The facts on firearms deaths 1993 to 2011

It should be common knowledge that firearm deaths have been trending downward for decades.
Doesn't matter. Owning a gun is a CONSTUTITIONAL RIGHT until the point that the far left take over the government and courts. At that point it wont matter as America as we know it will cease to exist
Doesn't matter. Owning a gun is a CONSTUTITIONAL RIGHT until the point that the far left take over the government and courts. At that point it wont matter as America as we know it will cease to exist

"Turn left and fire" will be the reaction.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

Whether the numbers are going up or down doesn’t mitigate the fact that gun deaths is a problem that needs to be addressed – a problem most on the right couldn’t care less about.

Typical conserva-think: the numbers are going down so the problem can be ignored.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

Whether the numbers are going up or down doesn’t mitigate the fact that gun deaths is a problem that needs to be addressed – a problem most on the right couldn’t care less about.

Typical conserva-think: the numbers are going down so the problem can be ignored.

It wouldn't matter if the numbers were going up. You have but one option to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and even if successful, it would not hold.

Deal with the criminal element, or get a hobby.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
There are proposals to ban them entirely in Canada. Of course, criminals and police will still have them. Those law abiding citizens who want to be able to protect their citizens (not a Right in Canada) will not be allowed to do so.

I've been open about never owning or touching a gun, I still don't get why someone who is responsible to own one and defend their home should be disallowed. I say if you are going to ban all guns, take them from police too. You will see how fast the former Chief of Toronto Police Bill Blair changes his mind.

Canada. Not a nation of civil liberties.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

I typed up some highlights from your link, Gunny:

U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Special Report, May 2013, NCJ241730
Michael Planty, PhD & J. L. Truman, PhD
BJS Statisticians


Firearm-related homicides declined 395 from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.

Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69% from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993
to 467,300 victimizations in 2011.

For both fatal and nonfatal firearm victimizations, the majoriy of the decline
occured during the 10-year period from 1993 to 2002.

Firearm violence accounted for ~ 70% of all homicides and less than
10% of all nonfatal violent crimes from 1993 to 2011.

About 70 to 80% of firearm homicides and 90% of nonfatal firearm
victimizations were committed with a handgun from 1993 to 2011.

From 1993 to 2010, males, blacks, and persons ages 18 to 24 had the
highest rates of firearm homicide.

In 2007-2011, about 23% of victims of nonfatal firearm crime were

About 61% of nonfatal firearm violence was reported to the police in

In 2007-2011, less than 1% of victims in all nonfatal violent crimes
reported using a firearm for self-defense during the incident.

In 2004, prisoners who possessed a gun at the time of offence, less than
2% bought firearm at a flea market or gun show. 40% were obtained from an
illegal source.

Of course, the dishonest right ignores the fact that the problem of gun deaths and violence can be addressed having nothing whatsoever to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives instead resort to demagoguery and lies – such as the lie that those who seek a solution to the problem advocate for more ‘gun control.’
Of course, the dishonest right ignores the fact that the problem of gun deaths and violence can be addressed having nothing whatsoever to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives instead resort to demagoguery and lies – such as the lie that those who seek a solution to the problem advocate for more ‘gun control.’
Did you bother to watch the democratic debates? They all advocate banning firearms OPENLY. In direct violation of the Supreme Court ruling that all firearms in general use are protected by the 2nd Amendment.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

Whether the numbers are going up or down doesn’t mitigate the fact that gun deaths is a problem that needs to be addressed – a problem most on the right couldn’t care less about.

Typical conserva-think: the numbers are going down so the problem can be ignored.

Yeah the solution is to put God back into the classroom.

Of course, the dishonest right ignores the fact that the problem of gun deaths and violence can be addressed having nothing whatsoever to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives instead resort to demagoguery and lies – such as the lie that those who seek a solution to the problem advocate for more ‘gun control.’

Well history shows us Democrats baned unconstitutionally guns in Chicago, what you think we're all like liberals in the book 1984?

JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Not quite true.....they love guns in the hands of their hired goons....the ones they hire to murder the enemies of the state and to fill mass graves.....those guns they love...
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

Whether the numbers are going up or down doesn’t mitigate the fact that gun deaths is a problem that needs to be addressed – a problem most on the right couldn’t care less about.

Typical conserva-think: the numbers are going down so the problem can be ignored.

Wrong, we want actual solutions.....what you and the other gun grabbers want is to get rid of guns......two different issues. If we focus on actual criminals, and keep them in prison, the crime rate goes down. When democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians let repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison, over and over again for gun crimes......they eventually commit murder with those guns...and the gun crime rate goes up.

it is you, not us....who are causing gun crimes.
Joe B is a communist who does not belong in the country. Who gives a shit what he says? You can bet, it's to undermine the country.

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