The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin

Trump associates were speaking with Russians. Anything other than that is a distraction.

Wasn't it the same Russian that was sitting with the democrats at Trumps speech to congress, were is your anger with democrats. And it's not fake news, he is sitting there in full view.

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Sitting there is just as bad as private meetings and lying about it? Thats a stretch pal.

So the same Russian visits the white house 22 times to see Obabble, now you are going to say that's what Presidents do . So isn't that the same thing as other senators do.
Also Clapper has said there surveillance shows no collusion with Russia, but y'all keep blabbering about it.

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The fact is that there are 2 issues. The first is whether the Russians interfered in our elections. It is clear that the Russians hacked DNC servers and provided WikiLeaks with the information. They also provided false information even forging Senate letterheads. The Russians played Obama for a fool and they knew they could do the same for Trump. There is a web that that ties Trump and many of his advisors to Russia. Trump urged the Russians to release documents from Clinton's servers. Did Trump bring up the alleged wiretapping to divert attention from the investigation into Russia's attempts to influence the elections? The Russians are one of the winners in this mess.

Could you try to keep up, there is no proof found that Russia interfered with election, don't you think after months of saying that OBAMA would show at least a little evidence, plus Clapper said there is no evidence of collusion (last week). So please keep up and stop spreading fake news, thanks.

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A slight disagreement here. There is proof the Russians hacked Democrat (and probably Republican) servers. There is proof they released some of the findings to the public proving Democrat corruption, cronyism and that Hillary was up to her turkey-neck in it. Trump publically called for the Russians to hack her, but I suspect they'd already done so.

What there isn't any proof of is that the revelations of Democrat corruption had an influence on the election nor is there any proof that Trump was working with the Russians to sway the election. Frankly, I believe his winning the election was as big a surprise to him as it was to Hillary.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036
Accusing the president and his staff of colluding with the Russians to overthrow our election is a police state tactic. The president bugging his political opponents is a police state tactic.

Yet President Obama has not accused President Obama of colluding anyone.

Nor is there ANY evidence that President Obama bugged his "political opponents'

President Trump making baseless accusations Hmmm- that is a police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying- right out of Putin's playbook.
Wasn't it the same Russian that was sitting with the democrats at Trumps speech to congress, were is your anger with democrats. And it's not fake news, he is sitting there in full view.

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Sitting there is just as bad as private meetings and lying about it? Thats a stretch pal.

So the same Russian visits the white house 22 times to see Obabble, now you are going to say that's what Presidents do . So isn't that the same thing as other senators do.
Also Clapper has said there surveillance shows no collusion with Russia, but y'all keep blabbering about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The fact is that there are 2 issues. The first is whether the Russians interfered in our elections. It is clear that the Russians hacked DNC servers and provided WikiLeaks with the information. They also provided false information even forging Senate letterheads. The Russians played Obama for a fool and they knew they could do the same for Trump. There is a web that that ties Trump and many of his advisors to Russia. Trump urged the Russians to release documents from Clinton's servers. Did Trump bring up the alleged wiretapping to divert attention from the investigation into Russia's attempts to influence the elections? The Russians are one of the winners in this mess.

Could you try to keep up, there is no proof found that Russia interfered with election, don't you think after months of saying that OBAMA would show at least a little evidence, plus Clapper said there is no evidence of collusion (last week). So please keep up and stop spreading fake news, thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A slight disagreement here. There is proof the Russians hacked Democrat (and probably Republican) servers. There is proof they released some of the findings to the public proving Democrat corruption, cronyism and that Hillary was up to her turkey-neck in it. Trump publically called for the Russians to hack her, but I suspect they'd already done so.

What there isn't any proof of is that the revelations of Democrat corruption had an influence on the election nor is there any proof that Trump was working with the Russians to sway the election. Frankly, I believe his winning the election was as big a surprise to him as it was to Hillary.

What Trump and the far right keep trying to change the message from is from the facts- when it is brought up that the Russians did try to influence the election- Trump and his cohorts immediately try to discredit the facts, by claiming that they are being accused of colluding with the Russians.

The Russians did try to influence our election. And Trump was legally elected President.

What there isn't any evidence of is that President Obama ordered any 'bugging' of President Trump.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.
Right backatcha bub. I never said we shouldn't monitor foreign communications. My objection was to political hacks leaking raw data about U.S. citizens.

And there isn't any amount of money that will buy your way out of that.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036
Accusing the president and his staff of colluding with the Russians to overthrow our election is a police state tactic. The president bugging his political opponents is a police state tactic.

Yet President Obama has not accused President Obama of colluding anyone.

Nor is there ANY evidence that President Obama bugged his "political opponents'

President Trump making baseless accusations Hmmm- that is a police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying- right out of Putin's playbook.

So then, cement your side of the deal, and tell everyone on this board that the MSM lied, and mislead the American people.

I have no problem with the left getting pissed with the MSM. They are neither your friends, nor ours. But you people need to call them out along with us. You can not on one hand say we are loony, and in the other hand claim the MSM is honest. They are the lynchpin, not us. They insisted it was so, now argue with them.

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...What there isn't any evidence of is that President Obama ordered any 'bugging' of President Trump.
Agreed and I strongly doubt any will be found since it didn't happen. More likely, IMHO, is that this is a red herring to distract from the potential release of more embarrassing evidence on close connections between Russian business interests and those in the Trump administration.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.
While I readily agree that distraction led many to distrust both POTUS and the SoS, the idiot who made the video got exactly what he wanted: attention.

Last week I watched, for the second time, 13 Hours. It hinted about the CIA operation removing guns out of Libya but not where they were sending them. IMHO, I think they were going to Syria. One day maybe we'll find out the truth.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036
Accusing the president and his staff of colluding with the Russians to overthrow our election is a police state tactic. The president bugging his political opponents is a police state tactic.

Yet President Obama has not accused President Obama of colluding anyone.

Nor is there ANY evidence that President Obama bugged his "political opponents'

President Trump making baseless accusations Hmmm- that is a police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying- right out of Putin's playbook.

So then, cement your side of the deal, and tell everyone on this board that the MSM lied, and mislead the American people.

I would be glad to compare the 'truthiness' of Main Steam Media- whoever you think that includes- and President Trump.

Donald Trump has lied and misled the American people for years- most notably when for 5 years he lied and misled the American people about Barack Obama's place of birth and birth certificate.

Most recently he has lied voter fraud- and now it appears he is lying about President Obama wire tapping him.
Isn't this what the thread is about? Are you asserting that our intelligence services monitored the strictly domestic calls of Trump or his workers?

THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.

But you do recall President Trump tweeting an accusation that President Obama was complicit in a crime that would be one of the biggest political crimes in American history- attempting to ruin President Obama's life- without any evidence or substantiation.
THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.
While I readily agree that distraction led many to distrust both POTUS and the SoS, the idiot who made the video got exactly what he wanted: attention.

Last week I watched, for the second time, 13 Hours. It hinted about the CIA operation removing guns out of Libya but not where they were sending them. IMHO, I think they were going to Syria. One day maybe we'll find out the truth.

He wanted attention, but not from inmates in jail.

13 Hours is an excellent movie - and I agree on the gun operation - definitely Syria. That's what Ambassador Stevens was working on, imo.
THEY LEAKED the identity of Flynn and engaged in political assassination via innuendo. It's a shameful police state tactic.

Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.

But you do recall President Trump tweeting an accusation that President Obama was complicit in a crime that would be one of the biggest political crimes in American history- attempting to ruin President Obama's life- without any evidence or substantiation.

So? Obabble's actions are highly suspicious. We deserve to know if he used the Executive Branch to spy on political adversaries.
He wanted attention, but not from inmates in jail.

13 Hours is an excellent movie - and I agree on the gun operation - definitely Syria. That's what Ambassador Stevens was working on, imo.
He shouldn't have lied. No one forced him to make the video, commit crimes, violate his probation or lie. His choices were his own. None of which have anything to do with CIA operations in Libya.

Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film ordered jailed
Arrested on Thursday after authorities said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula told a judge his real name was Mark Basseley Youseff. He said he'd been using that name since 2002, even though he went by Nakoula in his fraud case.

The full story about Nakoula and the video "Innocence of Muslims" still isn't known more than two weeks after violence erupted in Egypt and Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi. Violence related to the film has since spread, killing dozens more.

Citing a lengthy pattern of deception and the potential to flee, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ordered Nakoula to remain in prison without bond until another judge can hold a hearing to determine if he broke the terms of his probation.

"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.

Prosecutors noted Nakoula had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases. He could face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term.

After his 2010 conviction, Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer, though prosecutors said none of the violations involved the Internet. He also wasn't supposed to use any name other than his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.

Three names, however, have been associated with Nakoula this month alone.
Hmmm- no this is a shameful police state tactic and attempt at political assassination- no evidence- no support from anyone that it happened- just the usual Trump lying and bullying

View attachment 116036

LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.

But you do recall President Trump tweeting an accusation that President Obama was complicit in a crime that would be one of the biggest political crimes in American history- attempting to ruin President Obama's life- without any evidence or substantiation.

So? Obabble's actions are highly suspicious. We deserve to know if he used the Executive Branch to spy on political adversaries.
Agreed. I doubt anything will be found as in most conspiracy theories, but it should certainly be investigated. A good start would be President Trump providing his evidence via appropriate channels.
He wanted attention, but not from inmates in jail.

13 Hours is an excellent movie - and I agree on the gun operation - definitely Syria. That's what Ambassador Stevens was working on, imo.
He shouldn't have lied. No one forced him to make the video, commit crimes, violate his probation or lie. His choices were his own. None of which have anything to do with CIA operations in Libya.

Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film ordered jailed
Arrested on Thursday after authorities said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula told a judge his real name was Mark Basseley Youseff. He said he'd been using that name since 2002, even though he went by Nakoula in his fraud case.

The full story about Nakoula and the video "Innocence of Muslims" still isn't known more than two weeks after violence erupted in Egypt and Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi. Violence related to the film has since spread, killing dozens more.

Citing a lengthy pattern of deception and the potential to flee, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ordered Nakoula to remain in prison without bond until another judge can hold a hearing to determine if he broke the terms of his probation.

"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.

Prosecutors noted Nakoula had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases. He could face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term.

After his 2010 conviction, Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer, though prosecutors said none of the violations involved the Internet. He also wasn't supposed to use any name other than his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.

Three names, however, have been associated with Nakoula this month alone.

I'd call all of this entrapment. He was just an anonymous moron until the Obama Admin turned him into a scapegoat.
LOL- thanks for admitting that can't dispute that Trump is a bully.

I don't recall Trump blaming some poor youtube videomaker for his bad decisions which led to the death of several Americans. Obabble did - and such bullying ruined the poor guy's life.

But you do recall President Trump tweeting an accusation that President Obama was complicit in a crime that would be one of the biggest political crimes in American history- attempting to ruin President Obama's life- without any evidence or substantiation.

So? Obabble's actions are highly suspicious. We deserve to know if he used the Executive Branch to spy on political adversaries.
Agreed. I doubt anything will be found as in most conspiracy theories, but it should certainly be investigated. A good start would be President Trump providing his evidence via appropriate channels.

A better start would be for the FISA requests and findings to be sent to the Congressional committee investigating the matter. And then have some data forensics done to determine who all had access to the raw data that was leaked from 16 agencies Obama opened up to this info.
As Levin said.....

"The evidence is overwhelming. This is not about President Trump’s tweeting. This is about the Obama administration spying, and the question is not whether it spied. We know they went to the FISA court twice. The question is who they did spy on and the extent of the spying that is the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, Trump surrogates.”

Mark Levin on Trump Wiretapping Claims: 'The Evidence Is Overwhelming' - Breitbart

This reminds me of when Dick Cheney claimed he no longer had any affiliation or ownership of Halliburton before we invaded Iraq. But Halliburton also had one of the biggest gov't contracts in Iraq too. So Steve Bannon is the new Dick Cheney.
I'd call all of this entrapment. He was just an anonymous moron until the Obama Admin turned him into a scapegoat.
Trump or Nakoula?

Nakoula's problems began with his convictions in the 1990s when Obama was a a brand new Illinois State Senator.

Yes, the video was scapegoated, but don't tell me Nakoula was an innocent scapegoat. He wasn't.

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