The end of white America is now clearly in sight

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?
He's a young, proud Polish white supremacist who thinks having an 85 IQ makes him a genius.
LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?
He's a young, proud Pole who thinks having an 85 IQ makes him a genius.

The African American IQ is actually 85, dumbass.
They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?
He's a young, proud Pole who thinks having an 85 IQ makes him a genius.

The African American IQ is actually 85, dumbass.
So you're no smarter than African Americans? Why are you claiming to be a genius then?
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?
He's a young, proud Pole who thinks having an 85 IQ makes him a genius.

The African American IQ is actually 85, dumbass.
So you're no smarter than African Americans? Why are you claiming to be a genius then?

I actually scored a 124 IQ.

You refuse to actually debate on my previous comment about cranial capacity, and cephalic indexes directed at you.

Instead as expected, you're here to mouth off like the dirty degenerate you are.
They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?

so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?
I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?

so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.
This video speaks volumes on how much the Mexican collective supports illegals.

How can we support such an anti-American people?

Get them out.

you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?

so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.

there are as many or more whites waging war against my god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as there are non whites
So, why do you support all this to come here?

I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?

so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.

there are as many or more whites waging war against my god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as there are non whites

Disproportionately the Mexican is way more anti-American.

My guess is 80% of Mexicans hold anti-American values, and only 20% of Whites do.

So guess what happens when Mexicans head for the majority?
I love racist threads. Here's what I think of races, and I like them all. These are in general terms, but they apply.

White people: They get shit done. Of course if put into the wrong hands, you get a major asshole.

Jewish people (not race, but it matters): Many are very intelligent. Some seem to have a greater, or at least a different perception of things. They get shit done too, and that's a understatement. Others are just twisted.

US Indians: Simple, and don't knock simple. Some are very intelligent and wise. Broad shoulders and little ass (ha), no really. Don't get em drunk, because bad things happen. Something about alcohol & Indians.

"Asians": While they have a small Johnson, no doubt it works for Asian women. They're generally very intelligent, capable, earnest & honorable. Sometimes they're very rude, conceited, and drive like shit man. As for a select group of Chinese, stop killing dogs for sport you fucks.

Black people: While they have a large Johnson, no doubt the Asian women are scared. They're fine powerful athletes, mostly because they have a strong ass and really big hands. Most have a great nature, and in some ways they're "simple" like US Indians. Potential is not lacking, many are highly intelligent. But I have to question much of their "culture". Too much crime and neglect, and too much complaining. That and look at many of their role models, like Maxine Waters. She makes me sick. They're feeding you lies.

Eastern Indians:
I like these people a lot man. Most I've met are very serious. But always friendly, they have a great nature, and they're very capable. Then there's one guy I know, funniest guy I know, and scared of nothing. His EI wife is different as well. Both hilarious, and she gives me a lot of shit.

Mexicans: Good nature, hard working & hard working. I like how they do the shit white people used to do more often, picnics and stuff. Speak of, and this applies to folks from South America, pick the fuck up after yourselves. That and you're not the only one in the area, like in a store aisle. Show some courtesy.

I can't speak much for the middle east. In many ways, I prefer to keep it that way for the sake of country. We're already culturally disturbed as fuck. The women I knew were very soft spoken and BEAUTIFUL. The men very courteous and nice.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.

How would we move forward by removing Whitey, if Whitey pays the taxes to support so many Blacks, and Hispanics?

Am I missing something?

It's amazing ho much you are missing.

Roughly half of Americans pay no income tax, arguably in Blacks, and Hispanics it would have to be quite higher, and also the amount of social programs they receive is quite higher.

The top tax brackets which heavily lack Blacks, and Hispanics, in fact pay for the country.

So, without a doubt, with no Whitey, the whole system will fall backwards.
Depends on which whitey you are referring too. Most Whites are in the same boat middle class Blacks and Hispanics are in. BUt here is how the super rich divides us....:
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
Well, there's been a large influx of illegal aliens coming over our southern border for years now and the vast majority of them are Catholics and thus, contraception and other forms of birth control are frowned upon, thus they spit out kids left and right.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
The US is also a different place than it was 200 years ago. Change happens. Change is healthy. Stagnation is disease.

Are you saying that non whites cannot be patriots? That they do not believe in the constitution and our form of government. ? Your basis for that assumption is WHAT exactly. ?
I don't support any of that bullshit, asshole

Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?
so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.
there are as many or more whites waging war against my god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as there are non whites

Disproportionately the Mexican is way more anti-American.

My guess is 80% of Mexicans hold anti-American values, and only 20% of Whites do.

So guess what happens when Mexicans head for the majority?
What do you base that on and, more importantly, what are "anti- American" values??
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
Well, there's been a large influx of illegal aliens coming over our southern border for years now and the vast majority of them are Catholics and thus, contraception and other forms of birth control are frowned upon, thus they spit out kids left and right.

Some White Catholic nations have very low birth rates, particularly ones in Eastern Europe.
Then why should the perpetrators (Mexicans) be here?

Oh yeah, keep viewing them as individuals, until there's no more America, brilliant.

Arguably the German people during the Nazi regime were also individuals, same with the Russian people during the Soviet regime.

See, how weak extreme individualism is?
so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.
there are as many or more whites waging war against my god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as there are non whites

Disproportionately the Mexican is way more anti-American.

My guess is 80% of Mexicans hold anti-American values, and only 20% of Whites do.

So guess what happens when Mexicans head for the majority?
What do you base that on and, more importantly, what are "anti- American" values??

Well, if you have crowds of Mexicans in the U.S, hassling American flags, and Americans for being against illegals.

Then obviously large tracts of that population is anti-American, point blank.
so I should hate white people because of Shannon watts?

Weak, way more Mexicans are anti-American, than Whites are.

I think Individualists are sub-Humans, selfish people who just think of themselves, not about society and can't properly identify threats, nor proportions, nor important collectives.
there are as many or more whites waging war against my god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as there are non whites

Disproportionately the Mexican is way more anti-American.

My guess is 80% of Mexicans hold anti-American values, and only 20% of Whites do.

So guess what happens when Mexicans head for the majority?
What do you base that on and, more importantly, what are "anti- American" values??

Well, if you have crowds of Mexicans in the U.S, hassling American flags, and Americans for being against illegals.

Then obviously large tracts of that population is anti-American, point blank.
Waning a path to become American citizens makes them anti American??

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