The fact that I believe that sexual preference is a choice

If you don't like my opinion, get out of my face.

Stay out of my space, and we have no problem.

You are simply unhappy that the entitlement religion is not longer entitled to act the fool without being called out.

I am not the one that brought religion into this, you are, but feel free to keep showing how you can't actually debate anyone.

Your OP is that you get to think what you want and no one better confront you.

Guess what: in the public forum you will get confronted every time.

The far right evangelical h'billies no longer dictate our public morality. Get over it.
The fact that I believe that sexual preference is a choice
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

How is it a choice? I like guys. I don't choose to like guys, I just ... do. I don't see that changing and that I will 'choose' to like girls.

Then don't, but if you want to know what the science actually says feel free to look at any of the threads where I laid out the evidence.

There is no evidence. You don't choose your sexuality. End of story.
Left god aside, I agree with that.

Only, I really would not like to be a judge ruling a gay divorce.
And they are to come.

O.k., I'm a bad, bad person.

I would. I would revel in explaining how happy I am in knowing they finally have to deal with the same shit the rest of us do. Now hand over the alimony biotch!
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

so you choose to be straight? if you chose, you'd be equally attracted to men? good luck with that.

your belief just makes you look ignorant. the fact that you think it should impair others' rights is what makes you a bigot.

the 'problem' is you don't understand that.
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I don't know if it's a preference or innate. Nor do I care.

Gays are sinners. But so am I. So are you. So is everybody. I don't hate anyone because they sin differently than I do.

I support gay marriage (more on that in a moment), but the thought of gay sex repulses me. But some forms of straight sex repulse me, too. I'll stay out of everyone else's bedrooms if they stay out of mine. Deal?

Supporting gay marriage is, I believe, a very conservative position, and also a Christian one. Let me explain.

You can't legislate morality. Sins committed in the heart are just as hurtful in God's eyes as sins committed physically. A thief who steals is just as sinful as a thief who WANTS to steal but doesn't. In places where gay marriage is illegal, there are still gays. A lack of marriage is not preventing anyone from being gay. Nor will legalizing gay marriage cause more people to be gay.

Gays are here to stay. They're not going anywhere. There's no reason they should not be granted the same rights as straights.

Of course, the ultimate conservative position is to get government out of the marriage business altogether. But that's not likely to happen.

Left god aside, I agree with that.

Only, I really would not like to be a judge ruling a gay divorce.
And they are to come.

O.k., I'm a bad, bad person.

of course there will be divorces.. and?

and why wouldn't you want to make rulings on a divorce between gay people. same issues. it is not "gay" divorce... it is just 'divorce'. *shrug*
Stay out of my space, and we have no problem.

You are simply unhappy that the entitlement religion is not longer entitled to act the fool without being called out.

I am not the one that brought religion into this, you are, but feel free to keep showing how you can't actually debate anyone.

Your OP is that you get to think what you want and no one better confront you.

Guess what: in the public forum you will get confronted every time.

The far right evangelical h'billies no longer dictate our public morality. Get over it.

You really have a problem with English comprehension, don't you? Want to show me where I said you can't argue with me? All I did was point out that a simple difference of opinion about whehter people have free will does not make me a bigot.

I will even quote it so you can reread it and point out exactly where I told you not to say anything that contradicts me.

Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

I won't hold my breath.
How is it a choice? I like guys. I don't choose to like guys, I just ... do. I don't see that changing and that I will 'choose' to like girls.

Then don't, but if you want to know what the science actually says feel free to look at any of the threads where I laid out the evidence.

There is no evidence. You don't choose your sexuality. End of story.

There is never any evidence for people that refuse to look.
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

so you choose to be straight? if you chose, you'd be equally attracted to men? good luck with that.

your belief just makes you look ignorant. the fact that you think it should impair others' rights is what makes you a bigot.

the 'problem' is you don't understand that.

The fact that you do not exercise your ability to change does not mean it does not exist, it just means you need to learn to challenge yourself.

Since you are calling me a bigot because I think people should have fewer rights based on their choices I am sure that you can provide examples of me actually saying something like that.

Actually, I am sure that you can't do that because I have never in my life argued that people should have fewer rights based n their choices, or anything else. In fact, I am quite famous for arguing for more freedom and less government. The fact that we personally have argued about the role of government, and that you know I oppose the government attacking freedom, makes you the one that is wrong.

Perhaps you should consider why you think that a simple disagreement about science between us causes you to have an emotional response. I have absolutely no emotional involvement in my opinion, and will change it if anyone can provide actual evidence that I am wrong, will you do the same?
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.

Yes, I chose my sexual preferences. So did you.

I live in San Francisco, I see gay men every time I go anywhere. Not once have a felt a need to defend myself from them in any way, shape, or form. As far as I know, not one of them has ever felt threatened by me.

If that makes me a bigot you have a weird definition of bigot. On the other hand, attacking people based on their sexual preference is a pretty solid tactic of bigots everywhere.

In other words, you sound just like those homophobes you claim to despise.
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.

Yes, I chose my sexual preferences. So did you.

I live in San Francisco, I see gay men every time I go anywhere. Not once have a felt a need to defend myself from them in any way, shape, or form. As far as I know, not one of them has ever felt threatened by me.

If that makes me a bigot you have a weird definition of bigot. On the other hand, attacking people based on their sexual preference is a pretty solid tactic of bigots everywhere.

In other words, you sound just like those homophobes you claim to despise.

◄ Proverbs 14:34 ►
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.
Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.

Yes, I chose my sexual preferences. So did you.

I live in San Francisco, I see gay men every time I go anywhere. Not once have a felt a need to defend myself from them in any way, shape, or form. As far as I know, not one of them has ever felt threatened by me.

If that makes me a bigot you have a weird definition of bigot. On the other hand, attacking people based on their sexual preference is a pretty solid tactic of bigots everywhere.

In other words, you sound just like those homophobes you claim to despise.


Negged for using the Bible to justify hate.

This isn't the CDZ, I get to let you know how stupid you are for posting the way you do.
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.
Why do progressives use homosexuality as an insult?
Does not mean that I think you have to change your preference. The people that think my beliefs make me a bigot are the ones with the problem here.

Get over it.

Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.
Why do progressives use homosexuality as an insult?

INSULT????? YES!! THERE IS GREAT GUILT AND SHAME FOR LIVING IN SEXUAL PERVERSION.The "demons of Lasciviousness". Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)

The demons use you as much as they can, getting you to commit all ungodliness before they can cause the death of your body and soul. Their primary goal is spiritual death. They want you to die in your sins, but before you do, they want to live inside of you long enough to influence others to agree with your sinful lifestyle, so that they can possess them also. These demons are the creators of Homosexuality". Its not gay, its sin, evil and surely demonic! and biblically called "sodomite".
==THOSE LIVING IN THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION GOD can free you from demon control,believe,confess and repent and accept JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND HE will forgive you and wash you clean. Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)
Is your sexual preference something you chose? You may be a bigot, you may also be so gay curious that knowing that there are gays out and about scares you - and thus you defend yourself from these urges.
Why do progressives use homosexuality as an insult?

INSULT????? YES!! THERE IS GREAT GUILT AND SHAME FOR LIVING IN SEXUAL PERVERSION.The "demons of Lasciviousness". Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)

The demons use you as much as they can, getting you to commit all ungodliness before they can cause the death of your body and soul. Their primary goal is spiritual death. They want you to die in your sins, but before you do, they want to live inside of you long enough to influence others to agree with your sinful lifestyle, so that they can possess them also. These demons are the creators of Homosexuality". Its not gay, its sin, evil and surely demonic! and biblically called "sodomite".
==THOSE LIVING IN THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION GOD can free you from demon control,believe,confess and repent and accept JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND HE will forgive you and wash you clean. Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)
That's nice. Run along now.

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