The far left thinks criticism of blm is racist

Come on us message board dems

Ok own your racism ?? You folks believe whites are born privileged. It’s ok thats free speech a man own the racism


You would be better off using BIGOTRY instead of RACISM.

The left hides behind "Blacks cannot be Racist" because they are poor and oppressed, even as the homo BLM leaders are all millionaires for lying about racism and inciting riots...
You would be better off using BIGOTRY instead of RACISM.

The left hides behind "Blacks cannot be Racist" because they are poor and oppressed, even as the homo BLM leaders are all millionaires for lying about racism and inciting riots...
Blm leaders are openly racist and they steal from their donors
Let’s see what democrats say !!

Why can’t they ever respond h
BLM leaders are openly homo, communist, and bigoted, and like all other left wing homos, they STEAL ALL THEY CAN
i don’t agree with the word homo but some black rappers are anti gay ..

Anyway you would be censored on national tv….but blm supporters are praised for racism …that ain’t right it’s against free speech

I would be screamed at or attacked in a far left area for my views..
My question for democrats

Why blm ?

Why destruction of history?

What happened to common sense…blacks owned slaves too

Whites are killed by cops

What’s the goal for democrats these days ? Bc they ain’t doing a darn thing to give us better jobs.
Yes it’s true their nuts ….its not saying whites or black’s are bad…no it’s the view that blm is wrong is construed as “racist “

Meanwhile the far left thinks believing white people are privileged is not racist ….

No wonder conversations with blm supporters go nowhere …..

That said Let’s all unite and oppose racism. No one is born privileged based on color.
Well, it’s a given that the criticism of BLM from the far right IS racist.
Yes it’s true their nuts ….its not saying whites or black’s are bad…no it’s the view that blm is wrong is construed as “racist “

Meanwhile the far left thinks believing white people are privileged is not racist ….

No wonder conversations with blm supporters go nowhere …..

That said Let’s all unite and oppose racism. No one is born privileged based on color.

Democrats also think Biden showering with his daughter, grabbing a woman by the vagina, and groping / sniffing little girls are all perfectly acceptable, so...
Its funny...

The woman who started BLM stole millions from the group, bought herself a mansion, had a huge security fence built around it, then dumped the group / movement / scam...

....morons saw this and STILL ran with it.

As P T Barnum once said, 'There's a sucker born every minute.'
'BLACK Lives Matter' is racist.

These idiots violently attacked anyone who said / suggested ALL lives matter.

The NAACP is racist.

Inagine the reaction from blacks if someone started up the 'NAAWP'
-- (Oh wait - Democrats already tried that, but they called it the 'KKK'.)

Only racism is from the far left …no one even on fox can critique blacks like cnn and democrats do with whites

There is no more far right

Hey brother we did not have this problem ten years ago …its a distraction created to distract from our bad economy….

What crock of shit are you writing?
Its funny...

The woman who started BLM stole millions from the group, bought herself a mansion, had a huge security fence built around it, then dumped the group / movement / scam...

....morons saw this and STILL ran with it.

As P T Barnum once said, 'There's a sucker born every minute.'
and some say black women arent smart
What crock of shit are you writing?
I respect you so what’s going on here. How about an actual conversation.? You bring up a point I respond to you then let’s hear what you have to say.

There are pro BLM people who scream at conservatives and attack them on college campuses this is documented. There is no example of a bunch of white Trump supporters attacking or shutting down the free-speech of a left-wing speaker on a college campus.

You have examples across-the-board of hundreds of Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 and beyond most recently on the New York City subway train where these people go completely nuts start yelling and screaming, threatening people acting like absolute animals. Well I shouldn’t call them animals because that’s an insult to animals…

There is no example of a bunch of white Trump supporters having hundreds of different riots throughout the past few years in major cities. Look what we saw in Chicago a few weeks ago where a white woman was brutally attacked by a gang of 20 or 30 Black people.

My God man my God could you imagine of 20 or 30 white men and woman attacked a black woman….. it doesn’t happen.

Most black and white Americans love their country and it’s only a tiny minority of sick deranged pro BLM Americans that are making this country a living hell for so many working class people.

Here are the facts my friend. Anyone who is a racist in this country that is white is literally canceled.

Take David Duke for example and I don’t know if he’s actually a self identifying racist but he’s probably the closest thing to far right and he’s canceled on YouTube. Compare that to the racist black anchors and white pro BLM anchors on ESPN who denigrate white people.

There is an undeniable clear-cut difference between how Black people are allowed to act on national television like Van Jones a black man saying all white people have a virus he doesn’t even get reprimanded for it. If a white man said that on Fox News that all Black people have a virus he would be fired. This is just common sense brother. If you can’t see it in front of your very eyes I have no idea what to tell you.

There is no group called white lives matter.

Practically the entire Democrat party is pro BLM. They take a knee they literally take a need for George Floyd the man that held a gun to a pregnant lady’s stomach.

frigidweirdo I will put you on ignore if you continue to respond with nothing but personal attacks ….. as I have done with about 15 other far left fanatics on the site …. and it is such a good feeling to not even have to see the racism that they spew. because it does nobody any good to converse with somebody who acts like that. And this is a part of the problem how you have people like IM2 Who is a black man and he tells me

“ i’m black you don’t know what it’s like to be me.” “ Your a racist “

Wth No im2 This is America it doesn’t matter what skin color somebody is we’re all equal …anybody in this country who thinks that they can leverage their race in a conversation is completely insane and disgusting

Gee I wonder what im2 thinks about what it’s like to live in a wheelchair for an entire life, what it’s like to live with cancer.
I respect you so what’s going on here. How about an actual conversation.? You bring up a point I respond to you then let’s hear what you have to say.

There are pro BLM people who scream at conservatives and attack them on college campuses this is documented. There is no example of a bunch of white Trump supporters attacking or shutting down the free-speech of a left-wing speaker on a college campus.

Here are the facts my friend. Anyone who is a racist in this country that is white is literally canceled.

Take David Duke for example and I don’t know if he’s actually a self identifying racist but he’s probably the closest thing to far right and he’s canceled on YouTube. Compare that to the racist black anchors and white pro BLM anchors on ESPN who denigrate white people.

There is an undeniable clear-cut difference between how Black people are allowed to act on national television like Van Jones a black man saying all white people have a virus he doesn’t even get reprimanded for it. If a white man said that on Fox News that all Black people have a virus he would be fired. This is just common sense brother. If you can’t see it in front of your very eyes I have no idea what to tell you.

There is no group called white lives matter.

Practically the entire Democrat party is pro BLM. They take a knee they literally take a need for George Floyd the man that held a gun to a pregnant lady’s stomach.

I will put you on ignore if you continue to respond with nothing but personal attacks ….. as I have done with about 15 other far left fanatics on the site …. and it is such a good feeling to not even have to see the racism that they spew. because it does nobody any good to converse with somebody who acts like that. And this is a part of the problem how are you have people like IM2 Who is a black man and he tells me

“ i’m black you don’t know what it’s like to be me.” “ Your a racist “

Wth!!!! No !!!! This is America it doesn’t matter what skin color somebody else we’re all equal anybody in this country who thinks that they can leverage their race in a conversation is completely insane and disgusting

Anyone who thinks that talking like that is acceptable is completely insane. Gee I wonder what that man im2 thinks about what it’s like to live in a wheelchair for an entire life, what it’s like to live with cancer.

What's going on? You're talking nonsense. I can't have a conversation where it's "the far left is racist, the far right isn't".

There's no conversation here. It's like you saying black is green.
What do you want me to say?

The far-right has loads of racism. It's a simple fact. It's literally the part of the definition of far-right that they're into racism and racial superiority. You want to say a cat isn't a cat, be my guest, just don't expect me to have a conversation about it.
What's going on? You're talking nonsense. I can't have a conversation where it's "the far left is racist, the far right isn't".

There's no conversation here. It's like you saying black is green.
What do you want me to say?

The far-right has loads of racism. It's a simple fact. It's literally the part of the definition of far-right that they're into racism and racial superiority. You want to say a cat isn't a cat, be my guest, just don't expect me to have a conversation about it.
There is a conversation to be had. I’m making points and you’re just not responding to them. The far right doesn’t really exist anymore they’re canceled. Again people like David Duke and similar are all canceled on social media.

You’re not responding to key points like a black anchor Van Jones on CNN openly saying all white people have a virus and he doesn’t get fired for it.

There are no examples of hundreds of different riots by white people rampaging going nuts. There are hundreds of examples of BLM riots since 2020 including pro BLM white people and Black people terrorizing cities terrorizing innocent people.

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