The EPA: Dr. Mengele would be proud


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
MILLOY: EPA’s illegal human experiments could break Nuremberg Code
The Obama Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says no law empowers any judge to stop it from conducting illegal scientific experiments on seniors, children and the sick.

That astounding assertion will be tested Friday, when a federal district court in Alexandria decides whether it has jurisdiction to hear claims made by the American Tradition Institute that EPA researchers are exposing unwary and genetically susceptible senior citizens to air pollutants the agency says can cause a variety of serious cardiac and respiratory problems, including sudden death.

Although the lawsuit only addresses ongoing, purportedly illegal experimentation being carried out at an EPA laboratory on the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, EPA researchers and grantees have carried out dozens of similarly shocking experiments over the past 10 years at UNC and other schools, including Rutgers University, the University of Michigan, University of Rochester, University of Southern California and University of Washington.

During that time at those university laboratories, EPA-employed or -funded researchers have intentionally exposed a variety of people to concentrated levels of different air pollutants, including particulate matter (soot and dust), diesel exhaust, ozone and chlorine gas — the latter substance more recognized as a World War I-era chemical weapon than as an outdoor air pollutant.


Rather than defending itself against the serious allegations made by the institute, the EPA instead has said it is essentially above the law and the federal court has no business hearing those serious charges.

The EPA claims the court has no jurisdiction to hear the case under the Clean Air Act (CAA): “Nothing in the CAA provides a meaningful standard to evaluate what air pollution EPA chooses to study or how. To the contrary, the CAA gives EPA broad discretion in the subject matter of its research program. Congress broadly mandated that EPA study the health effects of air pollution.”

Of course, Congress most likely thought the EPA would conduct such research in a lawful manner.

The EPA also says because “no judicially manageable standards are available for judging how and when [EPA] should exercise its discretion in deciding what research to undertake, EPA’s decision to study the health effects of [particulate matter] using controlled human exposure studies was a decision committed to the EPA’s discretion and immune from review under the [Administrative Procedures Act],” the general law governing the conduct of federal agencies.

The EPA’s view, then, is that because Congress has not enacted a law that expressly forbids the agency from violating the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations governing human testing or that expressly guides judges in evaluating the conduct of agency researchers who experiment on their fellow human beings, the agency has unfettered discretion to do as it pleases with the young, old, sick and anyone else who falls into its clutches.​

MILLOY: Federal judge overturns EPA human experiments case
The American Tradition Institute sued the EPA in October to stop an ongoing experiment in which the agency was exposing elderly study subjects (up to 75 years of age) to concentrated levels of a deadly (according to EPA) air pollutant known as PM2.5 (soot or dust much smaller than the width of a human hair).

The lawsuit claimed the experiments were illegal in that they blatantly violated virtually every major standard developed since World War II for the protection of human study subjects used in scientific experiments.

Given that the EPA long ago determined that any exposure to PM2.5 could cause death (as well as a host of other serious health consequences) within hours or days of inhalation, the experiments are fundamentally illegal. Federal regulations and the Nuremberg Code strictly prohibit scientists from treating human subjects like expendable guinea pigs. In the experiment in question, the study subjects were asked to risk their very lives for $12 per hour.

Then again, the study subjects really weren’t “asked” to risk their lives, since the EPA researchers failed — and, in fact, refused — to warn them that PM2.5 could kill them. At the very least, exposing study subjects to a dangerous and deadly toxin without their consent is also known as “assault and battery.”

To Judge Trenga, however, the important thing apparently was to nitpick to death the effort to stop the experiments with a narrow reading of the federal rules of civil procedure.

Judge Trenga determined that the EPA’s decision to endanger the lives of its study subjects, including inducing them to sign a fraudulent consent form, did not constitute a “final agency action” under the Administrative Procedures Act. Judge Trenga also determined, as the American Tradition Institute was not being harmed by the experiments, it didn’t have standing to pursue the case.


Lifetime-appointed and thus unaccountable Judge Trenga essentially decided, in agreement with Department of Justice and EPA pleadings, that no one and no law can stop the EPA from breaking the sacrosanct rules protecting human subjects from rogue experimentation. His ruling came even though federal rules of civil procedure explicitly state they “must be construed so as to do justice.”

Thanks to Judge Trenga, EPA (and possibly any other rogue government human experimenter) now has a “get out of the Nuremberg Code free” card.​

Equally disgusting.
Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment
While chlorine gas may have been used as a weapon by one side or the other in Syria, it was definitely used on people by the EPA.

One of the EPA human testing subjects who came forward as a result of the media coverage of the human testing scandal reported to us that she had been exposed to chlorine gas by the EPA during an intentional exposure experiment at the EPA lab housed in the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

She stated,

The next study (called “CHAPS”) I qualified for was in 2008. This title was “Respiratory effects of short-term low-level chlorine gas exposure” IRB # 05-2019. According to the consent form, the purpose of this study was “to evaluate changes in lung function and evidence of respiratory tract inflammation.” This was also a two-part, two-day study. The first day involved an EKG, bloodwork, and baseline pulmonary function tests. Next I underwent a four-hour chamber exposure to chlorine gas at 0.4ppm while exercising on and off a bike and treadmill in alternating 20-minute periods. After the exposure all pre-tests were repeated, along with a “methacholine challenge,” where I inhaled the airway constricting drug methacholine to test how my airway reacted to the drug. This completed day one. Day two involved the repeating of pulmonary function tests and labs, along with follow-up bronchoscopy. The bronchoscopy included both bronchoalveolar lavage and brush biopsy. This entire process was repeated again at least four weeks later, with exposure to chlorine or clean air. I was blinded to the study conditions. [Emphasis added]​

The exposure to 0.4 ppm of chlorine gas exceeds the World Health Organization’s recommended limited for safe ambient exposure to chlorine gas (i.e., 0.034 ppm) by 11.7 times.

Evidence that EPA had indeed exposed human subjects to chlorine gas was found in at least one document on the EPA web site and is excerpted below:


More details about CHAPS and other intentional exposure experiments involving chlorine gas have been omitted or scrubbed from the EPA web site.

Given that (1) chlorine gas is hazardous to health; (2) chlorine gas is not an ambient air pollutant; and that (3) EPA has no regulatory authority over workplace exposures to chlorine, why was EPA testing chlorine gas on its human guinea pigs?​

WTF is wrong with the people at EPA?

Defund it. Now.
Have you sent your reps this link? I have.
Have you sent your reps this link? I have.

Sent to Senators Paul and McConnel, and Representative Whitfield:
SUBJECT: Human Experimentation at EPA

[Title] [Name], this issue is appalling, and should be investigated.

Please see these articles:

MILLOY: EPA's illegal human experiments could break Nuremberg Code - Washington Times

MILLOY: Federal judge overturns EPA human experiments case - Washington Times

Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria ? but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment |

This is completely unacceptable, and must not be allowed to continue.

Third World nations do this. The United States of America, in whose Air Force I proudly served for twenty years, does not.

Thank you for your attention.

[My real name], TSgt, USAF (Ret)​
EPA researchers and grantees have carried out dozens of similarly shocking experiments over the past 10 years at UNC and other schools

10 years would make that the Bush administrations baby.
EPA researchers and grantees have carried out dozens of similarly shocking experiments over the past 10 years at UNC and other schools

10 years would make that the Bush administrations baby.
If this is where you expect conservatives to say, "Oh, well, that's okay, then!" -- you're going to be disappointed.

You see, and I know you won't be able to comprehend this, wrong is wrong, no matter who does it.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what unchecked government that believes itself above the law looks like.

And some of you TRUST this government, no matter how untrustworthy it proves itself. And that's fine -- you can make that egregious mistake if you like.

But don't tell ME I'm wrong and paranoid and a potential domestic terrorist for not trusting it.
EPA researchers and grantees have carried out dozens of similarly shocking experiments over the past 10 years at UNC and other schools

10 years would make that the Bush administrations baby.
If this is where you expect conservatives to say, "Oh, well, that's okay, then!" -- you're going to be disappointed.

You see, and I know you won't be able to comprehend this, wrong is wrong, no matter who does it.

You're the dumb bitch that tried to say Oblama was to blame.
10 years would make that the Bush administrations baby.
If this is where you expect conservatives to say, "Oh, well, that's okay, then!" -- you're going to be disappointed.

You see, and I know you won't be able to comprehend this, wrong is wrong, no matter who does it.

You're the dumb bitch that tried to say Oblama was to blame.

Where did I do that? Degree of difficulty: You have to use words that I actually wrote.
If I'd said George Zimmerman was now working for the EPA, this thread would be over a thousand posts by now.
I have met Mengele,many suffered at his hands of course, and some of those who harboured him kept little altars to his influence. I researched a local theme park and six weeks later knew enough to publish four articles on what is really Monarch programming, which Mengele allegedly helped perfect with his trauma jockey career in WW2. So I got a visit. But Mengele died in 1979 right...Old Etonian "historians" say so. They should get a visit from the man, but they probably have. The 1979 burial was a shill, and bhmversusmengele(dot)tumblr(dot)com shows why. But having been poked in the throat by this master programmer whilst a sidekick of "his" tried to video it in 2002 I came to a monstrous conclusion about this chuckling (very short-2 bone diseases and this was at age 93) heavily German accented very man with massive lines engraved in his cheeks --pain I am told on the web) . My conclusion was post war the suggestion is he was working for the Western Powers in the Americas and Canada. The lone bitter neutered but well connected chancer on the run was a contrived myth. Other considerations (see my blog) suggest he was already an Ipssimmus or Ipsimus (I neither know nor care if there is some variable distinction to save me time) and as such under the pretext of losing his ego to become a "master" or some such pretext to voluntary submission to what existed at the time he lost his mens rea. Or else he would not do then deny, seek approbation and yet cast the cruel streak without a care. It all fits. I have been hunting this ghoul for the man inside, the soull
that leaks a tear when no-one is watching from some suppressed "alter" (Google his name and "alter") And I may have found a bolt hole that could have been used to programme
very usable film actors for media "placements of programming motifs and so on...when at Cannes Film Festivals. The Mengele family...the son (* about whom see my site) started to let out a luxury 10 bed Villa Almarin in 2008, in Mougins. THat would be when I would think his natural life on this planet would have ended, missed no doubt now for his memory in a system that dare not use the usual system of records. (Hence Helms destroying them in 1973). They often used complicated mnemomics, even the Cabbala, apparently.
For those wags who suggest "Mengele couldn't swim"...( he did or rather didn't drown) the 8 to 10 bed villa has an endless pool where no doubt the song "Don't it turn your brown eyes blue) might be playing on a sound system?
Apologies, but an important point, for Mengele and others acting as programmers for the scheme great score is held according to black , very black dark humour.And that humour, the motifs we know about, those we can guess or measure against escapees or refuseniks,
may allow us to deconstruct this defence of the realm so we, the citizenry, shall not be bound by it. For homage to Mengele and what he had to suffer is no reason to perpetuate his evil of course, but what if it can save millions of lives? What if our enemies lose the will to kill, and we them.? Or will it work in a sort of Halliburton way, with Governments not really in control, as many fear from the escalation of the obscure Germanic illuminati?
Personally I call a system used by the Western Powers a form of National Security, and I should only do my bit to look for such leaks as I find myself discovering with my Chartered Librarian skills. Proof of that concept is when I complained to my Member of Parliament and the Oversight Chairman the poking about with my perceptions stopped. Thanks, who-ever. Maybe I should enthuse for such a powerful system, and volunteer. Just like Dr Josef Mengele. Capiche? Just watch out if the history books start getting rewritten. Tim Baber
If I'd said George Zimmerman was now working for the EPA, this thread would be over a thousand posts by now.

Why take your own thread off topic?

I believe the reason that progressives are not rushing to this thread to express outrage is that you overplayed your own outrage. You use a NAZI reference to suggest that the EPA is committing genocide. You use an opinion piece as your source that was published in a dopey nutter rag.

Before any of us even give thought to the issue that you raise, we are forced to wade through your overcharged bullshit.....and vague accusations.

Take it easy, nutter. If you truly wish to enlist others in your cause, give them a chance to take it in before you introduce the crazy.

In addition....the way that you nutters try to lay claim to issues by introducing them in such politically charged terms is a turn off. You seem to think that if you discover an injustice and start a thread with some partisan horseshit, you own the issue and that any liberal that takes issue with your approach is guilty of condoning the injustice. Likewise, if you learn about some exceptional deed or feat carried out by post it.....tinge it with your lame divisive shit....and then take the pleasure out if it for others.
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