The fabulous legacy of impeachment...

Are you kidding? I'm loving watching the right melt down.

We're not "melting down." We're disparaging your piece of crap "president", spreading the news about what a piece of crap he is, and organizing to kick you Democrat's asses between now and 2024.

It's gonna be awesome. :banana:
It says as brain-dead as Biden is, he's still a better choice for president than Biden is.

Bumbling idiot that he may Xiden prudently took out impeachment insurance when he chose his VP.
Be careful hbh Xiden might be the next super hero to emerge from The Washington pelosi swamp...
They will call it climate change

I call it sublmation... heh.
I seriously don't give a flying fuck. The reality is that you elected a moron with the mental equivalency of a potato.

So what does that say about, French fry? Your opinion means just as little to me.
I'm voting for the potato
Biden 306
Trump 232
I could never get a bulshit link like that through this place
you made the great big sweeping charge that Trump committed some crimes and Ukraine

I was wondering if you could back that up and if you could wouldn't he have been removed from office use simple words Daisy..

True Links would be nice

not your usual Democrats trolls backwash
Biden 306
Trump 232
I could never get a bulshit link like that through this place
you made the great big sweeping charge that Trump committed some crimes and Ukraine

I was wondering if you could back that up and if you could wouldn't he have been removed from office use simple words Daisy..

True Links would be nice

not your usual Democrats trolls backwash

The American people didn't realize how disastrous Trump was for the country.

Thank God they had enough sense to correct that colossal mistake!

They will not make that mistake again.
Brandon is the most disastrous mistake the voters have made since Obumbler.
Democrats brought Impeachment proceedings over:

Trump extorting a foreign government for personal gain
Trump staging an attack on the Capitol to overthrow an election

Republicans impeached Clinton over a Blowjob

Cant wait to see the reason Republicans impeach Biden

I am far left, progressive, liberal of anyone here, but you got some of that wrong.

The first impeachment of Trump was the false claim he was collaborating illegal with Russia, to influence the 2016 election.
There was never any evidence of that, and it would not even be illegal as long as the Russians were not doing anything for free.

The second impeachment was over the call to the Ukraine to start an investigation of Burisma Holdings.
That not only is legal, but pretty much require.
What would be illegal would be to ignore such a suspicious kickback to Hunter Biden from US aid supported by Joe Biden.

The Jam 6 thing never came up.
It has nothing to do with anything.

I agree the impeachment of Bill Clinton was also wrong and illegal, but it was not about a Blowjob.
It was about Bill Clinton committing a type or perjury when testifying.
Since Bill had a law degree, he was legally required to hold a higher standard that ordinary people, so he could commit perjury by omission.

There has never been a single impeachment in the US that was not illegal in my opinion.
Impeachment is supposed to be for high crimes that really need to force a president out of office.
Nixon was the only one who ever actually did anything illegal that approached that, and he was smart enough to bail instead.
And as bad as all these impeachments were, the fact there were 2 in a row is really, really bad.
As bad as Trump was as far as lying and exaggerating, these 2 bogus impeachments makes him come off as a saint in comparison.

The transcript of what Trump openly said to the president of the Ukraine shows there was not a single thing even remotely illegal about the conversation.
The money paid to Burisma Holdings is extremely suspicious and should be investigated.
Which is exactly what Trumps asked for, nor more, no less.
Hoping you could give me a synopsis for your Rose Colored Glasses, or at least highlite sections that were illegal

when you're through with that watch the Joe Biden video of him holding a billion dollars of taxpayer do u g h to Leverage a pending investigation against his own son while he was vice president can you tell me bright boy have you got anything else... I'm sure that's the end of the Bidet's legal trouble... gafaw
Hoping you could give me a synopsis for your Rose Colored Glasses, or at least highlite sections that were illegal

when you're through with that watch the Joe Biden video of him holding a billion dollars of taxpayer do u g h to Leverage a pending investigation against his own son while he was vice president can you tell me bright boy have you got anything else... I'm sure that's the end of the Bidet's legal trouble... gafaw
Why do Conservatives suck at comparisons?

Biden acted on behalf of the US and our allies to remove a corrupt politician. For no personal gain

Trump extorted the Ukraine by withholding military aid unless they came up with dirt on a political rival.
Why do Conservatives suck at comparisons?

Biden acted on behalf of the US and our allies to remove a corrupt politician. For no personal gain

Trump extorted the Ukraine by withholding military aid unless they came up with dirt on a political rival.
Leftists suck at lying.

Which is weird because you do it all the time.

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