
Gold Member
Apr 27, 2014

Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

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I don't regard it as theft ("stealing") but more at co-optation. Marketing strategies as old as the hills -- you observe what's already working and go "hey, we do that!"

You see statues everywhere of the Goddess? Invent Mary and give 'em a new coat of paint. You see a holy-day where the curtain between the living and the dead goes thin? Invent "All Saints Day". You see fertility rites going on in Spring? Invent a "St. Valentine". It's a lazy way of leeching on to the established in order to grab what is after all the ultimate goal of organized religion, which is control.

Just marketing manipulation, that's all it is.
Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?
Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?

I notice Tass tends to dig himself into a hole in his first post and then go "I'm not coming out".

Let him stay there.
What about the folklore they stole from things that were not Abrahamic? Like Glycon? :)
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.

No more than Benjamin I guess.
What about the folklore they stole from things that were not Abrahamic? Like Glycon? :)

Never heard that name Glycon before, but there are a lot of god names I don't know, they all changed over the years. Somehow that God became Satan.
Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. It was a different time and a different place. Things in modern America which are understood as criminal behavior and are subjectively perceived by the masses as "immoral" may not be viewed as such in other parts of the world, and may not have been perceived as such all throughout history everywhere... especially when you live in a harsh environment where you are surrounded by death and life is a constant fight to survive.

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Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. It was a different time and a different place. Things in modern America which are understood as criminal behavior and/ or are subjectively perceived by the masses as "immoral" may not be viewed as such in other parts of the world, and may not have been perceived as such all throughout history everywhere... especially when you live in a harsh environment where you are surrounded by death and life is a constant fight to survive.

So you side with the pedophiles. Got it. You cold, cold beotch.
Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. It was a different time and a different place. Things in modern America which are understood as criminal behavior and/ or are subjectively perceived by the masses as "immoral" may not be viewed as such in other parts of the world, and may not have been perceived as such all throughout history everywhere... especially when you live in a harsh environment where you are surrounded by death and life is a constant fight to survive.

So you side with the pedophiles. Got it. You cold, cold beotch.

I notice Tass tends to dig himself into a hole in his first post and then go "I'm not coming out".


Well I don't think any "stealing" happened at all. It's a question of perspectives. Judaism is the Abrahamic religion according to the descendants of Isaac. Islam is the Abrahamic religion according to the descendants of Ishmael. Christianity is simply the end game of Judaism so to speak. This becomes very clear in Matthew where the author writes the genealogy of Jesus in a specific manner to show that every fourteen generations Judaism enters a new phase. The earliest Christians didn't believe they were starting a new religion. They believed that Judaism was simply entering the next (and final) phase. So Christians didn't "steal" from Judaism, they simply took the next step. This is why Christians usually show a great deal of support and respect for Judaism. We share common DNA.
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl. Civilized people call that child rape. Anything he says after that is total bullshit from a pedophile. Don't you agree?

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.

No more than Benjamin I guess.

note to fellow posters------Penelope, "the health care worker"----has a problem with parables
and fables------she interprets them in the manner of a patient who exhibits CONCRETE
thinking interprets--------anyone interested google "concrete thinking" Nothing much is
known about Benjamin------so there are a few stories in the midrash that no one in their right
mind takes as LITERAL FACT-------there are also stories in the midrash that tell of king
Solomon talking to ants and grasshoppers-----no one takes them literally either-----it is
a "MYSTICAL" pov. If there is anyone out there who thinks that the HARE organized
a race with the TORTOISE? ---------you understand Penelope. In any case there is no religion
built round the "sayings and doings of Benjamin -----so his life is kinda a moot point to the extent
that the life of LITTLE JOHN's (Robin hood's pal) life is a moot point,. The only information about
Benjaimin in the bible (Penelope's CLAIMED source) is that he was the son of Rachel----like
Joseph-------and his father's (Jacob) fave once joseph was shipped off to Egypt-----both looked
like Rachel and had her pretty eyes. There is no history of his raping or stealing or murdering
or declaring HIMSELF KING-----or ------saying or doing much of anything
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

They married young in those days, and did you know Benjamin from the book of Jasher, married at the age of 10, imagine how young his wife was.
That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.

No more than Benjamin I guess.

note to fellow posters------Penelope, "the health care worker"----has a problem with parables
and fables------she interprets them in the manner of a patient who exhibits CONCRETE
thinking interprets--------anyone interested google "concrete thinking" Nothing much is
known about Benjamin------so there are a few stories in the midrash that no one in their right
mind takes as LITERAL FACT-------there are also stories in the midrash that tell of king
Solomon talking to ants and grasshoppers-----no one takes them literally either-----it is
a "MYSTICAL" pov. If there is anyone out there who thinks that the HARE organized
a race with the TORTOISE? ---------you understand Penelope. In any case there is no religion
built round the "sayings and doings of Benjamin -----so his life is kinda a moot point to the extent
that the life of LITTLE JOHN's (Robin hood's pal) life is a moot point,. The only information about
Benjaimin in the bible (Penelope's CLAIMED source) is that he was the son of Rachel----like
Joseph-------and his father's (Jacob) fave once joseph was shipped off to Egypt-----both looked
like Rachel and had her pretty eyes. There is no history of his raping or stealing or murdering
or declaring HIMSELF KING-----or ------saying or doing much of anything

Thanks for reminding me why I haven't posted in over a month
Some people believe that Islam "stole" teachings from Christianity, or that Christianity "stole" from Judaism. Some believe Thelema "stole" from The Golden Dawn and the OTO, and that the Golden Dawn "stole" from the Jewish Kabbalah. Some even believe Abrahamism "stole" from Zoroastrianism, ancient Egyptian religions, and/ or ancient Mesopotamian religions.

What are your thoughts on this?

I would not say Islam "stole" scripture from the Christians, and I would not say Christianity "stole" scripture from Judaism. Tis all Abrahamism. Let the various factions all believe and teach what they want regarding Abrahamic mythology, be they Christian or Muslim or Jew, or even Pagan like myself ^_^

When someone seeks to expand upon Abrahamism and evolve it and make it more relevant to themselves and others and the culture around them, as Mohammad did, I would not say they "stole" from it, rather, that the beautiful tree of Abraham has grown yet another branch.

So Mohammad "stole" nothing. Crowley did not "steal" from the Golden Dawn or Ordo Templi Orientis when he created Thelema. He embraced what he experienced... respected it... and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him. The Golden Dawn did not "steal" from the Jewish Kabbalah. They embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through them.

Mohammad did not steal from the Bible. He embraced it, respected it, and incorporated things about it into a spiritual/ religious system that evolved through him.

And what of Judaism? What inspired Judaism and kicked off this entire epic movement of Abrahamism? Whatever the case, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with it. Whether they were inspired by the mysterious ancient pagan religions before them, or the forces Above descended from the sky, or both... my point remains the same. As humans grow and evolve, so will our religions. Let us be open to this and let there be less hatred and discrimination between the many beautiful spiritual/ religious systems of Man.

That's it, defend a pedophile, that's pretty cold, beotch.

That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.

No more than Benjamin I guess.

note to fellow posters------Penelope, "the health care worker"----has a problem with parables
and fables------she interprets them in the manner of a patient who exhibits CONCRETE
thinking interprets--------anyone interested google "concrete thinking" Nothing much is
known about Benjamin------so there are a few stories in the midrash that no one in their right
mind takes as LITERAL FACT-------there are also stories in the midrash that tell of king
Solomon talking to ants and grasshoppers-----no one takes them literally either-----it is
a "MYSTICAL" pov. If there is anyone out there who thinks that the HARE organized
a race with the TORTOISE? ---------you understand Penelope. In any case there is no religion
built round the "sayings and doings of Benjamin -----so his life is kinda a moot point to the extent
that the life of LITTLE JOHN's (Robin hood's pal) life is a moot point,. The only information about
Benjaimin in the bible (Penelope's CLAIMED source) is that he was the son of Rachel----like
Joseph-------and his father's (Jacob) fave once joseph was shipped off to Egypt-----both looked
like Rachel and had her pretty eyes. There is no history of his raping or stealing or murdering
or declaring HIMSELF KING-----or ------saying or doing much of anything

Thanks for reminding me why I haven't posted in over a month

you're welcome------I am sorry if a factual statement about biblical BENJAMIN-----(12th son of Jacob and not
much of a player in the OT) bothers you. Penelope is delighted that there are legends about this virtually
undocumented kid which include legends that he married when he was three month old ------and then had kids
with a two month old girl when he was 96 PROVE that da jooooos are pedophiles and are taken as
literal in the same manner that the legends of Solomon's conversations with ants and grasshoppers
are as taken as literal. Benjamin is kinda like the ANASTASIA------of Jacob's tribe. The midrash
is chock full of legends which have some sort of MYSTERIOUS IMPORT. It is the only UNPART
of the bible which she reads.
That was not considered pedophilia back then and its no different than the jews. Want to call them pedophiles too?
You're trying to say that Mohammed didn't know that what he was doing was wrong? Ya sure, now go kiss another carpet.

No more than Benjamin I guess.

note to fellow posters------Penelope, "the health care worker"----has a problem with parables
and fables------she interprets them in the manner of a patient who exhibits CONCRETE
thinking interprets--------anyone interested google "concrete thinking" Nothing much is
known about Benjamin------so there are a few stories in the midrash that no one in their right
mind takes as LITERAL FACT-------there are also stories in the midrash that tell of king
Solomon talking to ants and grasshoppers-----no one takes them literally either-----it is
a "MYSTICAL" pov. If there is anyone out there who thinks that the HARE organized
a race with the TORTOISE? ---------you understand Penelope. In any case there is no religion
built round the "sayings and doings of Benjamin -----so his life is kinda a moot point to the extent
that the life of LITTLE JOHN's (Robin hood's pal) life is a moot point,. The only information about
Benjaimin in the bible (Penelope's CLAIMED source) is that he was the son of Rachel----like
Joseph-------and his father's (Jacob) fave once joseph was shipped off to Egypt-----both looked
like Rachel and had her pretty eyes. There is no history of his raping or stealing or murdering
or declaring HIMSELF KING-----or ------saying or doing much of anything

Thanks for reminding me why I haven't posted in over a month

you're welcome------I am sorry if a factual statement about biblical BENJAMIN-----(12th son of Jacob and not
much of a player in the OT) bothers you. Penelope is delighted that there are legends about this virtually
undocumented kid which include legends that he married when he was three month old ------and then had kids
with a two month old girl when he was 96 PROVE that da jooooos are pedophiles and are taken as
literal in the same manner that the legends of Solomon's conversations with ants and grasshoppers
are as taken as literal. Benjamin is kinda like the ANASTASIA------of Jacob's tribe. The midrash
is chock full of legends which have some sort of MYSTERIOUS IMPORT. It is the only UNPART
of the bible which she reads.

Zzzzzzz...snore...oh...did you say something?

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