The European Vision


Nov 14, 2012
Alliances emerge from the shared interests of the members. Every commonwealth starts with basic shared interests and the focus is of course on the foreign policy. Which union doesn´t have a common foreign policy? It is the European Union.

The European Vision is not about to interfere in national and regional affairs. It is not about to set up a government imitation that puts out 10 new laws nobody ever knows about per day. The European Vision or any vision is about highlighting the shared values and interests. This is why the EU does not represent the European vision. We do not get a Europe but we lose our nations. All the EU exists of is two parliaments and some paper. There is no people, no citizenship, no government, no government bodies and no shared, common interests but therefore there is an extraordinary accumulation of governmental power, the right to interfere without limitations granted to a bunch of grey eminences, the EU Commissioners, who stay away from the public and are not subjected to elections. Appointing and backing them is the EU parliament, whose members are also not subjected to elections.

Is this the European Vision? No. If the EU does not want to become the greatest joke of European history, major reforms are due. A framework must be proposed and members must confirm it. There shall be no intersection of competences. Competences must be defined accurately: No despotism! There shall be no workarounds for failed initiatives, for example the EU Constitution. There shall be no violations of the preset conditions, for example the ESM.

In general, a union cannot be rushed or enforced. It develops itself or not. If not, any artificial effort will inevitably fail.
Every commonwealth starts with basic shared interests and the focus is usually on domestic issues.
On domestic issues? Why? We can handle our domestic issues without being in an union with others. There are also no domestic issues the EU is based upon.
The European Vision needs to stay in Europe....
Agreed. They're so screwed up they don't know whether to squat and shit or stand up and piss. Putin is using the carrot and stick approach with oil and gas as the carrot and cutting it off as the stick. Putin wants to expand his empire through Ukraine and into the ME through Syria. The Euros don't know whether they can depend upon the US to back them up in standing up to him or if they should just bend over for him.
The European Vision needs to stay in Europe....
Agreed. They're so screwed up they don't know whether to squat and shit or stand up and piss. Putin is using the carrot and stick approach with oil and gas as the carrot and cutting it off as the stick. Putin wants to expand his empire through Ukraine and into the ME through Syria. The Euros don't know whether they can depend upon the US to back them up in standing up to him or if they should just bend over for him.
Anti-Russian agitation. Russia needs the money as much as we need the gas! Not a single time, not during the cold war and not today, Russia has ever threatened to cut off the gas! We even have a direct undersea pipeline leading from Russia directly to Germany.
European Union?

Meaning Global World Government?

Fuck that.
The EU is ultimately about domestic policies in an international sphere. Just as the USA was formed by individual states getting together
Their common interest was purely focused on foreign policy: It was all about independence from the Crown.
European Union?

Meaning Global World Government?

Fuck that.
They are more disorganized than a Kindergarten fire drill so I don't fear them becoming a GWG. However, our species is too immature to even think about a world government. We'd fuck it up as a dictatorship. Best to evolve more first. This probably includes another WW or two, but that's what it'll take for us to move forward.
European Union?

Meaning Global World Government?

Fuck that.
They are more disorganized than a Kindergarten fire drill so I don't fear them becoming a GWG. However, our species is too immature to even think about a world government. We'd fuck it up as a dictatorship. Best to evolve more first. This probably includes another WW or two, but that's what it'll take for us to move forward.


fuck global Government

fuck idiotic European stupidity
European Union?

Meaning Global World Government?

Fuck that.
They are more disorganized than a Kindergarten fire drill so I don't fear them becoming a GWG. However, our species is too immature to even think about a world government. We'd fuck it up as a dictatorship. Best to evolve more first. This probably includes another WW or two, but that's what it'll take for us to move forward.


fuck global Government

fuck idiotic European stupidity
LOL. Agreed, but I'm a big believer in "it is what it is".

I have strong faith things will work out in the end. Good does prevail even if it takes time for it to do it.

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