The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

Thank you for your inability to see that listening in on Russians, Chinese, Iranian and ISIS communications doesn't necessitate sharing Raw Data on U.S. Citizens with the press for political assassination purposes.
Straw Man argument, if not a fucking lie. Please quote a single post where I advocated sharing national intelligence data with press or for political assassination purposes much less both: "the press for political assassination purposes".

Please quote just one post. If you can, I'll pay you $10,000. If you can't, you owe me $10. Fair?
Thank you for your inability to see that listening in on Russians, Chinese, Iranian and ISIS communications doesn't necessitate sharing Raw Data on U.S. Citizens with the press for political assassination purposes.
Straw Man argument, if not a fucking lie. Please quote a single post where I advocated sharing national intelligence data with press or for political assassination purposes much less both: "the press for political assassination purposes".

Please quote just one post. If you can, I'll pay you $10,000. If you can't, you owe me $10. Fair?

Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.
And remember Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bubba....the Clinton's have a hand in this as well.

Post a conversation from a Trump phone that Obama wiretapped.

You are a moron. The Liberal Media that you worship is replete with stories about wire-tapping of Trump's campaign.
He's trying to play the angle that the tap was on the other end of the line and not on Trump's phone.

Yep. And the word parsing is a big clue that there is a coordinated effort by the Obama-Clinton coalition to manage the narrative. "Obama didn't order a wiretap" and the demands for a transcript of a wiretap are just squirrels.

The real issue is that Obama abused the power of his office to fish for dirt on a political opponent...didn't find any...but released raw data out of context to hundreds of operatives in the executive branch. And now he's leading The Resistance. Worst President an Ex-President EVER.

So the demand for actual EVIDENCE of Obama's involvement in an illegal wiretap is inappropriate? Irrelevant?

Goddam that's funny. You are even dumber than your past incarnations.

How do they 'know' President Obama abused his power?

Because Breitbart told them so.

And Trump believes Breitbart- but not the FBI.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

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Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036
Accusing the president and his staff of colluding with the Russians to overthrow our election is a police state tactic. The president bugging his political opponents is a police state tactic.
bripat9643, post: 16751996
Accusing the president and his staff of colluding with the Russians to overthrow our election is a police state tactic. The president bugging his political opponents is a police state tactic.

Obama didn't bug anybody. So shut your mouth about that.

Payback is hell. Your Trump according to you used a police state tactic by falsely accusing Obama of being born in Kenya and then of presenting a fake birth certificate.

Trump deserves to be accused of everything in the book because he publically requested the Russians to cyber attack his opponent to find what he called 30,000 missing emails.

He won't release his taxes. People close to Trump's campaign have lied to the FBI {Flynn}
and lied to Congress {Sessions} about Russian connections. Manafort had to be fired for ties to Russian dirty money.

Trump denied taking military aid to Ukraine out of the GOP platform but then his goon admitted Trump wanted it changed.

Lie after lie.

Obama's birth was announced in an Hawaii newspaper. There was no doubt Obama was born in America.

Trump is a racist goon for his role in the birther movement. Last Saturday Trump tweeted lies about Obama yet again.
Trump associates were speaking with Russians. Anything other than that is a distraction.

Wasn't it the same Russian that was sitting with the democrats at Trumps speech to congress, were is your anger with democrats. And it's not fake news, he is sitting there in full view.

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Sitting there is just as bad as private meetings and lying about it? Thats a stretch pal.

So the same Russian visits the white house 22 times to see Obabble, now you are going to say that's what Presidents do . So isn't that the same thing as other senators do.
Also Clapper has said there surveillance shows no collusion with Russia, but y'all keep blabbering about it.

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THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.
Do you have confidence the Trump administration and the Republican Congress are competent enough to uncover these lawbreakers and reveal who "THEY" are then prosecute them in court?
THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.
Do you have confidence the Trump administration and the Republican Congress are competent enough to uncover these lawbreakers and reveal who "THEY" are then prosecute them in court?

Yes. If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt he'd discover what actually happened.
THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.
Do you have confidence the Trump administration and the Republican Congress are competent enough to uncover these lawbreakers and reveal who "THEY" are then prosecute them in court?

Yes. If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt doubt he'd discover what actually happened.
No objection here to a Goudy led investigation, but I'm curious why you think he's the only Republican to be trusted with investigating the leak.
THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.
Do you have confidence the Trump administration and the Republican Congress are competent enough to uncover these lawbreakers and reveal who "THEY" are then prosecute them in court?

Yes. If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt doubt he'd discover what actually happened.
No objection here to a Goudy led investigation, but I'm curious why you think he's the only Republican to be trusted with investigating the leak.

I don't recall saying only.

I mentioned Goudy because he is a former prosecutor and is sharp as a knife. He's an obvious choice - and is the first one who came to mind.
I don't recall saying only.

I mentioned Goudy because he is a former prosecutor and is sharp as a knife. He's an obvious choice - and is the first one who came to mind.
You didn't, but when you specify Gowdy, and only him, it implies no one else is to be trusted:

"If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt doubt he'd discover what actually happened."

Due to the nature of the subject, he'd have to have the necessary security clearances. Since he's on the Intelligence committee, I suspect he does have both the experience and the clearances to investigate this issue.....if he doesn't already know the answer. ;)

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Intelligence (Permanent)
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Trump associates were speaking with Russians. Anything other than that is a distraction.

Wasn't it the same Russian that was sitting with the democrats at Trumps speech to congress, were is your anger with democrats. And it's not fake news, he is sitting there in full view.

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Sitting there is just as bad as private meetings and lying about it? Thats a stretch pal.

So the same Russian visits the white house 22 times to see Obabble, now you are going to say that's what Presidents do . So isn't that the same thing as other senators do.
Also Clapper has said there surveillance shows no collusion with Russia, but y'all keep blabbering about it.

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The fact is that there are 2 issues. The first is whether the Russians interfered in our elections. It is clear that the Russians hacked DNC servers and provided WikiLeaks with the information. They also provided false information even forging Senate letterheads. The Russians played Obama for a fool and they knew they could do the same for Trump. There is a web that that ties Trump and many of his advisors to Russia. Trump urged the Russians to release documents from Clinton's servers. Did Trump bring up the alleged wiretapping to divert attention from the investigation into Russia's attempts to influence the elections? The Russians are one of the winners in this mess.
I don't recall saying only.

I mentioned Goudy because he is a former prosecutor and is sharp as a knife. He's an obvious choice - and is the first one who came to mind.
You didn't, but when you specify Gowdy, and only him, it implies no one else is to be trusted:

"If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt doubt he'd discover what actually happened."

Due to the nature of the subject, he'd have to have the necessary security clearances. Since he's on the Intelligence committee, I suspect he does have both the experience and the clearances to investigate this issue.....if he doesn't already know the answer. ;)

Directory of Representatives ·
Intelligence (Permanent)
Oversight and Government
the Judiciary

Your argumentative style is devolving. Mentioning someone by name is not the same as saying nobody else is qualified. Jeebus.
Trump associates were speaking with Russians. Anything other than that is a distraction.

Wasn't it the same Russian that was sitting with the democrats at Trumps speech to congress, were is your anger with democrats. And it's not fake news, he is sitting there in full view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sitting there is just as bad as private meetings and lying about it? Thats a stretch pal.

So the same Russian visits the white house 22 times to see Obabble, now you are going to say that's what Presidents do . So isn't that the same thing as other senators do.
Also Clapper has said there surveillance shows no collusion with Russia, but y'all keep blabbering about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The fact is that there are 2 issues. The first is whether the Russians interfered in our elections. It is clear that the Russians hacked DNC servers and provided WikiLeaks with the information. They also provided false information even forging Senate letterheads. The Russians played Obama for a fool and they knew they could do the same for Trump. There is a web that that ties Trump and many of his advisors to Russia. Trump urged the Russians to release documents from Clinton's servers. Did Trump bring up the alleged wiretapping to divert attention from the investigation into Russia's attempts to influence the elections? The Russians are one of the winners in this mess.

Could you try to keep up, there is no proof found that Russia interfered with election, don't you think after months of saying that OBAMA would show at least a little evidence, plus Clapper said there is no evidence of collusion (last week). So please keep up and stop spreading fake news, thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't recall saying only.

I mentioned Goudy because he is a former prosecutor and is sharp as a knife. He's an obvious choice - and is the first one who came to mind.
You didn't, but when you specify Gowdy, and only him, it implies no one else is to be trusted:

"If Trey Goudy led the investigation, I have no doubt doubt he'd discover what actually happened."

Due to the nature of the subject, he'd have to have the necessary security clearances. Since he's on the Intelligence committee, I suspect he does have both the experience and the clearances to investigate this issue.....if he doesn't already know the answer. ;)

Directory of Representatives ·
Intelligence (Permanent)
Oversight and Government
the Judiciary

Your argumentative style is devolving. Mentioning someone by name is not the same as saying nobody else is qualified. Jeebus.
Disagreed about devolving. I asked you questions to better understand your position. If such questions bother you, perhaps you should put me on ignore.

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