The ever avoided and unanswered question by America's left and right


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Democrats, republicans and any other movements that are a part of the establishment keep talking about issues and blaming the other side and each other, never touching the base, the core of the debt problem, and that is the USURY, the INTEREST, the FED. American founding fathers were WARNING about the scheme of international bankers and what it does to nations, and in 1913 USA was sold out.

What do you get from allowing international bankers print your money charging interest on it?
I want answers from each and everyone of you. It also seems that every nation that USA does not like happens to be a nation that international bankers have not yet hijacked - example - Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, Afghanistan and so on. greatest evil of 20th century? Germany which liberated itself from international bankers. So American founding fathers must indeed have been terrible people to have sided with what was to become a Nazi Germany? oh yes, they are known today as SLAVE OWNERS.
Woodrow Wilson was anA hole dose that answer your question from me?
Yes, you are cleared, but a simple "nothing, we are just being robbed by a private institution posing as a "federal" institution" would have been nice.
Aren't you worried about the NSA getting fed up with you compromising national security so freely?
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!
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Democrats, republicans and any other movements that are a part of the establishment keep talking about issues and blaming the other side and each other, never touching the base, the core of the debt problem, and that is the USURY, the INTEREST, the FED. American founding fathers were WARNING about the scheme of international bankers and what it does to nations, and in 1913 USA was sold out.

What do you get from allowing international bankers print your money charging interest on it?
I want answers from each and everyone of you. It also seems that every nation that USA does not like happens to be a nation that international bankers have not yet hijacked - example - Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, Afghanistan and so on. greatest evil of 20th century? Germany which liberated itself from international bankers. So American founding fathers must indeed have been terrible people to have sided with what was to become a Nazi Germany? oh yes, they are known today as SLAVE OWNERS.

What do you get? Screwed, that's what.
Woodrow Wilson was anA hole dose that answer your question from me?
Yes, you are cleared, but a simple "nothing, we are just being robbed by a private institution posing as a "federal" institution" would have been nice.

Nah the two subject's on these political forum board's that both liberals and con's agree on( what I gather) Is end the fed and we are sick of Monsanto. .
Start your own currency. Bitcoin seems to be doing pretty well. The libertarian types mad at central/natl banking still have choices. Theyd rather whine, emote and complain then do something innovative like bitcoin did.
Also for the conspiracy kooks - irs is working with bitcoin currency users with their tax returns and allowing them reported.
I have had no debt for the last thirty I don't see your point. No debt, no interest.
I have had no debt for the last thirty I don't see your point. No debt, no interest.
I have had no debt either, I bought my house in cash without borrowing. Do you own a property? did your property tax rise? can you connect the dots why it rises? I do not see your point.
Nobody* owns property.

You only rent it from the government. Miss a rent payment (property tax) and even the illusion of ownership is gone.

*Exception: In at least one state there are "unincorporated areas" where there is no taxing entity but also no locally maintained roads, no police, no fire protection and no locally funded schools. Those areas grow fewer each year and soon will be gone entirely.
I have had no debt for the last thirty I don't see your point. No debt, no interest.
I have had no debt either, I bought my house in cash without borrowing. Do you own a property? did your property tax rise? can you connect the dots why it rises? I do not see your point.

How can I connect your dots when you did not include your property tax dot in your OP.
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!
And why is the FED the goose that lays the golden eggs? and why is there an interest on those golden eggs and where is the interest supposed to come from if not from more borrowing?
Democrats, republicans and any other movements that are a part of the establishment keep talking about issues and blaming the other side and each other, never touching the base, the core of the debt problem, and that is the USURY, the INTEREST, the FED. American founding fathers were WARNING about the scheme of international bankers and what it does to nations, and in 1913 USA was sold out.

What do you get from allowing international bankers print your money charging interest on it?
I want answers from each and everyone of you. It also seems that every nation that USA does not like happens to be a nation that international bankers have not yet hijacked - example - Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, Afghanistan and so on. greatest evil of 20th century? Germany which liberated itself from international bankers. So American founding fathers must indeed have been terrible people to have sided with what was to become a Nazi Germany? oh yes, they are known today as SLAVE OWNERS.

Im just as miffed asyou are about the existence and rules for the FED. But you got a lot of dots in there that dont connect. All those countries you mentioned are deserts as far as global trade goes. Maybe iran is an exception, but theres no international finance, because theres no trade. At least LEGAL trade. And I dont know what tree you were barking up about Germany. Germany left inter. Banking because their currency crashed. And shortly therafter all their foreign assets WERE SEIZED.

im also having problems seeing the FED being diddled as a toy of some INTERNATIONAL conspiracy.. Please elaborate.. They are really a domestic criminal enterprise --- far as I can tell.
Start your own currency. Bitcoin seems to be doing pretty well. The libertarian types mad at central/natl banking still have choices. Theyd rather whine, emote and complain then do something innovative like bitcoin did.

Never heard of Bernard von NotHaus, have you?
Somewhere in all our minds, in our darkest moments, we know that the international banking cartel owns at least a piece of every one of us. No dollar or yen or euro comes to our hand without having been skimmed off the top by them and we know that they do not have our interests at heart unless it just happens to coincidentally coincide with theirs. The reason no one really does anything about it is that even presidents and billionaires must submit or be destroyed. Of course we all know that there is a solution but it leads though hell, they made sure of that.

In my idealistic politically angry youth I once thought that there is perhaps a political solution to the stranglehold debt slavery has on the world and perhaps in those days there was, today it is clear that the Beast will make any victory a very Pyrrhic one indeed.
In my idealistic politically angry youth I once thought that there is perhaps a political solution to the stranglehold debt slavery has on the world and perhaps in those days there was, today it is clear that the Beast will make any victory a very Pyrrhic one indeed.
You haven't grown up. I live debt free because I worked hard and paid my house off as well as my cars and motorcycles. You could have done it too instead of whining about how unfair life is.
In my idealistic politically angry youth I once thought that there is perhaps a political solution to the stranglehold debt slavery has on the world and perhaps in those days there was, today it is clear that the Beast will make any victory a very Pyrrhic one indeed.
You haven't grown up. I live debt free because I worked hard and paid my house off as well as my cars and motorcycles. You could have done it too instead of whining about how unfair life is.
We all love to sound like smart asses, but then again....:
Nobody* owns property.
You only rent it from the government. Miss a rent payment (property tax) and even the illusion of ownership is gone.
*Exception: In at least one state there are "unincorporated areas" where there is no taxing entity but also no locally maintained roads, no police, no fire protection and no locally funded schools. Those areas grow fewer each year and soon will be gone entirely.
I have had no debt for the last thirty I don't see your point. No debt, no interest.
I have had no debt either, I bought my house in cash without borrowing. Do you own a property? did your property tax rise? can you connect the dots why it rises? I do not see your point.

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