The False New is Starting to Melt.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Jut read the Huff Post and Ny Time, and these people are still grinding out more propaganda then they did in WWII. I seems that the rule of reporting is using unknown soruces and writting anything when the President opens his mouth. Really think that if he walked up to a mic, and said NO and walked away they would find something to write about. If it was not for the wide range the First Adm gives them I would sue them and jail them for all the lies they come out with. It is disgusting how far being a reporter, pretty soon they will be ranked as low as Congress in credibility.

They use to have a high respect back many years ago with name like Edward R Murll and others. Very sad.
You seem to be really knowledgeable about iconic journalists. That Edward R Murll guy was pretty good.
Jut read the Huff Post and Ny Time, and these people are still grinding out more propaganda then they did in WWII. I seems that the rule of reporting is using unknown soruces and writting anything when the President opens his mouth. Really think that if he walked up to a mic, and said NO and walked away they would find something to write about. If it was not for the wide range the First Adm gives them I would sue them and jail them for all the lies they come out with. It is disgusting how far being a reporter, pretty soon they will be ranked as low as Congress in credibility.

They use to have a high respect back many years ago with name like Edward R Murll and others. Very sad.

The so-called 'Journalism' schools at colleges and universities are a joke; the taxpayers really need to stop funding them or any 'student' majoring in it. They don't teach the kind of journalism you're talking about any more, haven't since the early 1980's at the latest. They just teach them how to peddle left wing agendas, how to implement Gramsci's 'culture war' tactics, and other communist destabilization and psycho-babbly crap. All the did was make their 'students' even dumber morons than when they first enrolled. That's why the quality of their tabloids are so low and incapable of even basic research; they don't need facts for what they're doing so no need to have any skills or expertise in that area.
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Jut read the Huff Post and Ny Time, and these people are still grinding out more propaganda then they did in WWII. I seems that the rule of reporting is using unknown soruces and writting anything when the President opens his mouth. Really think that if he walked up to a mic, and said NO and walked away they would find something to write about. If it was not for the wide range the First Adm gives them I would sue them and jail them for all the lies they come out with. It is disgusting how far being a reporter, pretty soon they will be ranked as low as Congress in credibility.

They use to have a high respect back many years ago with name like Edward R Murll and others. Very sad.

I agree.

All I can say is: “Good night and good luck.” This is how Edward R. Murrow signed off. I'm 78 and I remember the man well.

I'm also old enough to remember when this country had a legitimate free press. I remember something called “investigative reporting” whereby news agencies vigorously and fearlessly sought the truth. All of that is gone, replaced by an agenda-driven press which withholds the truth and in many cases simply lies to the country.
It's Edward R Murrow, FFS!! How old are you people? He was one of the last real newscasters on TV.
We are seeing the early fallout from the younger people trying to have a career meanwhile constantly being distracted and flattered by social media.
Jut read the Huff Post and Ny Time, and these people are still grinding out more propaganda then they did in WWII. I seems that the rule of reporting is using unknown soruces and writting anything when the President opens his mouth. Really think that if he walked up to a mic, and said NO and walked away they would find something to write about. If it was not for the wide range the First Adm gives them I would sue them and jail them for all the lies they come out with. It is disgusting how far being a reporter, pretty soon they will be ranked as low as Congress in credibility.

They use to have a high respect back many years ago with name like Edward R Murll and others. Very sad.

Do you have examples of the 'propaganda'?
Jut read the Huff Post and Ny Time, and these people are still grinding out more propaganda then they did in WWII. I seems that the rule of reporting is using unknown soruces and writting anything when the President opens his mouth. Really think that if he walked up to a mic, and said NO and walked away they would find something to write about. If it was not for the wide range the First Adm gives them I would sue them and jail them for all the lies they come out with. It is disgusting how far being a reporter, pretty soon they will be ranked as low as Congress in credibility.

They use to have a high respect back many years ago with name like Edward R Murll and others. Very sad.
So, you are upset when the media reports what Trump says? Your argument seems to be that Trump is a moron and the media should not report what he says as fact because..well, Trump is a moron. Is this your defense of the dope in chief?

If it is, it is the most pathetic defense ever. Rather than blame the "fake news" as Trumplicans, you should blame the idiot who made those idiotic comments. You have already admitted he is a moron.

The question is, why support a moron?

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