The Failure of Gun Control Comes Home

We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

We have tens of thousands of gun deaths per year; they have dozens. Obviously they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

If guns made a society safer, we should have zero deaths since we have the most guns; instead we have more deaths than any other developed nations.

Those are the back to the denial fest.
Those are selective facts.
What they are doing right is having Frenchmen for citizens instead of inner city blacks and Hispanics, who account for most of the shootings. Certainly their laws have nothing to do with the incidence. Strip out shootings by black men between age 15 and 25 and our crime rate looks like France's.

I guess I'm off ignore.....gee what a shock that you couldn't stick to your word this week either.

As for your people live in every major city in the world. Spain is full of Spanish folks; they aren't gunning each other down at a rate that would only make Edi Amin proud over there; just here. The only difference is our 2nd Amendment.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

We have tens of thousands of gun deaths per year; they have dozens. Obviously they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

If guns made a society safer, we should have zero deaths since we have the most guns; instead we have more deaths than any other developed nations.

Those are the back to the denial fest.
Hey moron, if gun control made people safer, Chicago would be the safest city in the USA and Mexico wouldn't have any gun deaths

What is happening is that people purchase the weapons in the suburbs and bring them into Chicago. Nationwide gun control is the winning position here; unless you like more dead Americans instead of less.
but that is already against the law

gun control is a losing argument nationally. why are the suburbs where you can own handguns legally so much safer than chicago where only criminals have handguns

I'm pretty sure it has more to do with poverty than the geography. The point is that every large city has suburbs. And Yes, Virginia, they have suburbs in England, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, etc... And No, Virginia, they are not mowing each other down with guns in these cities. The only difference is we have a centuries old edict that allows the lesser lights among us to settle their differences with a gun.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Nice one. Now let's see, the US has schools being shot up, federal buildings being bombed, theaters being shot up, and more. Your example is about the worst I have ever heard.

WE are NOT out to take all your guns. That's a fright tactic being used by your bunch. If an Australian type Law were to be passed in Congress, it would be Vetoed. If it was signed, the Supreme court would bounce it. SCOTUS already bounced it at the states level.

Now, try again. Your hate speech should be what is illegal.
France has riots in the capitol, kosher markets getting shot up, journalists getting massacred. Remind me how much worse off we are.
Of course libs are out to ban guns. It is a joke to say they arent. Look at NY and the recent laws there. Hell even the brain dead simps here maintain if there were no guns there would be no gun violence. Of course that's like saying if there were no drugs there would be no drug addiction. True but irrelevant.

There is no point in reminding you that we have thousands of gun deaths and in Europe they have, perhaps, hundreds. The facts speak for themselves. You simply refuse to see them or equate violence with skin color....sad really.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Nice one. Now let's see, the US has schools being shot up, federal buildings being bombed, theaters being shot up, and more. Your example is about the worst I have ever heard.

WE are NOT out to take all your guns. That's a fright tactic being used by your bunch. If an Australian type Law were to be passed in Congress, it would be Vetoed. If it was signed, the Supreme court would bounce it. SCOTUS already bounced it at the states level.

Now, try again. Your hate speech should be what is illegal.
France has riots in the capitol, kosher markets getting shot up, journalists getting massacred. Remind me how much worse off we are.
Of course libs are out to ban guns. It is a joke to say they arent. Look at NY and the recent laws there. Hell even the brain dead simps here maintain if there were no guns there would be no gun violence. Of course that's like saying if there were no drugs there would be no drug addiction. True but irrelevant.

There is no point in reminding you that we have thousands of gun deaths and in Europe they have, perhaps, hundreds. The facts speak for themselves. You simply refuse to see them or equate violence with skin color....sad really.
white americans, with the highest rate of legal gun ownership in the USA have lower rates of gun violence than White Europeans
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Nice one. Now let's see, the US has schools being shot up, federal buildings being bombed, theaters being shot up, and more. Your example is about the worst I have ever heard.

WE are NOT out to take all your guns. That's a fright tactic being used by your bunch. If an Australian type Law were to be passed in Congress, it would be Vetoed. If it was signed, the Supreme court would bounce it. SCOTUS already bounced it at the states level.

Now, try again. Your hate speech should be what is illegal.
France has riots in the capitol, kosher markets getting shot up, journalists getting massacred. Remind me how much worse off we are.
Of course libs are out to ban guns. It is a joke to say they arent. Look at NY and the recent laws there. Hell even the brain dead simps here maintain if there were no guns there would be no gun violence. Of course that's like saying if there were no drugs there would be no drug addiction. True but irrelevant.

There is no point in reminding you that we have thousands of gun deaths and in Europe they have, perhaps, hundreds. The facts speak for themselves. You simply refuse to see them or equate violence with skin color....sad really.
white americans, with the highest rate of legal gun ownership in the USA have lower rates of gun violence than White Europeans

Now if we could just get all of the White Americans to tell us their secrets: I'm guessing they have to do with the family structure, their parents incomes, and involvement in activities where being the biggest, fastest or strongest aren't the deciding factors most of the I close?
Considering that 600,000 Americans died in the our very own American Civil War and 420,000 Americans died in WWII, 16 is a pretty good role model, considering that terrorist attacks (and drones) are the new warfare. Which would you prefer?
How many casualties in terrorist incidents are acceptable to you?

I stand by my statement that most shootings are in gun free zones.
We have to differentiate "shootings" between run of the mill shootings pursuant to other crimes like drug dealing and mass shootings that make the news where the shooting itself is the purpose.
In the latter they are entirely or largely in gun free zones.
In the former,so what? They are committed by criminals who are prohibited under current law anyway.

So you want to focus on a very small part of shootings? The gun people will tell you they are only a very small percent of all shootings.
They are, numerically speaking.
But they constitute a tremendous amount of media coverage because they are heinous.
You do understand the distinction here, right?

I do understand the difference between a mass shooting and the typical shootings. If it's one of your loved ones or yourself dead I don't know it really matters though. I guess we are the mass shooting capital of the world.
Bingo. A deflection to emotion. It's all the Left has.
The two types of shootings vary significantly from each other. Therefore solutions will be different. Dickbreath.

So are you going to suggest France get more guns like us so they can have a much higher homicide rate and many more mass shootings? I don't think they will be tempted by that idea.
Hey moron, if gun control made people safer, Chicago would be the safest city in the USA and Mexico wouldn't have any gun deaths

Chicago's gun control law was voided by the Supreme Court, so in fairness, you don't really know if that's true or not do you?
It was voided like last year. Prior to that they had over 30 years of gun control. No, it's obvious. Gun control doesnt control guns. It controls law abiding citizens.
Hey moron, if gun control made people safer, Chicago would be the safest city in the USA and Mexico wouldn't have any gun deaths

Chicago's gun control law was voided by the Supreme Court, so in fairness, you don't really know if that's true or not do you?
It was voided like last year. Prior to that they had over 30 years of gun control. No, it's obvious. Gun control doesnt control guns. It controls law abiding citizens.

City gun laws are pretty limited when you can just go to the next city to buy a gun.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Wow, can you imagine if anyone had a gun and could shoot back? Instead of a slaughter it could have been a disaster! Pogo explained this to me. We don't know who the good guys and the bad guys are when someone is shooting people and shooting back just escalates the situation, or as he said it's pouring "gasoline" on it. Liberals are so smart. I never understand their arguments, it must just be on a higher plain and I just need to believe them.
Hey moron, if gun control made people safer, Chicago would be the safest city in the USA and Mexico wouldn't have any gun deaths

Chicago's gun control law was voided by the Supreme Court, so in fairness, you don't really know if that's true or not do you?
It was voided like last year. Prior to that they had over 30 years of gun control. No, it's obvious. Gun control doesnt control guns. It controls law abiding citizens.

City gun laws are pretty limited when you can just go to the next city to buy a gun.

Step one, well done. Now let's proceed. State laws are pretty limited when you can go to the next state to buy a gun. And national laws are pretty limited when you can go anywhere in the world and buy them. And Democrats are working hard to keep our borders open so guns can continue to flow in. Guns can also be produced, they aren't rocket science to make. And they can be stolen.

Hmm..."gun control" is a pretty stupid idea, isn't it "brain?" No wonder it never works.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

The only ones not armed were the good guys,

yeah Frances gun control is so ridiculous

that the first cops on the scene was unarmed

they had to retreat while the terrorists fled

The good guys? Are the police who were armed not "good guys"?
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Wow, can you imagine if anyone had a gun and could shoot back? Instead of a slaughter it could have been a disaster! Pogo explained this to me. We don't know who the good guys and the bad guys are when someone is shooting people and shooting back just escalates the situation, or as he said it's pouring "gasoline" on it. Liberals are so smart. I never understand their arguments, it must just be on a higher plain and I just need to believe them.

They did have guns! How are you ignoring this?
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon
Had proper gun control been in place they would have needed to use a bat or a knife. And no, we have no plans to ban bats or knives, since they are dual-purpose, to say the least, while a gun is only for killing things, human things often enough.

Terrorists could not have gotten guns if there was "proper gun control" in place. Wow, you seriously believe that? Oops, you just dripped food on your chin, I'd ask the nice nurse to wipe it for you.

Liberals, amazing.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Wow, can you imagine if anyone had a gun and could shoot back? Instead of a slaughter it could have been a disaster! Pogo explained this to me. We don't know who the good guys and the bad guys are when someone is shooting people and shooting back just escalates the situation, or as he said it's pouring "gasoline" on it. Liberals are so smart. I never understand their arguments, it must just be on a higher plain and I just need to believe them.

They did have guns! How are you ignoring this?

As to your question, who was armed, I didn't read that in the op's post.

And it's irrelevant anyway. Having "guns" on both sides doesn't change that France has strict gun control laws and like the US that only effects the honest citizens and not the criminals. Having more honest citizens armed allows them to protect themselves more frequently and better defend themselves.
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Wow, can you imagine if anyone had a gun and could shoot back? Instead of a slaughter it could have been a disaster! Pogo explained this to me. We don't know who the good guys and the bad guys are when someone is shooting people and shooting back just escalates the situation, or as he said it's pouring "gasoline" on it. Liberals are so smart. I never understand their arguments, it must just be on a higher plain and I just need to believe them.

They did have guns! How are you ignoring this?

As to your question, who was armed, I didn't read that in the op's post.

I know that but why are you ignoring that they DID have guns?

And it's irrelevant anyway. Having "guns" on both sides doesn't change that France has strict gun control laws and like the US that only effects the honest citizens and not the criminals. Having more honest citizens armed allows them to protect themselves more frequently and better defend themselves.

The OP said
The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

The good guys were it does matter a lot unless we arent talking about the OP anymore
We need gun control, say the libs.
Look at the crime rate in France, say the libs.
It works over there, it'll work here, say the libs,

In one or two days all of that has been wiped away. The Muslim assholes who attacked Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery were armed with RPGs, AKs, and other goodies, generally not even available in this country, much less to the average Frenchman. The only ones not armed were the good guys, a/k/a the victims of their attacks.

At least now some Jews are getting hte idea that being defenseless and dependent on how fast police can react is a recipe for more dead Jews.
Europe s Leading Rabbi Jews Must Begin Carrying Guns Washington Free Beacon

Wow, can you imagine if anyone had a gun and could shoot back? Instead of a slaughter it could have been a disaster! Pogo explained this to me. We don't know who the good guys and the bad guys are when someone is shooting people and shooting back just escalates the situation, or as he said it's pouring "gasoline" on it. Liberals are so smart. I never understand their arguments, it must just be on a higher plain and I just need to believe them.

They did have guns! How are you ignoring this?

As to your question, who was armed, I didn't read that in the op's post.

I know that but why are you ignoring that they DID have guns?

Why are you ignoring my answer to your question? If you don't like the answer then speak to what i said, don't ignore I responded and ask again as if I hadn't.

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