The End of The World Is Coming! Or Is It?

Is The End of the World Coming?

  • No. Don't be a lunatic.

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • It seems like there are a number of good reasons why the end of the world could be soon.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Yes, the Rapture is nigh! The Apocalpse is coming. Jesus is coming to take his children home.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Yes, haven't you seen the History Channel's series, 2012?

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Yes, haven't you seen the ABC series, 2100?

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Yes, we're going kill the planet with out Hummers and Wal-Marts.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Nuclear Option is still just that: an option.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Monotheists are going to kill eachother off, and I hope it happens soon.

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
the Apocalypse is not the end of the world, nor when Christ returns will be the end of the world...

It is the end of time as we know it...

or the end of times as we know it...

not the end.

And Rodishi explained it best, change.

I personally do not believe we will be raptured before Armageddon....and be protected from such havoc, but if we are and i am wrong, please let me and matt be a part of it! :D :lol:

The Mayan 2012 stuff and the Nostradamus 2012 stuff and the Hopi 2012 predictions and many other cultures 2012 predictions is scary as can be....especially the Mayan....and the aligning of the planets in our galaxy which happens every 26000 years, and precession with our Poles reversing....we already are showing completely dead magnetic zones...just said on Discovery across the south america/brazil regions....12/21/2012 at 11:11 shit on the elevens... :eek: for those of you following my eleven problem...all the planets will be aligned with the center of the Milky way and the huge black hole there, the Dark Rift.
12/21/2012- This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, for 26000 years then it moves on to another age...

.....damn, many moons ago, there was a group that sang that song....who was it?
the Apocalypse is not the end of the world, nor when Christ returns will be the end of the world...

It is the end of time as we know it...

or the end of times as we know it...

not the end.

And Rodishi explained it best, change.

I personally do not believe we will be raptured before Armageddon....and be protected from such havoc, but if we are and i am wrong, please let me and matt be a part of it! :D :lol:

The Mayan 2012 stuff and the Nostradamus 2012 stuff and the Hopi 2012 predictions and many other cultures 2012 predictions is scary as can be....especially the Mayan....and the aligning of the planets in our galaxy which happens every 26000 years, and precession with our Poles reversing....we already are showing completely dead magnetic zones...just said on Discovery across the south america/brazil regions....12/21/2012 at 11:11 shit on the elevens... :eek: for those of you following my eleven problem...all the planets will be aligned with the center of the Milky way and the huge black hole there, the Dark Rift.
Or could that be 11-11-2011 at 11:11 AM?
12/21/2012- This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, for 26000 years then it moves on to another age...

.....damn, many moons ago, there was a group that sang that song....who was it?

Oh Care, you're gonna LOVE this Video! :lol: 11:11

[ame=]YouTube - 2012 MAYAN CALENDAR & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS[/ame]
12/21/2012- This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, for 26000 years then it moves on to another age...

.....damn, many moons ago, there was a group that sang that song....who was it?

Oh Care, you're gonna LOVE this Video! :lol: 11:11

[ame=]YouTube - 2012 MAYAN CALENDAR & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS[/ame]

you are purposely being an ELEVENMARE! :lol:
12/21/12-the beginning of WWIII

North Korea launches nuclear missle head which lands on the U.S western seabord at 11:11.

Russia declares it is somewhat of the U.S.S.R. again. And invades many little countries around it.

U.S instantly sends troops to NK. And many americans are killed from fallout and the actual explosion.

President Obama is making a speech in California when missile hits and is killed.

Afghanistan falls to taliban control and goes to war with Pakistan. Israel invades Pakistan.

Russia bombs India to provoke war. China aids NK for war with U.S.

All of this happening before 12 o'clock that day.
12/21/12-the beginning of WWIII

North Korea launches nuclear missle head which lands on the U.S western seabord at 11:11.

Russia declares it is somewhat of the U.S.S.R. again. And invades many little countries around it.

U.S instantly sends troops to NK. And many americans are killed from fallout and the actual explosion.

President Obama is making a speech in California when missile hits and is killed.

Afghanistan falls to taliban control and goes to war with Pakistan. Israel invades Pakistan.

Russia bombs India to provoke war. China aids NK for war with U.S.

All of this happening before 12 o'clock that day.

Yeah, we'll be here on 12/22/12 to laugh at all of you idiots who can't tell fantasy from reality. You won't be the first to be laughed at for making silly end-of-the-world predictions.
I fail to see any sort of credibility whatsoever in any of these so-called "prophecies." :eusa_eh:

If you look at history, you'll see that time and time again, societies rose, collapsed, rose, collapsed, in a cycle. I don't see what makes these times any more "special" that the myriad other civilizations before us. Everyone at one time or another gets their time as king of the hill, and sooner or later it's someone else's turn.

I see no reason why there couldn't be hundreds more civilizations after us. Who knows how different the world will be in 500 years. Not that I care, as I'll be dead...
Life is fragile. We need food, water, shelter, clothes, air, sunlight etc. If the food goes bad if can kills us, if the water is tainted it can kill us. If its too hot outside that can kills us, likewise if its too cold. Even if we get enough food, water, air and shelter we can still die of disease, old age, at the hands of other, as the foods of another species or an accident! Pregnancy to child birth to maturation is a long hard process!

The reality is, humans will eventually come to an end!
The Mayan 2012 stuff and the Nostradamus 2012 stuff and the Hopi 2012 predictions and many other cultures 2012 predictions is scary as can be....especially the Mayan..

I find it interesting that there are multiple predictions from different cultures. That rather grabs my attention.
I fail to see any sort of credibility whatsoever in any of these so-called "prophecies." :eusa_eh:

If you look at history, you'll see that time and time again, societies rose, collapsed, rose, collapsed, in a cycle. I don't see what makes these times any more "special" that the myriad other civilizations before us. Everyone at one time or another gets their time as king of the hill, and sooner or later it's someone else's turn.

I see no reason why there couldn't be hundreds more civilizations after us. Who knows how different the world will be in 500 years. Not that I care, as I'll be dead...

Prophecies are vague predictions that gullible people interpret to point to their conclusions.
The Mayan 2012 stuff and the Nostradamus 2012 stuff and the Hopi 2012 predictions and many other cultures 2012 predictions is scary as can be....especially the Mayan..

I find it interesting that there are multiple predictions from different cultures. That rather grabs my attention.

most of these prophesies come from cultures that were very far advanced in Astronomy/Astrology and 12/21/2012 at 11:11am, all the planets in our galaxy will be perfectly lined up in the center of the milkey way....this only happens once every 26,000 years. All havoc could be let loose because gravity may not stay as it is for each planet, because of this alignment and the interaction between planets when perfectly aligned is what I have read...which can reduce the efficiency of our "shield" our atmosphere, allowing us to be bombarded by asteroids or other debree.

Also, it may cause Polar Shift....? Where the poles swap or move from where they are now....this will cause many earthquakes, tsunamis what I have read.

Since the dawn of recorded history there have been claims of a coming apocalypse, doomsday, whatever you want to call it - the End of the World. From religious prophecy to scientific pessimism to street-corner, sign-holding crazies and religious zealots, many people seem to think the end is near.

Personally, I couldn' say for sure. There does seem to be some cause for consideration: like near-miss asteroids or comets, rising ocean acidity, North Korea's recent nuclear weapons testing, rising tensions between East and Western civilizations (not that there's anything new about that), rising tensions between Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faiths (same), over-population, Yellowstone's past-due super volcano eruption, etc... 2012 is just around the corner... Will that really be the end of the world, or would that just be the end of modern civilization as we know it? Seems to me we could use another world war to kick start the world economy, open up job opportunities, and maybe kill of a bunch of people for some "breathing room"! Or would it just be the end of humankind, but the new adapation and proliferation of plant and animal species now that the most successful organism (other than viruses and bacteria) will have disappeared?

Do you think the end of the world is nigh? Will we cause it ourselves? Will it be a cosmic collision or nuclear war? Or will it be as John prophesied in the Bible? Is the Rapture coming?

What do you think?

Out of those choices, I hope it's the rapture. God coming and just taking people to heaven sounds kind of dreamy.. :eusa_angel:

Ultimately, I hope we can reverse the damage to our environment caused by neglect and ignorance and the earth will survive a long while.
if the poles shift we cant stop why worry

one is NOT suppose to worry about any of this, according to the Bible....

we should be waiting free of anxiety, for the coming of our Savior, Lord Jesus could be another +/-2000 years of waiting....yes, we are to look for 'signs' of it being nigh, but we are NOT suppose to worry....worry is a waste of time and energy.
if the poles shift we cant stop why worry

one is NOT suppose to worry about any of this, according to the Bible....

we should be waiting free of anxiety, for the coming of our Savior, Lord Jesus could be another +/-2000 years of waiting....yes, we are to look for 'signs' of it being nigh, but we are NOT suppose to worry....worry is a waste of time and energy.

Why should we even bother to wait ?
if the poles shift we cant stop why worry

one is NOT suppose to worry about any of this, according to the Bible....

we should be waiting free of anxiety, for the coming of our Savior, Lord Jesus could be another +/-2000 years of waiting....yes, we are to look for 'signs' of it being nigh, but we are NOT suppose to worry....worry is a waste of time and energy.

Why should we even bother to wait ?

because patience is a virtue? hahahahahaha

I never thought twice about the return of Christ, for most of my entire life so, I do know where you are coming from....however, since the election of President Bush and then 9/11, my imagination and creative thinking has gone wild and admittingly, the 'end of times as we know it prophesies' have interested me....more so that they probably should.
one is NOT suppose to worry about any of this, according to the Bible....

we should be waiting free of anxiety, for the coming of our Savior, Lord Jesus could be another +/-2000 years of waiting....yes, we are to look for 'signs' of it being nigh, but we are NOT suppose to worry....worry is a waste of time and energy.

Why should we even bother to wait ?

because patience is a virtue? hahahahahaha

I never thought twice about the return of Christ, for most of my entire life so, I do know where you are coming from....however, since the election of President Bush and then 9/11, my imagination and creative thinking has gone wild and admittingly, the 'end of times as we know it prophesies' have interested me....more so that they probably should.

Paranoia is creative thinking ? I guess :lol:
Those who believe the world is coming to an end will be right about that once.

Those who believe the world will be coming to an end on a specific date will be wrong many times, as they have been so often already.
I never thought twice about the return of Christ, for most of my entire life so, I do know where you are coming from....however, since the election of President Bush and then 9/11, my imagination and creative thinking has gone wild and admittingly, the 'end of times as we know it prophesies' have interested me....more so that they probably should.

Also when considering the current economic meltdown that is happening on a global level, it makes one think! Add the holy war between traditionally Muslim countries and traditionally Christian countries and it rather seems like a bit of a powder keg.

I read the other day that hunger is growing on a global scale and it goes right along with the prophecies in Matthew 24 when it predicts famines. Global warming is another issue that may affect the ability to grow crops and so forth.

I'm not saying that I definitely believe all the prophecies about 2012, but it sure makes one think, when considering the shape of our world at this point in time.

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