The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, s a result of global warming

We can take care of our energy needs of today and work to have cleaner energy in the futuere,
Those that are too lazy to have to deal with a few inconviences, for future generations, make excuses why there is no need to.

Lazy, selfish, uneducated people.

We can take care of our energy needs of today and work to have cleaner energy in the future,

I agree. How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
Showing very limited thinking.
That decreases my carbon footprint by 5, 10, 15, 20 %. Maybe more.
If 8 billion people do that, it makes a huge difference.

That decreases my carbon footprint by 5, 10, 15, 20 %. Maybe more.


Those are some precise measurements you have there.
Are you sure you're not a climate scientist?
There is plenty, but it has to be measured against reality.

That comparison doesn't mean anything.

What you are is too stupid to realize this is about control and lowering your standard of living and freedom.

I think you have excessive fear of being controlled. You are paranoid and not making rational decisions.
You create your own world and live in it.
I live in the same country and world you live in and I do not see it that way nor live it that way.
We can take care of our energy needs of today and work to have cleaner energy in the future,

I agree. How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
I am not sure. I am not knowledgeable enough on nuclear energy to see how it best fits in the mix.
That decreases my carbon footprint by 5, 10, 15, 20 %. Maybe more.


Those are some precise measurements you have there.
Are you sure you're not a climate scientist?
I am not a science project. I am a human doing what I can to be BETTER. It is tough to measure. But I will continue to do better and not say human affect on climate change is BS so I am not going to do anything.

The science and analysis comes in as they do a macro-analysis, of the US and the world, using firm measurements to determine how we are affecting the atmosphere and the climate.
I am not a science project. I am a human doing what I can to be BETTER. It is tough to measure. But I will continue to do better and not say human affect on climate change is BS so I am not going to do anything.

The science and analysis comes in as they do a macro-analysis, of the US and the world, using firm measurements to determine how we are affecting the atmosphere and the climate.

How many trillions should we spend to reduce our output
by X units, when China is going to add 2X or 3X or 4X?
Air travel is a major contributor. We can not eliminate air travel but we can reduce the amount of air travel we do.
It is about doing better not eliminating 100% of the contributors of CO2 in the atmosphere. That is all it will take to mitigate the current trends.

OK, when rich DemoKKKrats stop flying on private jets, owning multiple massive homes, and traveling in fleets of SUVs, I'll think about it. Deal?
No link to your bullshit graphic?

Here's your link, McRibby!

You and Obumma sure like to suck that slop up.
There are natural increases, in CO2, as seen through history.
What explains the exponential gain in CO2 since man became inductrialized.
Yes, there are natural fluctuations of CO2 throughout the geologic record.

Prior to the industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 was a function of temperature due to the solubility of CO2 in water versus temperature. The ocean contains ~94% of the planet's CO2. It is the largest CO2 sink on the planet by far. When it got warmer the ocean released CO2 when it got colder the ocean absorbed CO2.

Post industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 correlates to carbon emissions. Which is what I said in my previous post.
They know what went on in the world before man throug SCIENCE.

Some people do not believe the science.

So be it. They believe Santa Claus is real and the earth is flat. That is their right.
How much science have you had? I'm a degreed engineer. You?
Showing very limited thinking.
That decreases my carbon footprint by 5, 10, 15, 20 %. Maybe more.
If 8 billion people do that, it makes a huge difference.
Actually it shows that you are no different than the average American in terms of your carbon footprint.

Where exactly do you think CO2 emissions are increasing? Do you have any idea?
How many trillions should we spend to reduce our output
by X units, when China is going to add 2X or 3X or 4X?
You are out of sync with the entire world, including all of the major oil companies, that we need to mitigate human contributioon to climate change.
China is in touch with reality for the sake of future generation like every major country in the world.

In 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to reduce his country's emissions by 65 percent from their 2005 level by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2060.Au
OK, when rich DemoKKKrats stop flying on private jets, owning multiple massive homes, and traveling in fleets of SUVs, I'll think about it. Deal?
Democrats and Republican have reduced carbon emmissions, Not everyone, but most of both parties are doing better.
You are one of those are not in to doing better until everyone else is perfect. Pathetic.
Yes, there are natural fluctuations of CO2 throughout the geologic record.

Prior to the industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 was a function of temperature due to the solubility of CO2 in water versus temperature. The ocean contains ~94% of the planet's CO2. It is the largest CO2 sink on the planet by far. When it got warmer the ocean released CO2 when it got colder the ocean absorbed CO2.

Post industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 correlates to carbon emissions. Which is what I said in my previous post.
You are accepting the science of the history of climate change.
Why do you not accept the current science.
Either you follow science or you don't.
Actually it shows that you are no different than the average American in terms of your carbon footprint.

Where exactly do you think CO2 emissions are increasing? Do you have any idea?
Overall CO2 emmissions have reduced in the US despite an increasing population.

Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

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