The Failing: Ravenswood [Capitalism Scroll]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It's always tricky characterizing capitalism as a 'metaphysical system' since, of course, it's naturally an economics/consumerism system based on straightforward conveniences, supply-demand common sense, and basic instincts for prosperity.

In other words, how does one critique capitalism as a system of reward-bias when one already knows that capitalism, by definition, is simply a system of convenience as a goal? You can't describe a society as reward-biased when its imposed economics-governance system (capitalism) is convenience-oriented by quality! Otherwise, you end up characterizing 'convenience-consciousness' as simply vice/gluttony.

That's the real challenge --- discriminating between Burger King capitalism and New Deal capitalism without resorting to over-simplified categories (e.g., consumerism, social security, etc.).

So I decided to cast a 'capitalism folk-tale' based on the intention to critique the politics of economics through the cultural lens of human experience. This way, we can 'dissect' capitalism as an empirical animal rather than a magical machine, which (for reasons described above) is simply impossible.

What do you think? I didn't post this in the Writing section of USMB, since this vignette is overtly (arguably) American.


"The whole world was capitalism, or at least, it seemed so, since major rival-nations of capitalism's 'Big Brother' (America) were not considered dominant (e.g., North Korea, Cuba, China). Even China, which had risen to formidable proportions as a Communist society, could not parallel America in breadth/scope of globalization-aspirations and achievements (e.g., consumerism exports). Therefore, the whole world was 'American capitalism.' America had enormous influence over the UN and World Bank. This was reality. Everyone knew it, but not everyone was happy. After 9/11, the world understood that capitalism, which promoted consumer-satisfaction, may open up symbolic 'hell-holes' of spiritual inflation (or lifestyle over-confidence seen during, for example, the Roaring Twenties). Since capitalism can open 'hell-holes' of inflation, the whole world was witness to a sort of 'labor-praise failing.' That's why the underworld deacon Ra's al Ghul served as a sloth witness and terrorism instigator, creating heresy-cleansing machinations to create global angst about 9/11."


"Ra's referred to this 'political economics pit' as The Failing, since no one could succeed in 'transcending' the natural vices of consumerism (namely, gluttony). Ra's' description of the Failing served as a call-sign for a general macro-sociological evaluation of the peaks and valleys of global capitalism based on consumerism activities/behaviors curbed or unnaturally 'spiked' by base-instincts catering to instant gratification or short-term market (Wall Street) profit-goals. Ra's' Failing became a signpost for the characterization of all kinds of profiteerism-oriented modern era (globalization-related) 'pits' of darkness or uncertainty. Ra's used the Failing to dissect the Black Mask crime-syndicate which arose in post-USSR Moscow, where economics challenges in a compromised post-communist democracy created 'ample' opportunities for all kinds of urban piracy. Was capitalism therefore a band-aid?"


"Ra's used the Failing to describe one specific warlike initiative of Black Mask involving minions of the crime-syndicate breaking into the homes of Russian politicians/leaders and bludgeoning them to death and citing such 'demolitions' as 'spiritual signs' of the frailty of urban capital in modern Europe. Black Mask used these bludgeonings to suggest that mob-rule, criminal-enterprise, and even martial law were 'quick solutions' to the global capitalism problem of lifestyle-based spiritual compromises. After all, everyday consumerism in a capitalism world simply wanted breadcrumbs and were not interested in 'negotiating' about governance ideals in a social/public forum. Ra's therefore suggested that the Failing was a banner for the evaluation of why global capitalism was a 'visceral animal' and not a 'magical machine,' going so far as to say that modern U.S. cities such as N.Y. and L.A. were pits of etiquette humiliation. Would the Failing become a 'formula' for anti-mercantile ravens?"




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