The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, s a result of global warming

I've studied paleoclimates for 20 years. I know why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which just happened in the last 5 million years. The same conditions still exist today.

Can you tell me why the planet is in an ice age? I can.
We are currently in a relatively warmer part of that ice age, described as an interglacial period, which began 11,700 years ago. This geological epoch is known as the Holocene. It is predicted that temperatures will fall again in a few thousand years, leading to expansion of ice sheets.

In other words we are in a warming period of the ice age. Natural occurring phenomena cause the warming phase but we have detemined, through science, that man is contributing to the warming.

You discuss macro data over 100's of thousand of years. That does us no good over the next few hundred years. The analysis must be done in shorter segments.
We are currently in a relatively warmer part of that ice age, described as an interglacial period, which began 11,700 years ago. This geological epoch is known as the Holocene. It is predicted that temperatures will fall again in a few thousand years, leading to expansion of ice sheets.

In other words we are in a warming period of the ice age. Natural occurring phenomena cause the warming phase but we have detemined, through science, that man is contributing to the warming.

You discuss macro data over 100's of thousand of years. That does us no good over the next few hundred years. The analysis must be done in shorter segments.
I don't have a problem with the GHG effect - which is for every doubling of CO2 surface temperature will increase by 1C - I have a problem with the 3.5C worth of feedbacks they pile on.
So what? Does that let us off the hook? How many decades was the U.S. the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and now have shipped our manufacturing to China?

What are you personally doing to fight "global warming"?
You discuss macro data over 100's of thousand of years. That does us no good over the next few hundred years. The analysis must be done in shorter segments.
No. I discuss the conditions which led to our planet's bipolar glaciation and how those conditions are still relevant today as to where our planet's climate is headed.
I am not sure what you are saying but knowledge will eliminate unneccessary fear.

If you have more knowledge you will be less fearful of government, minorities, non-Christians, people of different political leanings, crazy conspiracy theories etc.
Riddled with fear of unneccessary issues is a sad way to live. Knowledge not only provides you understanding of issues it allows you to make plans for possible situations so you are less fearful of them happening.
/---/ These are the words of someone trying to sound more educated than they are.
The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, is a result of global warming. The most uneducated among us feel it is proof there is no global warming. The cure for stupidity is to educate yourself.

Specifically, warming temperatures are disrupting the polar vortex and pushing cold air into non-traditional areas. While the polar vortex may be bringing extreme cold temperatures to one part of the world, the rest of the world is experiencing extremely hot weather.

Remember last July when the leftwing was trumpeting triple digit temperatures in the desert Southwest for days in a row? What happened to the "weather is local" meme back then?
At the end of the year, will 2024 replace 2023 as the warmest year on record? There's a good chance.

So ya see folks, that's the reason why we should consider all the denialist barking at the moon over feeling chilly as nothing more than their insecure doubts on their agendas?

We best help them to keep the conversation alive![/B]
Frigid weather proves global warming, and Trump's landslide Iowa victory means his campaign's in trouble. Any more nuggets of wisdom from the far left?
I don't have a problem with the GHG effect - which is for every doubling of CO2 surface temperature will increase by 1C - I have a problem with the 3.5C worth of feedbacks they pile on.
I rely on the information given by 97% of the climate scientists on what needs to be done.
They know much more than me.
/---/ These are the words of someone trying to sound more educated than they are.
I am not emphasizing my knowledge or education. I am emphasizing the need to continue to search out the new information on a subject. To search out a conscensus of the experts. Do not rely on just a few sources.
You do that, many things that scare you will not.

I see the MAGA movement stoked by fear through the words of Trump. Trump is a con man using fear. Look beyond Trump. Educate yourself. The fear that Trump throws gas on are false or not nearly as bad as he claims.
Remember last July when the leftwing was trumpeting triple digit temperatures in the desert Southwest for days in a row? What happened to the "weather is local" meme back then?
Who says weather is local? Weather is global.
I am not emphasizing my knowledge or education. I am emphasizing the need to continue to search out the new information on a subject. To search out a conscensus of the experts. Do not rely on just a few sources.
You do that, many things that scare you will not.

I see the MAGA movement stoked by fear through the words of Trump. Trump is a con man using fear. Look beyond Trump. Educate yourself. The fear that Trump throws gas on are false or not nearly as bad as he claims.
/——/ I stand corrected. It reads like AI generated psychobabble.
Who says weather is local? Weather is global.
No. Weather is different here than in Saudi Arabia.

It’s different here than in northern Canada.

And a dessert climate is different than the climate in the Everglades, too.
No. Weather is different here than in Saudi Arabia.

It’s different here than in northern Canada.

And a dessert climate is different than the climate in the Everglades, too.
Oh my. You don't know what you don't know.
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions that are affected by chnaging conditions worldwide. That is how weather is predicted. They can tell you what the weather will , most likely, be based on atmoshpheric conditions throughout the world and how they are moving, changing.

Climate is nothing more than the average weather for an area over a period of time.

Climate change is most concerning because it shows long term trends, not short term insignificant changes.
Oh my. You don't know what you don't know.
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions that are affected by chnaging conditions worldwide. That is how weather is predicted. They can tell you what the weather will , most likely, be based on atmoshpheric conditions throughout the world and how they are moving, changing.

Climate is nothing more than the average weather for an area over a period of time.

Climate change is most concerning because it shows long term trends, not short term insignificant changes.
Oh, turd brain. Know. And now I got you to do some research. Weather isn’t global. The weather here ain’t the weather there.

Congratulations on accepting the correction. It’s a first step. :itsok:

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