The era of prosperity is OVER!!!

That is something the DNC won't tell you

What they will tell you, is that they just passed a bill to fight inflation

But I see virtually no reputable sources that agree with that assessment. Why is that?

Also, the Biden administration was confronted about the bill asking when we should see relief from inflation due to the passage of the bill

But predictably, they are clueless about this as the are so many other things, and refuse to answer

All that can or will be known is, how much worse it all would have been without their legislation that spends even more money causing even more inflation.

It was a Green New Deal disguised as an anti-Inflation bill.
It's not just the Left in the US, it is the Left around the world

You can't have economic prosperity with the engine of that prosperity, being fossil fuels, coupled with the Covid shut downs

All of this has been manufactured by Left wing governments around the world.

Governments around the world have caused this crisis, but none of them will own up to it

The media will probably blame what is left of a free market or Orange man.

I only spoke in relation to America because I don't know really what's going on in other countries.

But the world economic forum is still behind all of it because their made up of elites from allover the world and what they plan they are planning for every country, starting with western countries as they are the leaders and trend setters. Western countries and 1st world countries are also where all the world economic forum leaders are from so they want their own countries to be full of servants that own nothing.
That is something the DNC won't tell you

What they will tell you, is that they just passed a bill to fight inflation

But I see virtually no reputable sources that agree with that assessment. Why is that?

Also, the Biden administration was confronted about the bill asking when we should see relief from inflation due to the passage of the bill

But predictably, they are clueless about this as the are so many other things, and refuse to answer

All that can or will be known is, how much worse it all would have been without their legislation that spends even more money causing even more inflation.

Speak for yourself.
Actually, that might not be a bad thing in some situations.

Not so bad if what we're talking about are family compounds out in the mountains where whole families can hunker down and be largely autonomous. But it's not the best scenario for empty nesters who have come to enjoy the solitude of semi-retired life minus the pitter patter of not so small adult child feet.
Not so bad if what we're talking about are family compounds out in the mountains where whole families can hunker down and be largely autonomous. But it's not the best scenario for empty nesters who have come to enjoy the solitude of semi-retired life minus the pitter patter of not so small adult child feet.

I disagree. Again, not in all cases or maybe not even most cases, BUT if you can't get along with your own family then maybe there's a problem. Yours, theirs, or both. IMHO, we've got to get to a place where at least we can live with family members without bloodshed, okay? Otherwise, how can we possibly get along with non-family members, at least sometimes? If living in close quarters brings some of us a little closer together then I submit that ain't a bad thing.

And I will add this: it could be that somewhere down the road this might not be a choice but in many cases a necessity. Cuz I think there's a fair chance that sooner or later we're going to experience a serious depression that forces many of us to live together. Right now, our leadership divides us (both parties), but with a different approach that can change for the better. Not saying that will happen, just that it could and IMHO that would be a good thing.

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