The far-right loses it over Trump indictment

You're the one floating it:
See? You don’t even grasp the meaning of that basic legal term.

For your fellow ignorant libtards, the mental culpability term does not mean “mental disease or defect.” It’s just the term used in the law for mens rea.

An act done in some alleged crimes without the “intent” to obtain a specific outcome isn’t a crime. That “intent,” in such an example, is the mens rea of that alleged crime. The culpable mental state.

Syndi’s abiding ignorance remains on full display.
  1. read a newspaper - it's all over page one of every singe one of them.
  2. go fuck yourself.
Wrong, again, Syndi. Those are alleged crimes. Even a libturd of your diminished mental capacity should be able to distinguish between an “accusation” and “proved guilt.”

You scumbag moron.
The context is contained in the indictment.

Now the issue is whether, with the incredible nature of the seriousness of the charges, should Trump be detained in federal custody?
  1. read a newspaper - it's all over page one of every singe one of them.
Who reads or believes anything in the NYT, Fool? Now you believe anything they print? Far more important are the FBI records now in the hands of the Intelligence Committee proving felony treason by the Bidens that they were taking millions in bribes from the Chinese in lieu of favors.

  1. go fuck yourself.
Thanks for admitting you are very triggered by the realization of another faux "victory." You idiots fall for the same crap over and over. Meanwhile, Trump is the featured speaker in the upcoming biggest conservative event coming up soon! Joe Biden, not so much, he won't be appearing anywhere as his lawyers rush to try to figure out how to keep his family out of prison. :auiqs.jpg:
I haven’t lost anything. The more the Left goes after Trump, the more they expose themselves.
sure bro...

Why does it have to be in the Constitution? Are you trying to make the case for the arrest and criminal prosecution of Joe Biden? Go ahead and tell me how. Since a sitting president is a plenary portion of the federal government, the prevailing view is that you can't do that while in office because it would impede the functioning of the executive branch of the government.

Nobody should be above the law, not even the POTUS.

The Fed Govt works just fine without the POTUS directing its day to day operations.

Also, that why we have a VP
Who reads or believes anything in the NYT, Fool? Now you believe anything they print? Far more important are the FBI records now in the hands of the Intelligence Committee proving felony treason by the Bidens that they were taking millions in bribes from the Chinese in lieu of favors.

Here is the full indictment. Trump's 2nd indictment: Read the full document text

It list all the charges and the applicable laws

Whether he is guilty or not will be up to a jury of his peers, as it should be
An act done in some alleged crimes without the “intent” to obtain a specific outcome isn’t a crime. That “intent,” in such an example, is the mens rea of that alleged crime. The culpable mental state.
The National Archives has produced 16 times that they informed trump of the only legal way to declassify documents.

In light of that, what possible explanation/excuse can there be than mental impairment?
Wrong, again, Syndi. Those are alleged crimes. Even a libturd of your diminished mental capacity should be able to distinguish between an “accusation” and “proved guilt.”

You scumbag moron.
He asked
Name the law(s) Trump has broken? Be specific.
I pointed him to the place where he can find out which crimes he's been indicted on.

Now direct your anger at toobfreak and tell him that there have only been indicted charges of crimes, and why is he so fucking stupid as to ask what crimes he's committed since he hasn't been convicted of any.

I'll wait and watch.
If you're going to dismiss everything that isn't in your Fake News bubble, then you're not worth responding to.

Now go fuck off.
The fake news comes from your side. You guys rat holed the Twitter Files that proved the media and government have done nothing but censor and lie.

Your narrative is not fact based.
Sorry Pooh Pooh, but your attempt fails since that’s not what the law says.

Here. Have a good read. Presidential Records (44 U.S.C. Chapter 22)
§ 2203. (g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.
I haven't lost anything and I'm not ranting. Meanwhile in the real world, while you idiots are busy jumping up and down like you've won something just because Trump, Biden's leading political opponent for reelection, has been merely ACCUSED by Biden of a crime the DOJ cannot possibly win on (good thing Joe didn't call Ukraine asking for dirt affecting next year's election!), that just a few hours before that, by pure coincidence I assure you, the congressional intelligence committee likewise just announced hard evidence now pinning felony criminal activity on the Biden Family as they inch ever closer to filing formal impeachment proceedings against Joe.

Biden didn't accuse Trump of 37 counts of 7 different crimes. A grand jury issued those indictments. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, how any of the law works, how trials work, any part of this.

You poor, hapless souls have been indoctrinated to think that anything you believe must be reality. And that the courts are bound to whatever meaningless, pseudo-legal gibberish you make up.

Which is why you're so outraged when law enforcement and the courts follow the ACTUAL law, rather than what you made up.

Get used to that feeling.

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