The fallout from Trump

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Trump and Hillary are giggling over the Trump thing for its short term effects. Republicans are tearing each other appart. Hillary and Trump can enjoy the unlooked for but delightful fallout.

But long term it is going to be better for Hillary. Trumpbots will stay home. Trump is as high as he can go at 20%, but that 20% is toxic.

In addition, a large portion of the republican base is xenophobic. So what, a larger portion of the Democratic base has problem worse you might say. But republicans exposed their dirty linin in public. And the indipendents out there had their noses rubbed in it. All the work over the last four years of big tent republicanisn has been destroyed.

I am still appalled that a supporter of post partum abortion like Trump cought fire in the Republican party. And you go down the list of things Trump supports, including citizenship for illegals, and you wonder what happened to people.
This must be no link day for liberals. Second thread making claims and NO LINK.
I think the op was just sharing his own opinion. Kinda hard to link to that
"I am still appalled that a supporter of post partum abortion like Trump cought fire in the Republican party. And you go down the list of things Trump supports, including citizenship for illegals, and you wonder what happened to people."

Looks like CLAIMS to me.
give him a break he's new and did not read the rules for having to have a link to open a new thread.
give him a break he's new and did not read the rules for having to have a link to open a new thread.
You don't have to have a link in every thread op. If you did 90% of my threads would be deleted.
In some situations a link is required but sharing your own opinion as an op is not against the rules.
liberals Obsessions are such a bore. How long did they go on about Sarah Palin? for years they've HATED fox news but all of sudden they are now in LOVE with them. Rush Limbaugh was another one, Ted Nugent was another one.

now it's TRUMP trump trump trump

instead of singing the PRASIES of their party. you know why they aren't: there isn't anything to PRAISE them for.

so now it's

Mr. Trump has not made one coherent, innovative proposal on anything.

He and everybody else claims to be "serious" about building A Fence. So what?

What to do about the (minimum) 15 million illegals on U.S. soil right now? Nothing. Nothing but bombast and whining. What to do about the crimes committed by illegals? Whine like hell! Is that a plan?

His whole candidacy is nothing more than a monument to his own ego and the stupidity of a small percentage of American poll responders.
Trump evolved on abortion just like many have over the years. Having children of your own changes many peoples minds.

Learning of the barbaric procedures used in abortion certainly has contributed to the about face of many.

And last but not least scandals such as what we are witnessing with Planned Parenthood selling baby organs or Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors have made many review their positions on abortion.

Donald Trump on Abortion
A link about Trump's abortion changing and evolving position on abortion should not be needed by a pro Trump person who has been positive pushing for Trump. It fall's under the category of "you should know you idiot" and googling two words, 'Trump abortion' brings instant knowledge.
liberals Obsessions are such a bore. How long did they go on about Sarah Palin? for years they've HATED fox news but all of sudden they are now in LOVE with them. Rush Limbaugh was another one, Ted Nugent was another one.

now it's TRUMP trump trump trump

instead of singing the PRASIES of their party. you know why they aren't: there isn't anything to PRAISE them for.

so now it's

Link to a liberal praising fox? It's not a matter of either fox or trump is right, and the other being wrong. They are both wrong.

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