The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

Actually, yes. I was quite appalled at Total Information Awareness when it was announced. But this isn't a Wall issue. This is a breach of the wall. The proper process was to share findings, not raw data...and the identity of U.S. citizens and residents who were incidental to the investigation was supposed to be protected. That's not what happened here.

Flynn became a significant government employee (national security advisor) which like any other high ranking official can be disclosed to give 'context' to the conversation.
3. Under a FISA warrant, if a foreigner calls a US citizen, and the US citizen is not duplicit, then the remarks of the citizen are to be expunged. That is the law.

Only for ordinary citizens where their identity isn't germane to the case, Burt for government officials, that give 'context' to the conversation, their names and/or titles can be revealed. That's the law. As ruled on by the FISA court.
Actually, yes. I was quite appalled at Total Information Awareness when it was announced. But this isn't a Wall issue. This is a breach of the wall. The proper process was to share findings, not raw data...and the identity of U.S. citizens and residents who were incidental to the investigation was supposed to be protected. That's not what happened here.

Flynn became a significant government employee (national security advisor) which like any other high ranking official can be disclosed to give 'context' to the conversation.

Link? How exactly under FISA is such info allowed to be leaked to the press?
Flynn became a significant government employee (national security advisor) which like any other high ranking official can be disclosed to give 'context' to the conversation.

Link? How exactly under FISA is such info allowed to be leaked to the press?

It's illegal to leak it to the press. But it's collection and retention is perfectly legal,

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

However, alongside those provisions, the Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:

• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;

• Retain and make use of "inadvertently acquired" domestic communications if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity, threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;
Yesterday, in 14 short and exciting minutes of televised explanation, Mark Levin pointed out the evidence already on the public record indicating spying on President-Elect Trump.

LevinBlog: The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

Tell the illegal parts of your fantasies, for starters.
you libs are always good for the illegal stuff.....

Did it ever occur to any of you Trump dumbass's that if you would have nominated and elected a more qualified, competent candidate that this shit wouldn't be going on right now. Instead we have a commi traitor sitting in the Oval office because of YOU. Your first mistake--making this Ass Clown the nominee of the party. Your second mistake--not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Putin's puppet out of the Oval office.

This is not Obama's fault, this one is on YOU.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


And you're still listening to right wing talk show hosts, who lead you to Trump in the first place. Amazing.

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Did it ever occur to any of you Trump dumbass's that if you would have nominated and elected a more qualified, competent candidate that this shit wouldn't be going on right now.


As they say, the election was all about keeping Hillary out of the Oval office.
Flynn became a significant government employee (national security advisor) which like any other high ranking official can be disclosed to give 'context' to the conversation.

Link? How exactly under FISA is such info allowed to be leaked to the press?

It's illegal to leak it to the press. But it's collection and retention is perfectly legal,

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

However, alongside those provisions, the Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:

• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;

• Retain and make use of "inadvertently acquired" domestic communications if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity, threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;

And so, by your own definition, along with intelligence agencies admitting now that Flynn did nothing wrong, we have proof positive that under Obama, the agencies broke the law; or are you suggesting that just like the MSM, your written desperation is now taken out of context also-)

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Trump associates were speaking with Russians. Anything other than that is a distraction.

And the Attorney General met privately with Bill Clinton as Hillary was being investigated by the FBI.

So what? You did not care then why do you care now?

1. All of the evidence came from the MSM, and if it was a lie, it means every talking point the far left have been using is bogus.

2. The MSM, the Democrats, or both are going to take a big hit on this, no doubt about it.

3. Under a FISA warrant, if a foreigner calls a US citizen, and the US citizen is not duplicit, then the remarks of the citizen are to be expunged. That is the law.

4. Was the FISA warrant illegal, if in fact there was one? No! But, if what was reported by the MSM was true, that the WH inner staff was kept up to date of the conversations, then yes it 100% is. If the left wants to bitch at someone, then bitch at the reporting agency, not Americans who read what they reported.

5. Want this to go away far left? Then demand that the NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, Mcklatchey, The Guardian, and all others involved print a retraction on their stories, including what their stories showed Trump was doing by printing that with fake evidence. That means all your talking points are null and void!

We as Republicans don't have to do a thing. Why? Because the only two outcomes of this is either your MSM is lying, the Democrats who gave them information were subversive and were lying, or the Democrats weren't lying to the media, committed a felony, and now we have Watergate 2.0.

You people decide which will be less damaging to you, and we will eat popcorn and laugh as you try and wiggle out of this conundrum.

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The left fears nothing. None of the major news outlets will speak of it and courts like the 9th District Court will protect them.

The truth no longer matters.
Yesterday, in 14 short and exciting minutes of televised explanation, Mark Levin pointed out the evidence already on the public record indicating spying on President-Elect Trump.

LevinBlog: The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

Tell the illegal parts of your fantasies, for starters.
you libs are always good for the illegal stuff.....

Did it ever occur to any of you Trump dumbass's that if you would have nominated and elected a more qualified, competent candidate that this shit wouldn't be going on right now. Instead we have a commi traitor sitting in the Oval office because of YOU. Your first mistake--making this Ass Clown the nominee of the party. Your second mistake--not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Putin's puppet out of the Oval office.

This is not Obama's fault, this one is on YOU.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


And you're still listening to right wing talk show hosts, who lead you to Trump in the first place. Amazing.

Illegal wire tapping shouldn't go on regardless of who the candidate is......and compared to hilary, Trump is a saint...
Flynn became a significant government employee (national security advisor) which like any other high ranking official can be disclosed to give 'context' to the conversation.

Link? How exactly under FISA is such info allowed to be leaked to the press?

It's illegal to leak it to the press. But it's collection and retention is perfectly legal,

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

However, alongside those provisions, the Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:

• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;

• Retain and make use of "inadvertently acquired" domestic communications if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity, threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;

It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.
1. All of the evidence came from the MSM, and if it was a lie, it means every talking point the far left have been using is bogus.

None of the reporting from the MSM was presented as evidence that Obama ordered surveillance on Trump Tower.

That is Trump's lie. You start off with a lie. Why bother responding to the rest of your crap?
boedicca, post: 16748602
It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.

Not True. It depends on the US Citizens relationship to the foreigner and the US Citizens ability to effect the outcome of a national security problem.

Flynn fit that to a tee when he lied in public about his call with the Russian Ambassador.
boedicca, post: 16748602
It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.

Not True. It depends on the US Citizens relationship to the foreigner and the US Citizens ability to effect the outcome of a national security problem.

Flynn fit that to a tee when he lied in public about his call with the Russian Ambassador.

B'loney. There is nothing in FISA that voids the Fourth Amendment Rights of U.S. citizens.
boedicca, post: 16748602
It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.

Not True. It depends on the US Citizens relationship to the foreigner and the US Citizens ability to effect the outcome of a national security problem.

Flynn fit that to a tee when he lied in public about his call with the Russian Ambassador.

So then, everyone get this straight in the world according to lefties----->. All agencies say Flynn did nothing wrong, and yet it was preserved and leaked. Does anyone with any sense understand that if there was absolutely nothing wrong, then just the preservation, let alone the leak of the preservation was.......wait for it.......illegal!

In all seriousness, regardless of the outcome, is this what America wants? If left or right wants this, then tell us so all sides can just go to political war.

The deal is simple-----> Nixon WAS a crook. In this instance, it is either the MSM, the left wingers, or both.

Whomever it is, shouldn't every one of us want to reign in their power, while forcing them all.......left and be accountable to all of us?

All of us, left and right, can NOT even think about engaging in a culture war, if those who keep score......namely the MSM........can just lie in our faces, then insist our side is winning when it actually is not.

The left believes this will never happen to them. Really! If your Democrats are not lying, what deal will be cut with the MSM to keep them credible when it is theMSM with their gonads on the line?

Is it not better for all to find the truth, then start a new narrative if need be? Or are you willing to put all your eggs in one basket, and go down with the ship!

I NEVER want one party in control of everything. That is what some want. Pick your poison those on the left, many of us have laid it out for you, yet you seem to insist on staying ALL IN If you fail, Trump will crucify you. That is not a suggestion, that is a fact since he is not a politician.

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boedicca, post: 16748602
It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.

Not True. It depends on the US Citizens relationship to the foreigner and the US Citizens ability to effect the outcome of a national security problem.

Flynn fit that to a tee when he lied in public about his call with the Russian Ambassador.

So then, everyone get this straight in the world according to lefties----->. All agencies say Flynn did nothing wrong, and yet it was preserved and leaked. Does anyone with any sense understand that if there was absolutely nothing wrong, then just the preservation, let alone the leak of the preservation was.......wait for it.......illegal!

In all seriousness, regardless of the outcome, is this what America wants? If left or right wants this, then tell us so all sides can just go to political war.

The deal is simple-----> Nixon WAS a crook. In this instance, it is either the MSM, the left wingers, or both.

Whomever it is, shouldn't every one of us want to reign in their power, while forcing them all.......left and be accountable to all of us?

All of us, left and right, can NOT even think about engaging in a culture war, if those who keep score......namely the MSM........can just lie in our faces, then insist our side is winning when it actually is not.

The left believes this will never happen to them. Really! If your Democrats are not lying, what deal will be cut with the MSM to keep them credible when it is theMSM with their gonads on the line?

Is it not better for all to find the truth, then start a new narrative if need be? Or are you willing to put all your eggs in one basket, and go down with the ship!

I NEVER want one party in control of everything. That is what some want. Pick your poison those on the left, many of us have laid it out for you, yet you seem to insist on staying ALL IN If you fail, Trump will crucify you. That is not a suggestion, that is a fact since he is not a politician.

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What happened to Flynt was character assassination by an anonymous & politically weaponized bureaucracy. That should scare the sh*t out of any thinking American. It's a police state tactic which the Fourth Amendment was designed to prohibit.
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boedicca, post: 16748602
It depends. When overhearing a U.S. citizen who is not the object of the warrant, and who is talking to someone within the U.S., the eavesdropper is supposed to stop listening and destroy the info.

Not True. It depends on the US Citizens relationship to the foreigner and the US Citizens ability to effect the outcome of a national security problem.

Flynn fit that to a tee when he lied in public about his call with the Russian Ambassador.

So then, everyone get this straight in the world according to lefties----->. All agencies say Flynn did nothing wrong, and yet it was preserved and leaked. Does anyone with any sense understand that if there was absolutely nothing wrong, then just the preservation, let alone the leak of the preservation was.......wait for it.......illegal!

In all seriousness, regardless of the outcome, is this what America wants? If left or right wants this, then tell us so all sides can just go to political war.

The deal is simple-----> Nixon WAS a crook. In this instance, it is either the MSM, the left wingers, or both.

Whomever it is, shouldn't every one of us want to reign in their power, while forcing them all.......left and be accountable to all of us?

All of us, left and right, can NOT even think about engaging in a culture war, if those who keep score......namely the MSM........can just lie in our faces, then insist our side is winning when it actually is not.

The left believes this will never happen to them. Really! If your Democrats are not lying, what deal will be cut with the MSM to keep them credible when it is theMSM with their gonads on the line?

Is it not better for all to find the truth, then start a new narrative if need be? Or are you willing to put all your eggs in one basket, and go down with the ship!

I NEVER want one party in control of everything. That is what some want. Pick your poison those on the left, many of us have laid it out for you, yet you seem to insist on staying ALL IN If you fail, Trump will crucify you. That is not a suggestion, that is a fact since he is not a politician.

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Just to add a slogan----> Obama called us clingers

Hillary called us deplorable.

Terrorists called us infidels

And Trump called us Americans!

You sure you want your leftist eggs in one basket?!?!

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Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzz.

If the FISA order results in eavesdropping on U.S. citizens and the raw data of that eaves dropping is spread around 16 agencies in the Executive branch, then the Fourth Amendment is violated.
Thanks for your opinion.

When you have an opinion on how to listen to Russian, Chinese, Iranian and ISIS phone calls, please let me know.
Campaign officials speak to foreign officials all the time. I don't see the grand 'Conspiracy' the Democrats are claiming. If Trump or anyone in his Campaign were officially surveilled, it would represent an incredibly dark event in our history..

Do you know how many phones there are in Trump Tower? And Flynn could have used any one of them to call the russian ambassador.

On the other hand:

2641 Tunlaw Rd., N.W.
Washington, DC 20007.
Phone: (202) 939-8907, (202) 939-8913.
Fax: (202) 483-7579.
Contact the Embassy | Embassy of the Russian Federation

The russian ambassador has only a couple of phones in his office,

We're talking more about Trump Campaign officials. If any of them were surveilled, it's Watergate ten-fold. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President? It undermines everything we stand for as a nation.
Disagreed about your evasion. Agreed that FISA orders don't void Fourth Amendment rights. So if an ISIS agent calls an American, does NSA need to stop recording? Yes or no, please. No evasions. :)

The answer is a clear NO, they continue to record. That's the law. As long as the primary is the target, who he talks to doesn't matter. Who called who, doesn't matter.
Agreed. It's a matter of national security to monitor foreign calls.
Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzz.

If the FISA order results in eavesdropping on U.S. citizens and the raw data of that eaves dropping is spread around 16 agencies in the Executive branch, then the Fourth Amendment is violated.
Thanks for your opinion.

When you have an opinion on how to listen to Russian, Chinese, Iranian and ISIS phone calls, please let me know.

Thank you for your inability to see that listening in on Russians, Chinese, Iranian and ISIS communications doesn't necessitate sharing Raw Data on U.S. Citizens with the press for political assassination purposes.

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