The Fairbanks Kiddo Cop Shop


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2017
alaska, usa
There's "too much" of something here, with a 100% allergy-friendly peanut-free child-care center right next door to the federal courthouse. These federal cops are continually on strike with the police union, on a power trip over everyday citizens with their own unnatural obsessions. The fictional criminal charges from the kiddo cop shop as reported in the above-linked press releases are intended only as a show of force of police union solidarity and absolute communist government power, certainly not as any measure of "true crime" being prosecuted in a court of law in pursuance of the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Crime has motive. The general public is not that sexually obsessed with children, as falsely claimed by the fed shop cops here. These reports are, rather, evidence of extreme and pernicious corruption among the federal law enforcement community of Interior Alaska.

Do any of these feds ever show their faces in public? They are making themselves too many mortal enemies among the righteous law-abiding population they are persecuting with their false and arbitrary criminal charges in a railroad court system.
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That 100% peanut-free allergy-friendly child care center.

These people have to have their kids supervised when they show up in federal court, and the babysitters are closely inspecting the kids' genitals to make sure they haven't been diddled while the parents are in court, which is considered acceptable because the babysitters are female, while the types of charges they are bringing in court are obviously only applicable to male suspects, except for a few cases females who act as accomplices to male crimes.

The feds are cutting hair and putting out eyes with "the usual"
while female criminals run loose on the streets with total impunity committing any crimes they want not only against children, but against adults and property.

All these "Zoom" and "Ring" -- different brands of cameras on the kids all the time, and now this:
And I don't know what these people are doing to the kids, but I do know that the feds bringing the charges in court are liars, crooks, thieves, and murderers themselves. How is this all going to play out? The district court system of Fairbanks, Alaska is much, much worse and more corrupt than the district where George Floyd was murdered, but any "rioting" as such in the borough is usually put down immediately by various ranking active duty military personnel from nearby bases, who also have a strong hand in how the Fairbanks North Star Borough District Federal Court System downtown is operated.
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They're working with the German cops.
They have all the members of a board or forum on the internet "pre-registered" and then the cops add all their names in bulk to the local sex offender registry without further ado.

White cops going after a "darknet" on the internet.
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>>>The pan-European police agency Europol assisted in the monthslong investigation alongside authorities in the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia and Canada.<<<

Fucking Nazis.

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