The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, s a result of global warming

It's 100% accurate.

... except clear distinction ... which "polar vortex" do you mean? ... and where is it cold that's never been cold before ...

Weather, dude... just weather. Been going on for... well forever

Second post says it all ... and things were colder the day we launched Space Shuttle Challenger ... you're confusing 100-year climate averages with day-to-day weather ... I agree with the OP, folks should educate themselves on the matter if they're that concerned ...
So what? Does that let us off the hook? How many decades was the U.S. the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and now have shipped our manufacturing to China?
So what? It means we aren't the problem. Your carbon footprint is likely no different than any other American.
And I think you have fallen for the "sky is falling" panic that is programmed specifically for rubes like you.

Because you are a rube.

I am not sure what you are saying but knowledge will eliminate unneccessary fear.

If you have more knowledge you will be less fearful of government, minorities, non-Christians, people of different political leanings, crazy conspiracy theories etc.
Riddled with fear of unneccessary issues is a sad way to live. Knowledge not only provides you understanding of issues it allows you to make plans for possible situations so you are less fearful of them happening.
I am not sure what you are saying but knowledge will eliminate unneccessary fear.

If you have more knowledge you will be less fearful of government, minorities, non-Christians, people of different political leanings, crazy conspiracy theories etc.
Riddled with fear of unneccessary issues is a sad way to live. Knowledge not only provides you understanding of issues it allows you to make plans for possible situations so you are less fearful of them happening.

I have more knowledge of how autocrats in the past have tried to impose their will, and the AGW scam runs right with those.

You are fearful of a boogeyman, AGW, and you are willing to give up your freedoms and standard of living while your "betters" do nothing of the sort.

Enjoy your chains, may they hang lightly across your shoulders.
It's called winter dumbass
Big is one who only wants the bare minimum knowledge of what goes on in the world.
Too much information will mess him up. Information will make him have to think. He does not want that.
I have more knowledge of how autocrats in the past have tried to impose their will, and the AGW scam runs right with those.

You are fearful of a boogeyman, AGW, and you are willing to give up your freedoms and standard of living while your "betters" do nothing of the sort.

Enjoy your chains, may they hang lightly across your shoulders.
More knowledge will decipate the fears you summarize above.
I've got an engineering degree and 37 years of engineering experience. You?
First more important than the knowledge you have is your willingness to learn new things.

Master's in quantitative analytics. Worked in the public arena in the medical field, worked for private corporations and ended having my own consulting business.

No matter the depth of knowledge you have it is worthless unless you continually learn the new information out there.
First more important than the knowledge you have is your willingness to learn new things.

Master's in quantitative analytics. Worked in the public arena in the medical field, worked for private corporations and ended having my own consulting business.

No matter the depth of knowledge you have it is worthless unless you continually learn the new information out there.
I've studied paleoclimates for 20 years. I know why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which just happened in the last 5 million years. The same conditions still exist today.

Can you tell me why the planet is in an ice age? I can.
I doubt it. I bet you are the type of man that would fuck another man in the ass and not even have the decency to give him a reach around.
I will give to you that you, obviously, have much more knowledge about that than I do.

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