The end of white America is now clearly in sight

....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short

The Tallest People in the World
Africa is a continent of the extremes. And the cradle of humankind. This is where the shortest people, the pygmies, appeared and still live.

Amongst those of pure blood, men have an average height of just 1.45 m (4.34 ft) and women of 1.33 m (4 ft)! But pygmies are not a dwarf variant of the Black Africans. Their heads look large compared to the rest of the body. But otherwise, they are perfectly proportioned (the dwarfs are deformed). They represent an ancient race and only the Khoi-San people (bushmen), now restricted to South Africa, are more ancient amongst current Homo sapiens races, who 50,000 years ago left Africa and reached New Guinea and Philippines, where nowadays pygmies still live.

But a biological law says that on tropics animals tend to have longer limbs than their counterparts living in areas with temperate/cold climate. Humans do not follow strictly biological rules, as they can shape their environment, but still, in Africa the tallest human race, with the longest limbs evolved.

This is the so-called Sudan type of the typical African Blacks. Today, this African race in its more or less pure form lives mainly in the southern Sudan and surrounding areas, while in central/western Africa they are heavily mixed with Congo type (the common typical Black Africans, like Bantu tribes).

In Ethiopia and Somalia, this race mixed intensively with a White one coming from southwestern Asia thousands of years ago.

In the case of some Sudanese tribes, males can have an average height of 1.9 m (6 ft, 4in) (!), while women of 1.8 m (6 ft) (!). These people have slim but strong bodies, and their heads are more elongated than in the case of the typical African Blacks. In case of a mixed race, these huge heights may not be generally attained by the population.

The most famous group and more racially preserved of the Sudanese race are the Nilotic tribes (they all originated on the Upper Nile area). The most famous are Maasai, Turkana, Samburu and Dinka, whose main occupation is animal husbandry.

Ancient (and modern) Nubians, the Black Pharaohs, were also of Sudanese race. When the French met this race of giants (in Chad tribes), they called them "the beautiful race".

The Surma tribe from southwestern Ethiopia is famous due to their women's habit of wearing lipplates.

On the marshes of the White Nile the Dinka live, tribes of nomad shepherds, whose main occupation is cattle/goat husbandry. That's why they are constantly in search of rich pastures.

Dinka people do not eat during daytime. In the evening, the family gathers around the fire to eat milk, fish, cooked water tubers, vegetables and rarely goat meat.

Cattle are never sacrificed. The community is led by a chief who chooses the grazing places. Each family detains a great number of cattle and some goats. Because they move so much, people do not keep too many belongings: just some clay pots, mats, headkerchiefs employed by the women to cover their heads and spear employed by men for hunting.

Children grow in groups and nobody is allowed to punish them. At the age of 6, boys start to accompany their father for learning husbandry and milking. For protection against the mosquito bites (that can spread malaria in these areas), Dinkas anoint their bodies with ash.
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
So you not only don't read National Geo, but you don't know how to read a map? Interesting, but it explains a lot about you.

Sudan location: north-eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea

Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Despite the skin tone, there is a lot of genetic variation between tribal regions including breast size. Africa is huge, not puny like Europe.

Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
hey, you wanna go to the baltic sea with me and visit the island of Jamaica?
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
So you not only don't read National Geo, but you don't know how to read a map? Interesting, but it explains a lot about you.

Sudan location: north-eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea

You apparently can't even read National Geographic. Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal.

If I say that the Netherlands(a country where the people are much taller than the average African) isn't Europe, that obviously doesn't mean that I am saying the Netherlands isn't located in Europe.

You are trying to say that Sudan somehow represents all or most of Africa, when that is clearly ridiculous.
Yes, Africa is a big continent, full of very short people.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
You are certifiably retarded, aren't you?
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
hey, you wanna go to the baltic sea with me and visit the island of Jamaica?
Great idea! We should take the train to save money.
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
hey, you wanna go to the baltic sea with me and visit the island of Jamaica?
Great idea! We should take the train to save money.
yeah, we could go take pictures of stonhenge while we are there
RAce is a social classification. Really , how many people have mixed backgrounds? It's only increasing .
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
So you not only don't read National Geo, but you don't know how to read a map? Interesting, but it explains a lot about you.

Sudan location: north-eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea

You apparently can't even read National Geographic. Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal.

If I say that the Netherlands(a country where the people are much taller than the average African) isn't Europe, that obviously doesn't mean that I am saying the Netherlands isn't located in Europe.

You are trying to say that Sudan somehow represents all or most of Africa, when that is clearly ridiculous.
sudanese ingeneral arent short
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
You are certifiably retarded, aren't you?
Keep dancing, kid. The more you do, the more you prove my points about you.
RAce is a social classification. Really , how many people have mixed backgrounds? It's only increasing .
naw, race does have real biological base, and most people, past present and future, will reporduce within that genotype, but there is nothing wrong with being one of those who dont.
race does matter to an extent , but it isnt the be all end all
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
So you not only don't read National Geo, but you don't know how to read a map? Interesting, but it explains a lot about you.

Sudan location: north-eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea

You apparently can't even read National Geographic. Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal.

If I say that the Netherlands(a country where the people are much taller than the average African) isn't Europe, that obviously doesn't mean that I am saying the Netherlands isn't located in Europe.

You are trying to say that Sudan somehow represents all or most of Africa, when that is clearly ridiculous.
Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
You are certifiably retarded, aren't you?
Keep dancing, kid. The more you do, the more you prove my points about you.
You really are dumber than gnat and Timmah combined.

Absolutely amazing.
RAce is a social classification. Really , how many people have mixed backgrounds? It's only increasing .
naw, race does have real biological base, and most people, past present and future, will reporduce within that genotype, but there is nothing wrong with being one of those who dont.
race does matter to an extent , but it isnt the be all end all
All humans are 99.5-99.9% genetically alike. There is a lot more to human beings than skin tone. Timmy is partially correct, "race" is a construct since, as we've been discussing about Africans and Europeans, a wide spectrum across that 0.1-0.5%. As our knowledge of genetics grew, geneticists realized the old "racial classifications" were as outdated as phrenology. One's "racial" history, ancestral geographic origin, is of interest only
to medical doctors and racists.

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