well, we deserve the marxist one world order we are gonna get.

You’re hoping for a civil war?

That makes you insane in my book and you’re giving the Trump haters too much credit. Stop feeding into their hysteria. These people routinely wish for things to happen so thoroughly that eventually they end up believing they happened even though they never did.

Trump is a rapist.
Trump is the next Hitler.
Trump is building concentration camps.
Trump is going to deport all non-Christians.
Trump will eradicate gays.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is a child kidnapper.
Trump has KKK rallies.
Trump is a white supremacist.
Trump plans to exterminate Muslims.

None of these things are true or have been proven yet his hardcore opposition don’t mind stating each as fact. The Mueller investigation is no different. Don’t fall for their propaganda-driven delusional aspirations.
I think you underestimate how dirty they are. Does not matter if they prove this, or that, or the other. All they need is to repeat it over and over again and THEY will believe it.

To be clear. This is NOT where it stops. They have been trying and they will succeed in impeaching Trump, all while ignoring every crime by democrats.

Trump was awfully naive to trust senators like Sessions who had been a senator for 2 decades. That, is enough time for the most powerful weapon Washington has. Blackmail. Lets put it this way. There is a reason why he is not interfering. Period.

I already questioned Trump's judgement by allowing a pathetic disgrace like omarosa into the white house. Now he is paying the price.

The bottom line is there not just a concerted coup happening. There is a left wing civilian army systematically attacking conservatives without anything happening.

When their left wing dear leader said that, and then we saw the rise of blm and antifa....

Just ignore all that? Praaaaay? Hooope? Vote? Vote for what? Republicans?

What is the answer? Trump is going down? Just sit back and let it happen? Freedom gone and country destroyed with no resistance?

That's it? Well, that is what is happening. We will get and we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I have confidence in the loyalty to oath of fellow service members to stand between a radical American Left revolutionary Vanguard Party engaged in open, nationwide revolt. What concerns me most at this time are American Conservative losses of tradition, religion and moral values to recent, further victories by the radical Leftist cultural revolutionary judges, politicians, entertainment stars, professors and atheist movement leaders. While the American armed forces are highly trained to defeat any conventional enemy in a shooting war, anywhere around the globe, no force on Earth can defeat an idea or an ideology once it has conquered enough minds, young minds in particular. In the minds of our children is where the deadliest battle for the future of America is currently being fought. That is a war we must not lose.

They have clearly won the cultural war. That is clear.

The take over is happening and has been happening for decades now.

We are beyond trying to "play nice" and show them how good Christians simply turn the other cheek over and over. That same bible also says there is a time for war too.

They are not interested in our niceties or aoft ways. Either way, they want us ERADICATED and each step and little cultural war they win, they get closer and closer.

Those same people that are supposed to protect us from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC are ignoring that DOMESTIC enemy. Both clearly calling for the death of the president, cops and America itself. They are clearly violent and well funded from the puppeteers who are committed to bringing us down. They are not even hiding their intentions.

So, what am I to think?

Considering that hot garbage post, maybe you should stop thinking for a while.

Or, you could pour cold water on your brain, instead. Hiss.
You suggest that Russians didn't hack Podesta and DNC emails and then leak via the Swedish Rapist?
You are not to be taken seriously

What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.
It was successful enough that Trump personally spouted the Wikileaks information on a weekly basis
It fed his “Crooked HIllary” campaign
Is there enough information to topple Trump?

We just don’t know
What we do know is Mueller is diligently collecting records and testimony.
We do know that key players like Flynn, DiGeorgio and now possibly Manafort and Cohen have accepted plea deals in return for testimony
We do know there was Russian involvement and Trump people met with them

We just don’t know what Mueller has....yet

But we see a President in panic mode and rightwing media in full denial
What I suggested was quite clear. YOu dishonest lefties are trying to give the impression that the vote count was tampered with.

You will say or do anything to undermine democracy, since you lost.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.
It was successful enough that Trump personally spouted the Wikileaks information on a weekly basis
It fed his “Crooked HIllary” campaign
You didn’t answer my question.
Who said the vote count was tampered with?

We are looking at Trump benefitting from illegally obtained Russian propaganda, using Russian propaganda, buying off witnessesand possibly offering policy concessions in return
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.
It was successful enough that Trump personally spouted the Wikileaks information on a weekly basis
It fed his “Crooked HIllary” campaign
You didn’t answer my question.
Afraid I did
"The end has begun. Almost every Republican Congressman/Woman is silent. They’re hoping we’ll forget their complicity. Will we?" - Zach Braff
How many Liberals have you met who voted for Trump?
I can’t believe I paid your salary.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
I want to know how successful this supposed “Russian manipulation“ was.
I mean, are Liberals so fuck dumb that an ad on Facebook made one of them vote for Trump?

I have yet to meet with one of your brain dead pals who voted for him.
It was successful enough that Trump personally spouted the Wikileaks information on a weekly basis
It fed his “Crooked HIllary” campaign
You didn’t answer my question.
Afraid I did didn’t.
All you did was hand me more conspiracy bullshit.

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