The ever avoided and unanswered question by America's left and right

We all love to sound like smart asses, but then again....:

Nobody* owns property.
You only rent it from the government. Miss a rent payment (property tax) and even the illusion of ownership is gone.
*Exception: In at least one state there are "unincorporated areas" where there is no taxing entity but also no locally maintained roads, no police, no fire protection and no locally funded schools. Those areas grow fewer each year and soon will be gone entirely.
Well, he lost his own argument. My property taxes pay for the roads, fire, emergency, police, re-education camps for then utes, etc. I agree they are too high and fund far too much other government but we live in a country where stupid people can vote. A country that supports Peter paying Paul will always have the support of Paul.

What do you get from allowing international bankers print your money charging interest on it?

You get MASTERS.

After 100 years of having the power to control the amount of capital, the MASTERS )of capital) own or control pretty much everything this society has to own or control.

And your observation that every nation that America hates also happens to be outside of the control of the international system of bankage SEEMS TO BE spot on.

I say seems to be because none of us are really privy to the reality of what happens behind closed doors.
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Well, he lost his own argument. My property taxes pay for the roads, fire, emergency, police, re-education camps for then utes, etc. I agree they are too high and fund far too much other government but we live in a country where stupid people can vote. A country that supports Peter paying Paul will always have the support of Paul.
I am glad you are like me, or nearly as independent as me, but it would be nice to get back on topic - desperate governments do desperate things.
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Start your own currency. Bitcoin seems to be doing pretty well. The libertarian types mad at central/natl banking still have choices. Theyd rather whine, emote and complain then do something innovative like bitcoin did.

YOu clearly do not understand the laws regarding currency.

There is one official currency in this nation...everything else MUST be computed against that currency.

Doubt that?

Try paying you taxes with bitcoin.

Go ahead... give it a try.
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!

I disagree.

Government does not give them all of the cash and prizes they demand.

Government tells them of all the cash and prizes they deserve...and then promises them those cash and prizes if they are elected.

No one said they wanted free cell phones.

But Government told them they deserve them.....
Start your own currency. Bitcoin seems to be doing pretty well. The libertarian types mad at central/natl banking still have choices. Theyd rather whine, emote and complain then do something innovative like bitcoin did.

YOu clearly do not understand the laws regarding currency.

There is one official currency in this nation...everything else MUST be computed against that currency.

Doubt that?

Try paying you taxes with bitcoin.

Go ahead... give it a try.

Just as one can not use a 42 cent postage stamp as currency; other than to post a letter. Even though the US government prints it as having a US value of 42 cents.
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!

since when robbing less( tax deductions) is equal to cash handouts ( obamafone, child tax credit, welfare, foodstamps etc)?

those are two absolutely different categories and robbing less the ones which work and pay taxes is in no way equal to those which do nothing, pay no taxes and receive the handouts just for being alive.
Somewhere in all our minds, in our darkest moments, we know that the international banking cartel owns at least a piece of every one of us. No dollar or yen or euro comes to our hand without having been skimmed off the top by them and we know that they do not have our interests at heart unless it just happens to coincidentally coincide with theirs. The reason no one really does anything about it is that even presidents and billionaires must submit or be destroyed. Of course we all know that there is a solution but it leads though hell, they made sure of that.

In my idealistic politically angry youth I once thought that there is perhaps a political solution to the stranglehold debt slavery has on the world and perhaps in those days there was, today it is clear that the Beast will make any victory a very Pyrrhic one indeed.

I am confused.

How can I be a slave to a creditor if I opted to live within my means and accumulate no debt?

Or are you blaming the situation on those that lend, not those that opt to borrow?
Try paying you taxes with bitcoin.

Go ahead... give it a try.
If that works I'm going to pay my property taxes with my priceless button collection.
I would like to pay my taxes with left over tomatoes and zucchini that I usually have around September

if you SELL your tomatoes and your zucchinis then it might be quite possible.

did it ever crossed your mind?
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!

since when robbing less( tax deductions) is equal to cash handouts ( obamafone, child tax credit, welfare, foodstamps etc)?

those are two absolutely different categories and robbing less the ones which work and pay taxes is in no way equal to those which do nothing, pay no taxes and receive the handouts just for being alive.

it is the talking point to offset the "entitlement" argument.
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!
And why is the FED the goose that lays the golden eggs? and why is there an interest on those golden eggs and where is the interest supposed to come from if not from more borrowing?

If you put the power of the money printing press in the hands of Congress, they would do an even worse job than the Fed. Every two years, they would print trillions of dollars to ensure their re-election.

Congress would achieve a balanced budget by printing an additional $18 trillion instead of cutting spending. And I think you know that.

The problem is not with the Fed. The problem is with the American people demanding more from the government than we can afford.

"Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!"
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OP- Brainwashed tin foil idiocy- We're not going back to the horrible gilded age- Read ''The Good Old Days- They Were Terible''- too bad demented Ronnie Reagan never did.. The point is to make these agencies work for all the people, not just the mega rich a-holes who direct Pub dupes...- they just love keeping you uneducated and provincial.
If our government did not spend more than it takes in, it would not have to borrow money from the Fed, now would it?

The problem is our politicians give the American people all the cash and prizes they demand. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my Obamaphone. Gimme my tax free employer health insurance benefit. Gimme a child tax credit. Gimme a depreciation deduction. Gimme a thousand tax breaks and other prizes for being married. Gimme, gimme, gimme. But don't you DARE raise my taxes!11!

Fire up the printing press!

You are - of course - correct - but the gimme gimme gets into the astronomical numbers when it is the oil companies saying "gimme gimme 1.8 billion to re-tool my refineries to handle the sludge that's gonna come through the Keystone pipeline" "gimme gimme outrageous loans to support my solar company that produces outdated technology" etc ...

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