"The Family" Takes Many Forms-But some still don't Understand

I see the zombie troll bots and moronic bigots are alive a well. Have fun bitches.
idiots dont realize there are no assigned seats on Southwest, its first come first serve. They were trying to get on the plane first so they could grab good seats. Too fucking bad
If that were the case, Southwest wouldn't have a family boarding area.
they have family boarding for real families :badgrin:
Family - mother, father children
Extended family - mother, father, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles cousins.

No perverts anywhere.
What is this load of horseshit and what is it supposed to prove about gay parents? No one ever said that there are no gays who are perverts, but I am here to tell you that there are many more heterosexuals who are. This antidotal crap falls flat on it's face.

The usual stupid point; 'many more', but far less in proportion to their demographics, as in your pet fetishists being around 2% of the population and committing over a third of kiddie rapes, along with other Fun Facts like almost single-handedly keeping syphilis from being eradicated. spreading other diseases as fast as they spread AIDS around, and other fun public health menaces they enthusiastically spread around. You're mentally ill sickos, and it's criminal to allow you around children at all, much less adopt them, be allowed in school as teachers or any other job in proximity to children. You're only here to spread the usual Big Lies and keep the country Pedo-Friendly and compliant with sociopathic deviancy, that's all. Does NAMBLA hold annual award dinners for your type?
What is this load of horseshit and what is it supposed to prove about gay parents? No one ever said that there are no gays who are perverts, but I am here to tell you that there are many more heterosexuals who are. This antidotal crap falls flat on it's face.

The usual stupid point; 'many more', but far less in proportion to their demographics, as in your pet fetishists being around 2% of the population and committing over a third of kiddie rapes, along with other Fun Facts like almost single-handedly keeping syphilis from being eradicated. spreading other diseases as fast as they spread AIDS around, and other fun public health menaces they enthusiastically spread around. You're mentally ill sickos, and it's criminal to allow you around children at all, much less adopt them, be allowed in school as teachers or any other job in proximity to children. You're only here to spread the usual Big Lies and keep the country Pedo-Friendly and compliant with sociopathic deviancy, that's all. Does NAMBLA hold annual award dinners for your type?

You are a dangerous liar .
It's this type of rhetoric that has gotten gay men killed. And if you actually believe your own bullshit, you have to be either crazy or stupid. Your claim only stands up if you can prove that gay may are committing a disproportionate number of child molestations relative to the straight population-which you cannot do. You don't seem to be able to understand, that there is a difference between gay men who have healthy adult relationships with other adults as opposed to those who are fixated on minors, or have regressed for some reason in that regard. In addition, every male who has sex with another male, whether an adult or minor is not a homosexual. I'm going to make an attempt to educate you although I'm not holding out much hope. Mostly I like doing this because even I can stand to learn more and I enjoy picking apart hateful propaganda like yours.

Let's start with your lie about NAMBLA. It was spawned by the early gay rights movement but what is left of it today -and that isn't much - is not a gay organization and has been rejected by gay advocacy groups:

NAMBLA describes itself as a "support group for intergenerational relationships," and uses the slogan "sexual freedom for all." According to the group's web site, its aim is to "support the rights of youth as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies."

I vehemently disagree with their philosophy, as do the vast majority of adults, both gay and straight. Children do not have the mental or emotional capacity to make those choices and when an adult is involved, there is a high probability that the relationship will be coercive and unequal. You will see that nowhere in this lengthy piece is NAMBLA identified as a gay organization, nor does the organization itself even mention the issue of being gay.

History Brief history of the modern childlove movement

NAMBLA emerged from the tumultuous political atmosphere of the 1970s, particularly from the leftist wing of the Gay Liberation movement which followed the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City. Although discussion of gay adult-minor sex did take place, gay rights groups immediately following the Stonewall Riot were more concerned with issues of police harassment, nondiscrimination in employment, health care and other areas.

These were desperate days for the fledgling gay rights movement. Even then, the NAMBLA was consider a fringe group within the gay community


Some gay rights groups immediately following "Stonewall Inn", perceived age-of-consent laws as governmental tools to suppress homosexual behavior rather than as the safeguards against the sexual abuse of small children that they claimed to be. In many states that didn't explicitly criminalize homosexual behavior (the sodomy laws), age-of-consent laws were significantly lower for heterosexual couples than for homosexual couples. For example, in the state of Massachusetts, "Lawrence v. Texas", the age of consent for heterosexual couples was as low as 13 (with parental approval) but was 18 for homosexual men.

The relative acceptance or indifference to opposition of the age-of-consent began to change at the same time as accusations that gays were child pornographers and child molesters became common. Judianne Densen-Gerber, founder of the New York drug rehabilitation center Odyssey House, argued that gays were responsible for child pornography. In 1977 former beauty queen Anita Bryant staked a similar position, starting the "Save Our Children" campaign. "The recruitment of our children," she argued, "is absolutely necessary for the survival and growth of homosexuality."

You are dishonestly, or perhaps ignorantly, relying on ancient history by invoking NAMBLA

In 1980 a group called the “Lesbian Caucus – Lesbian Gay Pride March Committee” distributed a hand-out urging women to split from the annual New York City Gay Pride March because the organizing committee had supposedly been dominated by NAMBLA and its supporters. The next year, after some lesbians threatened to picket, the Cornell University gay group Gay PAC (Gay People at Cornell) rescinded its invitation to NAMBLA founder David Thorstad to be the keynote speaker at the annual May Gay Festival. And in the following years, gay rights groups attempted to block NAMBLA’s participation in gay pride parades, prompting Harry Hay to wear a sign proclaiming “NAMBLA walks with me” as he participated in a 1986 gay pride march in Los Angeles.

Thus by the mid-1980s, NAMBLA was virtually alone in its positions and found itself politically isolated. Gay rights organizations, burdened by accusations of child recruitment and child abuse, had abandoned the radicalism of their early years and had "retreat[ed] from the idea of a more inclusive politics," opting instead to appeal more to the mainstream. Support for "groups perceived as being on the fringe of the gay community," such as NAMBLA, vanished in the process. Today almost all gay rights groups disavow any ties to NAMBLA, voice disapproval of its objectives, and attempt to prevent NAMBLA from having a role in gay and lesbian rights events.

Here is more:

Gregory King of the Human Rights Campaign later said that "NAMBLA is not a gay organization ... They are not part of our community and we thoroughly reject their efforts to insinuate that pedophilia is an issue related to gay and lesbian civil rights." NAMBLA responded by claiming that "man/boy love is by definition homosexual," that "man/boy lovers are part of the gay movement and central to gay history and culture," and that "homosexuals denying that it is 'not gay' to be attracted to adolescent boys are just as ludicrous as heterosexuals saying it's 'not heterosexual' to be attracted to adolescent girls."

And more:

In 1994 the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) adopted a "Position Statement Regarding NAMBLA" saying GLAAD "deplores the North American Man Boy Love Association's (NAMBLA) goals, which include advocacy for sex between adult men and boys and the removal of legal protections for children. These goals constitute a form of child abuse and are repugnant to GLAAD." Also in 1994 the Board of Directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) adopted a resolution on NAMBLA that said: "NGLTF condemns all abuse of minors, both sexual and any other kind, perpetrated by adults. Accordingly, NGLTF condemns the organizational goals of NAMBLA and any other such organization


More recently, media reports have suggested that for practical purposes the group no longer exists and that it consists only of a web site maintained by a few enthusiasts. NAMBLA maintains a web site at NAMBLA that shows addresses in New York and San Francisco and a phone contact in New York, and offers publications for sale, including the NAMBLA Bulletin.

NAMBLA is identified as a lobby group in Jon Stewart's America: The Book A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction (2004), and is also alluded to on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, often tagged on to an existing lobby group's acronym for the parody.

Gay rights groups opposed to NAMBLA contend that their reason for disavowing NAMBLA has always been their sharing of the general public's disdain for pedophilia and child sexual abuse (as expressed in issues statements). These gay rights groups reject NAMBLA's claims of an analogy between the campaign for gay and lesbian equality and the abolition of age-of-consent laws, and view NAMBLA's rhetoric about "the sexual rights of youth" as a cover for its members' "real agenda".

Now read this and tell me that they are not a bunch of crazy sick fucks. I will tell you that few if any gay men agree with this tripe: http://www.nambla.org/faq.html

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