The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

You expect people to believe mail in ballots were taken to the polling location to be turned in? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Only the Kangaroo Court tries to sway people with partial information. It gets laughed out of real courtrooms and lawyers get real sanctions for participating too.
Only the Kangaroo Court tries to sway people with partial information. It gets laughed out of real courtrooms and lawyers get real sanctions for participating too.
These are not fun times for the Kracken Kaucus :cool-45:

Only the Kangaroo Court tries to sway people with partial information. It gets laughed out of real courtrooms and lawyers get real sanctions for participating too.
Is it in court? Stop talking out of your ass. Right now informing the people there was really fraud is the important thing.
I don't care what time they started, I call fraud when they stop counting in the middle of a count to see what other state numbers are. So as to create and manipulate the count. You act as if you've never heard of cheating before. It happens every election cycle. What pisses demofks off this time is they got called on it. You'd have thunk we hit the wasps nest they way you all came out. hahahahahahahahahahaha, that's my evidence.
don't care what time they started, I call fraud when they stop counting in the middle of a count to see what other state numbers are. So as to create and manipulate the count.
Of course you have no way of knowing if that actually happened and for the reasons you stated. That is just some dumbfuck nonsense someone whispered in your ear.
Is it in court? Stop talking out of your ass. Right now informing the people there was really fraud is the important thing.

The "Kung Fu Squad" is making allegations that are easily debunked. It will some be a distant memory like the last investigation from old whatshisname again???????

It will never see a courtroom, and the Trumpybear will not be installed.
Wrong, moron. It compares the list of people who voted by mail with the list of people who requested a mail-in ballot.
That’s done when the envelopes and signatures are verified. The number of ballots in a batch are then recorded and are put into a container that is sealed until they are counted by the machines. The number of ballots is verified and recorded at each step of the process. That is how the states are able to certify their elections as complete and accurate because all the numbers add up.
Shh he’s blind

Justice is also blind. Let them take their evidence to a civil court in AZ, and let the County have their day in court to rebut all the specific accusations and allegations the "Kung Fu Squad" makes against them.
The so-called "FACTS" don't contradict the claim, moron.
Fucking moron, the refute the nonsensical claim that there were 74K more ballots received than sent out. But no worries -- no one expects a fucking moron like you to understand.


This is PA.
Anything gained illegally can be taken away. That is the law.
Actually, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and it offers nothing in terms of decertifying a certified election. All it says is the Congress decides who the president is -- and Congress decided that back on January 7th.
The "Kung Fu Squad" is making allegations that are easily debunked. It will some be a distant memory like the last investigation from old whatshisname again???????

It will never see a courtroom, and the Trumpybear will not be installed.
You do not know that. If it does not that only helps convince people the government is against them and massive fraud occurred. You have lost the fraud happened and it will be decided in the court of public opinion.
Actually, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and it offers nothing in terms of decertifying a certified election. All it says is the Congress decides who the president is -- and Congress decided that back on January 7th.
Precedents have happened throughout our nations history. This will just be one more. You realize the fraud can be proven. That is a good thing.
You expect people to believe mail in ballots were taken to the polling location to be turned in? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Why not? I turned in my daughter's ballot which she forgot to mail. I took it with me when I went to vote, which I did because my mail-in ballot was not showing up as received by the state.
Precedents have happened throughout our nations history. This will just be one more. You realize the fraud can be proven. That is a good thing.
First and foremost, to date, the only cases of provable fraud were individual cases around the nation. There has been no widespread voter fraud proved in any state. Secondly, again, the Constitution declares the Congress decides who the president is. That's the precedent. That's been done.
First and foremost, to date, the only cases of provable fraud were individual cases around the nation. There has been no widespread voter fraud proved in any state. Secondly, again, the Constitution declares the Congress decides who the president is. That's the precedent. That's been done.
There was massive fraud in the swing states. It has all but been proven. Two states have already proven it. More will follow. The Democrats can kiss their asses goodbye.
Prove it.
Aside from the fact that I watched interviews with election officials during the count that explained this, simply use your brain.

What is an absentee ballot if not just a mail in ballot? What makes it different? They were both requested by the voter. Received, filled out ,signed and returned. They both have an outer envelope that contains an inner envelope containing the ballot. Names and serial numbers as well as signatures must match to be valid. Where’s the difference? The only difference maybe is some states allowed the absentee ballots to be counted prior to the close of voting on Election Day.

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