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The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

These charges against Obama are roughly comparable to him being accused of murder,

but without a body, a murder weapon, or a missing person.

There is Plenty of "evidence" that is MUCH better than the "NO evidence" of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia reported by every investigating organization a dozen times that you scream about in a half dozen lying threads a day.

You can talk shit about Breitbart, but the sources of the leaks are all liberal ("NEWS") hahaha sources that reported that there were wiretaps on Trump to bring his honesty into question during the election cycle. SO it was YOUR LIBERAL SHIT that said oshitass was wiretapping TRUMP. BOOHOOO HOO truth hurts poor lying shit slinging liberals DON"T ET!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cry me a river badadada>>>>.
Agreed. If true, then they should be prosecuted. I'm content to await the results of a full investigation.

Your personal attacks are interesting. Why are you engaging in ad hominems over a simple conversation about national security and the Constitution?

Why have you evaded the question about the rights of Russians, Chinese, ISIS, etc? How do you tell the difference between a terrorist calling the US from Russia and a secret business deal between a Russian politician and an American politician without listening to them first?

Apparently liberals think anyone in the world has the same constitutional rights as an American citizen. oshitscum gave the enemy combatants from Guantanamo The same legal rights as a US citizen When the Geneva Convention gives them no rights at all.
imawhosure, post: 16732115
1. Suppose it all proves false. Then the MSM is totally indicted as fake news, because they supplied the evidence.

They didn't supply evidence. Levin is a liar. Levin calls it evidence that Obama wiretaped or surveiled Trump Tower. That is not what the Newspapers reported.

I listened to Levin last night. He has dumbed a lot of RWNJ's down.

He reads paragraphs aloud from Newspapers and flat out lies about what he just read jumping from one timeframe to another destroying all context.

He is a masterful liar though. I will grant him that.
12icer, post: 16743185
You can talk shit about Breitbart, but the sources of the leaks are all liberal ("NEWS") hahaha sources that reported that there were wiretaps on Trump to bring his honesty into question during the election cycle. SO it was YOUR LIBERAL SHIT that said oshitass was wiretapping TRUMP.

"SO it was YOUR LIBERAL SHIT that said oshitass was wiretapping TRUMP."

If 'oshitass' is your racist slur for Obama then you are lying. Because that is a lie. No 'real news' newspaper or organizing said Obama had anything to do with any surveillance on any member of Trump's team.

There is no evidence that Obama did any authorization of any surveillance on Trump. Comey called Trump a liar and has not refuted the sources that said he did. It's been two full days -Reports are that Trump is a liar according to Comey and Trump has not fired him.

That settles it for anyone with a functioning mind.

Try backing up what you just wrote or apologize.
U.S. citizens and residents do. What the Obama Administration did was to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of such people by widely distributing raw data regarding their private communications.

It's clear you never took a civics class in whatever approximated your education.
Agreed. If true, then they should be prosecuted. I'm content to await the results of a full investigation.

Your personal attacks are interesting. Why are you engaging in ad hominems over a simple conversation about national security and the Constitution?

Why have you evaded the question about the rights of Russians, Chinese, ISIS, etc? How do you tell the difference between a terrorist calling the US from Russia and a secret business deal between a Russian politician and an American politician without listening to them first?

I didn't evade the question. The fact that the FISA orders may have involved foreign agents doesn't void the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens.
SmokeALib, post: 16732269
Agree. Levin is far from a Trump fan. He was constantly trashing him before the election, and still does. He is speaking the truth.

He doesn't need to be a full blown Trump butt kissing buffoon like most deplorables, because he trumped up a fake conspiracy theory based on his demented and uncontrollable for Obama.

According to a Levin tonight RyanCare is worse than Obamacare because it keeps all the entitlements of Obamacare but removes much of what funds them. In fact Levin's guest claimes RyanCare expands entitlements to include the upper income middle class. That fact when passed locks in government run healthcare for good but Republicans now own it and will be blamed for its collapse or be forced to raise taxes in the future to save it.

Great night to listen to Levin. His Obama wiretap conspiracy theory is old news already. Trump Ryan and McConnel are doing a fake Obamacare repeal right under the deplorable's noses while the deplorables are all worked up thinking The pony humping clown figured out a way to put the hated Obama in prison.

I know Trump humping the pony is enthralling to the mass of deplorables but what happens when they take their eyes and drooling mouths off of that and find out Trump is planning to expand Obamacare instead of repeal it. And blow wide open the Federal budget deficit.

The Republicans are faking the repeal of Obamacare.

Conservative Review Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz has read the proposed repeal bill and he went on “The Mark Levin Show” Tuesday night to discuss what he learned about the bill.

“The heart and soul of what Obamacare is, and those are the regulatory mandates, the insurance coverage mandates … they will remain in place,” Horowitz explained. Further, “the replacement plan that they’re cooking up will be just as expensive as Obamacare itself.”

- See more at: Levin and Horowitz: Republicans are FAKING the Obamacare repeal
SmokeALib, post: 16732269
Agree. Levin is far from a Trump fan. He was constantly trashing him before the election, and still does. He is speaking the truth.

He doesn't need to be a full blown Trump butt kissing buffoon like most deplorables, because he trumped up a fake conspiracy theory based on his demented and uncontrollable for Obama.

According to a Levin tonight RyanCare is worse than Obamacare because it keeps all the entitlements of Obamacare but removes much of what funds them. In fact Levin's guest claimes RyanCare expands entitlements to include the upper income middle class. That fact when passed locks in government run healthcare for good but Republicans now own it and will be blamed for its collapse or be forced to raise taxes in the future to save it.

Great night to listen to Levin. His Obama wiretap conspiracy theory is old news already. Trump Ryan and McConnel are doing a fake Obamacare repeal right under the deplorable's noses while the deplorables are all worked up thinking The pony humping clown figured out a way to put the hated Obama in prison.

I know Trump humping the pony is enthralling to the mass of deplorables but what happens when they take their eyes and drooling mouths off of that and find out Trump is planning to expand Obamacare instead of repeal it. And blow wide open the Federal budget deficit.

The Republicans are faking the repeal of Obamacare.

Conservative Review Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz has read the proposed repeal bill and he went on “The Mark Levin Show” Tuesday night to discuss what he learned about the bill.

“The heart and soul of what Obamacare is, and those are the regulatory mandates, the insurance coverage mandates … they will remain in place,” Horowitz explained. Further, “the replacement plan that they’re cooking up will be just as expensive as Obamacare itself.”

- See more at: Levin and Horowitz: Republicans are FAKING the Obamacare repeal
Actually Trump is going to accept Rand Paul's Healthcare Plan.

I'm not sure if they wiretapped Trump's phones in Trump Tower, but i do tend to believe they did conduct some kind of surveillance on his Campaign. And that would be shocking. A far more egregious offense than Watergate.

A sitting President conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? That's awful stuff most Americans believe can only happen in Third World Banana Republics. But it does look like it did happen here at home. But what can be done about it? Obama is out of office. Where can Trump go with this?
boedicca, post: 16743108
What the Obama Administration did was to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of such people by widely distributing raw data regarding their private communications.

Where's the evidence that Obama distributed raw data?

Have you run away from Trump's tweet storm early last Saturday morning?
Dschrute3, post: 16743957
I'm not sure if they wiretapped Trump's phones in Trump Tower, but i do tend to believe they did conduct some kind of surveillance on his Campaign.

Did you 'tend' to believe that Obama was born in Kenya?

You should not tend to believe anything until the case is made and every shadow of doubt is removed.
Dschrute3, post: 16743957
I'm not sure if they wiretapped Trump's phones in Trump Tower, but i do tend to believe they did conduct some kind of surveillance on his Campaign.

Did you 'tend' to believe that Obama was born in Kenya?

You should not tend to believe anything until the case is made and every shadow of doubt is removed.

If proven true, it's so much more egregious than Watergate. A sitting President ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? Could that really happen here? I didn't think it could.
He's trying to play the angle that the tap was on the other end of the line and not on Trump's phone.

So? The accusation is, LET'S BE CLEAR, that Obama tapped TRUMP's phones.
That's part of it. The other part is, regardless of the actual phone(s) being tapped, that details of conversations Trump and/or members of the administration had with people on those phones were leaked to the press for political purposes.

How are you leaping from conversations allegedly leaked to Obama illegally tapped Trump's phones?
Think logically. If conversations were illegally recorded but not leaked, how would we be talking about them?

Hey, here's an idea. Maybe Trump was getting blackmailed and decided to get out in front of it so if something comes out the finger automatically points straight at Obama. It's a MAD solution.

That ought to provide grist for the rumor mill for a while. I wonder how high it will go.

No one's produced an illegally recorded conversation yet.

Nor will they ever. It's a "wag the dog" scenario.

One thing is pretty clear, it makes very little sense to debate it (which is why the board is so dead lately). What is the point? Apparently vicious lies told by Trump are just accepted as truth and demonstrating how false it is does nothing. Its an object lesson about being careful what atmosphere you create I suppose...when you live by the falsehood (lie), you poison the well and it becomes a moot point to discuss anything. Not good for the message board business I suppose.
Dschrute3, post: 16744184
If proven true, it's so much more egregious than Watergate. A sitting President ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President?

Nixon's Watergate coverup was proven true. There is absolutely not one scintilla of evidence that Obama ordered surveillance on Trump or anyone in his campaign.

What you are suggesting is that a foreign somewhat hostile government has an open license to interefere in our elections and the FBI,NSA,CIA and FISA Court cannot surveil individuals working on a US political campaign that are having contacts with officials or agents of the interfering government when the sitting President belongs to the opposing Party to the candidate that may have significant ties directly to the somewhat hostile foreign government.

You are making legal defense against hostile governments having the intent to disrupt our most sacred democratic process impossible.

Such is your apparent belief that Trump and his surrogates would ever do anything wrong or untoward in order to win an election at any cost.

We are defenseless in you mind.
U.S. citizens and residents do. What the Obama Administration did was to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of such people by widely distributing raw data regarding their private communications.

It's clear you never took a civics class in whatever approximated your education.
Agreed. If true, then they should be prosecuted. I'm content to await the results of a full investigation.

Your personal attacks are interesting. Why are you engaging in ad hominems over a simple conversation about national security and the Constitution?

Why have you evaded the question about the rights of Russians, Chinese, ISIS, etc? How do you tell the difference between a terrorist calling the US from Russia and a secret business deal between a Russian politician and an American politician without listening to them first?

I didn't evade the question. The fact that the FISA orders may have involved foreign agents doesn't void the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens.

If a foreigner who is being monitored under a FISA order calls you, or you call him, that does not force law enforcement to terminate the monitoring/recording.
I remain patient,

waiting for someone on USMB to post the contents of a call that Obama taped illegally.
Dschrute3, post: 16744184
If proven true, it's so much more egregious than Watergate. A sitting President ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President?

Nixon's Watergate coverup was proven true. There is absolutely not one scintilla of evidence that Obama ordered surveillance on Trump or anyone in his campaign.

What you are suggesting is that a foreign somewhat hostile government has an open license to interefere in our elections and the FBI,NSA,CIA and FISA Court cannot surveil individuals working on a US political campaign that are having contacts with officials or agents of the interfering government when the sitting President belongs to the opposing Party to the candidate that may have significant ties directly to the somewhat hostile foreign government.

You are making legal defense against hostile governments having the intent to disrupt our most sacred democratic process impossible.

Such is your apparent belief that Trump and his surrogates would ever do anything wrong or untoward in order to win an election at any cost.

We are defenseless in you mind.

Campaign officials speak to foreign officials all the time. I don't see the grand 'Conspiracy' the Democrats are claiming. If Trump or anyone in his Campaign were officially surveilled, it would represent an incredibly dark event in our history.

Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Campaign is shocking. It's something you never thought could happen here. If you don't agree with me on that, just imagine the roles being reversed. It's Watergate ten-fold. It's a dangerous egregious attack on our Democracy.
U.S. citizens and residents do. What the Obama Administration did was to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of such people by widely distributing raw data regarding their private communications.

It's clear you never took a civics class in whatever approximated your education.
Agreed. If true, then they should be prosecuted. I'm content to await the results of a full investigation.

Your personal attacks are interesting. Why are you engaging in ad hominems over a simple conversation about national security and the Constitution?

Why have you evaded the question about the rights of Russians, Chinese, ISIS, etc? How do you tell the difference between a terrorist calling the US from Russia and a secret business deal between a Russian politician and an American politician without listening to them first?

I didn't evade the question. The fact that the FISA orders may have involved foreign agents doesn't void the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens.
Disagreed about your evasion. Agreed that FISA orders don't void Fourth Amendment rights. So if an ISIS agent calls an American, does NSA need to stop recording? Yes or no, please. No evasions. :)
I'm not sure if they wiretapped Trump's phones in Trump Tower, but i do tend to believe they did conduct some kind of surveillance on his Campaign. And that would be shocking. A far more egregious offense than Watergate.

A sitting President conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? That's awful stuff most Americans believe can only happen in Third World Banana Republics. But it does look like it did happen here at home. But what can be done about it? Obama is out of office. Where can Trump go with this?
If "they" did something illegal, it will be revealed by a Republican WH and a Republican Congress.

What do you think about President Trump's call to have the Russians hack Hillary's email in light of all of this? Since the Russians did hack her (and probably the Republicans too), does President Trump bear some responsibility in the illegal activity?
U.S. citizens and residents do. What the Obama Administration did was to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of such people by widely distributing raw data regarding their private communications.

It's clear you never took a civics class in whatever approximated your education.
Agreed. If true, then they should be prosecuted. I'm content to await the results of a full investigation.

Your personal attacks are interesting. Why are you engaging in ad hominems over a simple conversation about national security and the Constitution?

Why have you evaded the question about the rights of Russians, Chinese, ISIS, etc? How do you tell the difference between a terrorist calling the US from Russia and a secret business deal between a Russian politician and an American politician without listening to them first?

I didn't evade the question. The fact that the FISA orders may have involved foreign agents doesn't void the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens.
Disagreed about your evasion. Agreed that FISA orders don't void Fourth Amendment rights. So if an ISIS agent calls an American, does NSA need to stop recording? Yes or no, please. No evasions. :)

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzz.

If the FISA order results in eavesdropping on U.S. citizens and the raw data of that eaves dropping is spread around 16 agencies in the Executive branch, then the Fourth Amendment is violated.

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