The fallacy of self defence by gun

So when did the home invaders run off because they saw your gun?

Home invaders are not the only criminals preying on the weak. I have stopped a mugging. No police report.

And, as I said before, the FBI reports that guns are used to stop a crime 100,000 times per year or more.
I'll tell them to telephone Briss for the handy tips he/she used when his/her house was invaded.

What do TV programmes suggest? Window and door locks? A dog? Neighborhood Watch scheme? CCTV with lights that come on when they pick movement up? A spy hole in the door? A panic button? A house alarm? Pepper spray? Stronger front door? A rolling pin?

Personally, I have two little dogs that bark at the slightest sound and a Ring door bell.
Neither of which are going to stop someone who intends to do you harm. Little dogs can be kicked to death with little or no danger to the kickers. Ring doorbell cameras only records who comes to your front door unless you have them on every door and window of the house. All the cameras will do is identify when your assailants arrived and left unless they were stupid enough to not wear masks.
Home invaders are not the only criminals preying on the weak. I have stopped a mugging. No police report.

And, as I said before, the FBI reports that guns are used to stop a crime 100,000 times per year or more.
Same here, I went over to intervene and the guy ran off. My weapon where two hands.

FBI report is fantastic, but unless it was scientifically produced, not bias involved, evidence scrutinised etc.. it remains hearsay. Do you have a link to the report, need to see if it's been peer reviewed etc .
Neither of which are going to stop someone who intends to do you harm. Little dogs can be kicked to death with little or no danger to the kickers. Ring doorbell cameras only records who comes to your front door unless you have them on every door and window of the house. All the cameras will do is identify when your assailants arrived and left unless they were stupid enough to not wear masks.

Well, all the interviewed burglars claim otherwise to your opinion.
The only group whose religion is guns are the dumb ass.....
You're a perfect example of a gun nut, your religion is guns. Your belief in guns is based on blind faith and no matter how much reality and evidence is thrown at you, you still believe in the fallacies surrounding guns.
I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
I’ve been a gun toting liberal. I believe it’s more complicated. Guns for personal safety? Depends on the context. It’s situational. I’d have to read the studies , but know the arguments from most sides.
So you're out shopping and your house is burgled. How did you gun help you?
No. Let's say you're not out shopping and are at home when the home invader invades, and he forces his way in despite you being present.

What is your advice to the victim should they be confronted with such a situation?
Home invaders are not the only criminals preying on the weak. I have stopped a mugging. No police report.

And, as I said before, the FBI reports that guns are used to stop a crime 100,000 times per year or more.

And the FBI only catches those where an actual police report is made….the other researchers catch all the rest.
You're a perfect example of a gun nut, your religion is guns. Your belief in guns is based on blind faith and no matter how much reality and evidence is thrown at you, you still believe in the fallacies surrounding guns.

Actually, that is you….no matter how much research we show you, you reject it….out of ignorance, stubbornness and fear.
Same here, I went over to intervene and the guy ran off. My weapon where two hands.

FBI report is fantastic, but unless it was scientifically produced, not bias involved, evidence scrutinised etc.. it remains hearsay. Do you have a link to the report, need to see if it's been peer reviewed etc .

You were lucky. And, as any LEO would tell you, foolish. The guys involved in my event were not going anywhere until they saw I was armed. Then I wasn't just more prey.
Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?
PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, a left-wing organization funded in part by George Soros. The primary purpose of Poynter and PolitiFact is to malign conservatives
GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, that person has 0 credibility.
So you're out shopping and your house is burgled. How did you gun help you?

Watched a crime programme on TV where burglars were interviewed. They often knock on your door, and if you answer, they have an excuse, like, "Does Kevin live here?". When you say know, they claim they must have the wrong house/street and bid you good day. If there's no answer, you could then be burgled. But all the burglars were put off by CTV and a barking dog.

I hope you're not stupid enough not to have any home security.
Wow are you that fucking stupid?

If your house is burglarized when you are not there then your life was never in danger.

If you're home an a couple people force their way in you better have a fucking gun.

Just ask Dr Petit form CT.

A doctor living in an affluent town decided to take a nap on his couch with his wife and 2 teenaged daughters upstairs.

He did not have a gun and he was beaten and left for dead while his daughters and wife were raped tied up and burned to death in the fire the home invaders started.

I bet he wished he had a fucking gun
So when did the home invaders run off because they saw your gun?
I know 2 people who use a gun to stop criminals.

One was the owner of a restaurant I worked at. Some piece of shit pulled a knife on one of the waitresses and demanded money. My boss walked out of the back with a shotgun and put it against the head of the asshole who pissed his pants on the spot. Just like you would do

The other was my neighbor who pulled a pistol on some piece of shit breaking into his cars

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