The fallacy of self defence by gun

Maybe it’s the way you misuse words?

Take a course in clear communication. It would really help you.
Sorry, I speak English, I'll dumb it down for Americans

"But the thing is, you need to check if the person applying for a gun is suitable to own a gun. You can't expect everyone to have access to a weapon regardless and not suffer many incidents. Why does that not compend? Is it down to stupidity or not understanding the fully picture of firearms?"

Did that sink in second time round? We probably speak too fast in the UK for you
20 pages worth of trolling by this pos. Why is that allowed?
You're the fucking troll. You just come onto the board and give fucking shit loads of emojis. Put me on ignore and jump off a fucking cliff. You're even claiming troll on another thread about someone else. So it's clear you're the troll.

You did 10 in the last few hours, if that, so I reciprocate the same shit. So fuck off with a capital F.
You're the fucking troll. You just come onto the board and give fucking shit loads of emojis. Put me on ignore and jump off a fucking cliff. You're even claiming troll on another thread about someone else. So it's clear you're the troll.
Come get them troll.
I have enough air rifles and pea shooters. Plus, I don't want your bowels giving out, pussy.
No, that's not why. It's because you are all talk and no action. In others words, another leftist coward.

Besides coward, I don't have any air rifles. I have real ones.
Sorry, I speak English, I'll dumb it down for Americans

You write babble. And you can’t dumb anything down. It’s already your starting point.
"But the thing is, you need to check if the person applying for a gun is suitable to own a gun. You can't expect everyone to have access to a weapon regardless and not suffer many incidents. Why does that not compend? Is it down to stupidity or not understanding the fully picture of firearms?"
I see you’re almost there. Keep struggling with composition. Get a teacher maybe to tutor you. Meanwhile, of course, you’re wrong. I certainly can expect everyone (at least after the age of majority) to have access to a gun. And that does not necessarily entail having to suffer many “incidents.”

Your argument (albeit not well stated) appears to come down to a proposition that says: “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” Your argument is illogical. Maybe take a course in basic logic. It would help you a whole lot.

Did that sink in second time round? We probably speak too fast in the UK for you
You technically aren’t “speaking,” you silly twit. Don’t you know the meaning of ANY words? You are “typing,” in your pathetic effort to communicate.

So, now, let’s see if anything can penetrate your insufferably thick skull.

Can you articulate why it is a crappy logical proposition you’ve offered? (Probably not.)

Step one: do you agree with how I rephrased your apparent “argument?” Again, it seems to be, “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” I don’t want to out words in your “mouth” so to speak. So you can alter that to suit your purposes.

Step two: Then, identify what that Ill-formed syllogism is missing.

Step three: rectify it.

If you need any help with proper spelling, correct grammar or with rudimentary logic, just remember that there are lots of us here to help. Just ask. 👍
You write babble. And you can’t dumb anything down. It’s already your starting point.

I see you’re almost there. Keep struggling with composition. Get a teacher maybe to tutor you. Meanwhile, of course, you’re wrong. I certainly can expect everyone (at least after the age of majority) to have access to a gun. And that does not necessarily entail having to suffer many “incidents.”

Your argument (albeit not well stated) appears to come down to a proposition that says: “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” Your argument is illogical. Maybe take a course in basic logic. It would help you a whole lot.

You technically aren’t “speaking,” you silly twit. Don’t you know the meaning of ANY words? You are “typing,” in your pathetic effort to communicate.

So, now, let’s see if anything can penetrate your insufferably thick skull.

Can you articulate why it is a crappy logical proposition you’ve offered? (Probably not.)

Step one: do you agree with how I rephrased your apparent “argument?” Again, it seems to be, “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” I don’t want to out words in your “mouth” so to speak. So you can alter that to suit your purposes.

Step two: Then, identify what that Ill-formed syllogism is missing.

Step three: rectify it.

If you need any help with proper spelling, correct grammar or with rudimentary logic, just remember that there are lots of us here to help. Just ask. 👍
I think it would do him good to jump off a cliff.
Lmao! This two bit troll is posting on my profile that he's a conservative! You cant make this level of stupid up.
You write babble. And you can’t dumb anything down. It’s already your starting point.

I see you’re almost there. Keep struggling with composition. Get a teacher maybe to tutor you. Meanwhile, of course, you’re wrong. I certainly can expect everyone (at least after the age of majority) to have access to a gun. And that does not necessarily entail having to suffer many “incidents.”

Your argument (albeit not well stated) appears to come down to a proposition that says: “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” Your argument is illogical. Maybe take a course in basic logic. It would help you a whole lot.

You technically aren’t “speaking,” you silly twit. Don’t you know the meaning of ANY words? You are “typing,” in your pathetic effort to communicate.

So, now, let’s see if anything can penetrate your insufferably thick skull.

Can you articulate why it is a crappy logical proposition you’ve offered? (Probably not.)

Step one: do you agree with how I rephrased your apparent “argument?” Again, it seems to be, “guns can cause harm, so guns should be very regulated.” I don’t want to out words in your “mouth” so to speak. So you can alter that to suit your purposes.

Step two: Then, identify what that Ill-formed syllogism is missing.

Step three: rectify it.

If you need any help with proper spelling, correct grammar or with rudimentary logic, just remember that there are lots of us here to help. Just ask. 👍
No, you guys have a lazy butchered version of English. It's retarded. We have a licence and licensed. You have have licence for everything. We can have defense and defence. You're stuck with defense.

You can't pronounce Stalictites, Worcestershire sauce, basil and oregano correctly. You're even stuck in the 1800's spelling of Aluminium. And you don't even know "Tom Dick and Harry"?? Are you seriously that dumb?

And you expect Brits to ask you for help? I like your irony because I ain't dumbing down to your level.

Most Americans can't grasp sarcasm and you haven't a clue about idioms. So when it comes to English, you seriously need to go fuck yourself because I've lost count the number of times I've had to school you lot.
Lmao! This two bit troll is posting on my profile that he's a conservative! You cant make this level of stupid up.
Voted Tory all my life, and UKIP when Farage was there . And you voted for Biden, yellow back coward. Take your testicles out of your boyfriend's handbag you fucking puff.
But this is the thing, you need to know who's got the fucking gun. You can't expect to have every Tom Dick and Harry to get a gun and fuck all happens. Why doesn't that sink in? Stupidity?

No I don't, you ignorant clod. I assume everyone is armed. I am. I also treat everyone with respect. We don't get a lot of road rage incidents in my state because if you do something stupid, and dangerous, you are going to get your ass shot to pieces. Thus, people mind their manners.

you guys have a lazy butchered version of English.
You know what else we have? Your surrender to General Washington at Yorktown. That was the first time you cowards tried to disarm us? Not gonna be a second, is there coward?
Voted Tory all my life, and UKIP when Farage was there . And you voted for Biden, yellow back coward. Take your testicles out of your boyfriend's handbag you fucking puff.

Yup London is so peaceable.


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