The end of white America is now clearly in sight

Sudan isn't Africa.

Africa isn't like Europe(where the tallest groups are not even noticeably taller than the shortest groups).
So you not only don't read National Geo, but you don't know how to read a map? Interesting, but it explains a lot about you.

Sudan location: north-eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea

You apparently can't even read National Geographic. Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal.

If I say that the Netherlands(a country where the people are much taller than the average African) isn't Europe, that obviously doesn't mean that I am saying the Netherlands isn't located in Europe.

You are trying to say that Sudan somehow represents all or most of Africa, when that is clearly ridiculous.
sudan isnt in africa??????????its damn sure not in austrailia
Are you a moron?

When did I say Sudan isn't IN Africa?
Nice dance, but the fact remains Sudan is part of Africa. Get a clue, please.
You are certifiably retarded, aren't you?
Keep dancing, kid. The more you do, the more you prove my points about you.
You really are dumber than gnat and Timmah combined.

Absolutely amazing.
You just go to sleep believing that, kid. I'm sure it gives you a big, warm fuzzy thinking you are superior.
Anti-Racists say "Diversity is strength"
But, they fight to "Blend diverse peoples into a swath"

Anti-Racists say "Diverse cultures have much to contribute for being diferent"
But, they fight to "Make such diverse cultures eradicated"

Am I missing something, or are anti-Racists retarded on the whole?

You don't get a more diverse culture than the United States

Worked pretty damned well

But, you support eradicating the diversity of the U.S by blending it together, no?

So, which is it morons?
No doubt, but it was still whites that made the greatest nation in the world.

Yes they did. They did it by blocking any other race from contributing

Do you mean blacks and orientals have not contributed to America. Don't tell that to descendants of slaves.

They contributed back breaking labor

I was referring to contributing from a leadership perspective

They were not "blocked from contributing"

Didn't see many Senators, Judges or CEOs from the ranks of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians or women did you?

What about Jews?
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
"racism is just another ugly form of collectivism"---ayn rand

I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
you aint no different than those "we was Kangz and sheeit" ass black dudes

That could be taken as "Racist"

The most collectivist people are the Chinese.
LMAO.......race mixing will not end the white race, black race or any other race. thats why the "muh white genocide" argument is stupid. Example, chuck norris's parents are both 1/2 irish american and 1/2 indian...would you describe him as anything other than white? aned hispanicas come in all colors. Felix trinidad is hispanic, but he is black. Canelo Alverez is hispanic, but would anyone say he aint white?

At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
what are you gonna do to NOT tolerate it..... you gonna try to use physical force to break up IR couples. to paraphrase billy jack " I wish you would, bernard, I really wish you would"

If anything I'd move back to my ancestral homeland of Poland.
I don't really agree with America at any point in history, ironically.
I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
LOL, thats pretty weak sauce. This country was founded on the belief of individualism, the creativity, the work ethic, the dreams and willingness to chase them of the INDIVIDUAL. Our founders fell short of those goals, but they still exist, and as long as the belief in one man or wamn's ability to overcome, to achieve, and the willingness to defend that ideal exist, then America will be a great nation always, no matter what the hue of its inhabitants.
This country was founded on establishing individualism where none existed before.

Destroying collectivism and tribalism is not what the founders had in mind.
they championed the rights of the individual. period. every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, within the confines of not violating anyone else's rights.
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
It's an absolute TRAGEDY & I'm NOT white!

Some small bright spots though. There are a fair number of white Hispanics who like traditional America & even some non-white Hispanics who are conservative which explains how Trump won the Hispanic vote. And the Asian growth rate may be higher but they're still a very small % of the population compared to whites.

If whites become a minority in 2044 as projected then even in just 100 to 150 years much of America will be UNRECOGNIZABLE with only 25% to 30% of the population white!

You can BET by then we'll have quasi to FULL open borders, regional Sharia Law, & maybe even a Muslim President! The founding fathers would be absolutely MORTIFIED and HORRIFIED!!
they championed the rights of the individual. period. every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, within the confines of not violating anyone else's rights.
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?
All of the founders were white nationalists, or even ethno-nationalists who couldn't even marry a Western European who wasn't of English heritage.

Even staunch Lincoln Republicans were horrified of integration and race mixing, which is why the Democrats literally used race mixing as a political tool to successfully court Republicans away from Lincoln and the more radical elements of the party(integrationists).

This is not about your rights, it is about the good of society which you take for granted at the racial level.
so do you think that it is OK to use force of law to prevent consenting adults from sleeping with each other?
yes or no
I think it is ok to use force of law to keep people from owning property based on race in ethnostates, which makes your question irrelevant.

It is not about stupid boomers and their short-sighted feelings anymore. This is about preventing all-out race wars and genocide in the frightfully near future.

Good point, if race mixing is a freedom right, then denying property to who ever you chose is a freedom right too, no?
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?
All of the founders were white nationalists, or even ethno-nationalists who couldn't even marry a Western European who wasn't of English heritage.

Even staunch Lincoln Republicans were horrified of integration and race mixing, which is why the Democrats literally used race mixing as a political tool to successfully court Republicans away from Lincoln and the more radical elements of the party(integrationists).

This is not about your rights, it is about the good of society which you take for granted at the racial level.
so do you think that it is OK to use force of law to prevent consenting adults from sleeping with each other?
yes or no
I think it is ok to use force of law to keep people from owning property based on race in ethnostates, which makes your question irrelevant.

It is not about stupid boomers and their short-sighted feelings anymore. This is about preventing all-out race wars and genocide in the frightfully near future.

Good point, if race mixing is a freedom right, then denying property to who ever you chose is a freedom right too, no?
if it's YOUR property
you should have the right to serve and employ only those you want to for any reason
LOL, thats pretty weak sauce. This country was founded on the belief of individualism, the creativity, the work ethic, the dreams and willingness to chase them of the INDIVIDUAL. Our founders fell short of those goals, but they still exist, and as long as the belief in one man or wamn's ability to overcome, to achieve, and the willingness to defend that ideal exist, then America will be a great nation always, no matter what the hue of its inhabitants.
This country was founded on establishing individualism where none existed before.

Destroying collectivism and tribalism is not what the founders had in mind.
they championed the rights of the individual. period. every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, within the confines of not violating anyone else's rights.
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change
Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
"racism is just another ugly form of collectivism"---ayn rand

I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
you aint no different than those "we was Kangz and sheeit" ass black dudes

That could be taken as "Racist"

The most collectivist people are the Chinese.
that's why I prefer viet and Khmer women, they are generally solid conservatives
....The average African woman also isn't very tall, and most are pretty flat-chested, so that means the already shrinking American black woman will get mixed up in that as well.
Not a fan of National Geographic magazine growing up?

Africa is a continent of the extremes. And the cradle of humankind..

Keep in mind that the Africans who cradled Humankind also had enormous cranial capacities, now this is not true what so ever.

While, it's true that the whole World has seen a shrinking in Human cranial capacities in the last 10's of thousands of years, this pattern has been more prevalent in Africa,.

Furthermore in lots of places cephalic indexes have increased, with the more primitive rear brain getting flattened, meaning the more advanced frontal lobe gains a disproportionate amount of cranial volume.

However, the cephalic index of Africa has not increased.

Yes, people with bigger skulls, and presumably larger cranial capacities have detectably higher IQ's.

Skull size and intelligence, and King Robert Bruce's IQ - ScienceDirect

Yes, people with higher cephalic indexes have detectable higher IQ's too. 5/Version-5/A1505050104.pdf
To be quite honest, let's say whites are gone. We're talking a people who know how to get shit done.

While I respect all races for various reasons, which race you figure will manage the ship so we remain a world power, or do we simply cave way to the liberal goal of one world order, where we're so dysfunctional our fate is being conquered leading to Communism? For that purpose, sorry, but I have little confidence in any "race" short of the Israelis, Eastern Indians, and Asians to prevent that from occurring, and even then I have a lot of doubt.

Be careful what you wish for you dirty white hating liberals, who project racism on others.
This country was founded on establishing individualism where none existed before.

Destroying collectivism and tribalism is not what the founders had in mind.
they championed the rights of the individual. period. every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, within the confines of not violating anyone else's rights.
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
RAce is a social classification. Really , how many people have mixed backgrounds? It's only increasing .
naw, race does have real biological base, and most people, past present and future, will reporduce within that genotype, but there is nothing wrong with being one of those who dont.
race does matter to an extent , but it isnt the be all end all
All humans are 99.5-99.9% genetically alike. There is a lot more to human beings than skin tone. Timmy is partially correct, "race" is a construct since, as we've been discussing about Africans and Europeans, a wide spectrum across that 0.1-0.5%. As our knowledge of genetics grew, geneticists realized the old "racial classifications" were as outdated as phrenology. One's "racial" history, ancestral geographic origin, is of interest only
to medical doctors and racists.

History of Phrenology on the Web

Chimpanzees / Bonobos are over 98% genetically alike to Humans.
they championed the rights of the individual. period. every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, within the confines of not violating anyone else's rights.
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you
None of the founders would agree with you.

There is a huge difference between rebeling against being a servant to the king and trying to destroy racial differences because multiculturalism/multi-racialism is a total failure.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
all of lthe founders would agree with me, thats why they said we all have INALIABLE RIGHTS. a man can do what the hell he wants to until such time where his actions violate the rights of another.
what right of yours am I violating by sleeping with a non-white woman?

LOLz, the Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
they didn't incorporate that into the constitution, which tells me they realized that could change

They should have, without it the U.S.A is being ruined by the pests.
what pests?...if you are talking about welfare leeches, criminals, people who come here and expect us to bend to them and refuse to become real americans, you are goddamned right....but if you are talking about good americans who might be a shade darker, then fuck you

I'm also talking about people like you.
White idiots who appease the third-World swaths to their own demise.
you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
I have given years of my life to defend our constitution, money from my own pocket, Ive participated in fighting against the bush and Obama admins attempts to turn America into the people's republic, what the fuck have you done?

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