The far-right loses it over Trump indictment

The idiots seem convinced that no one can touch them.
Idiots do seem to think that. That's why trump got another 10 million tacked on to his bill by publicly degrading that woman he sexually assaulted only a day after he was found guilty of that in court.
And we all know liberals have never worked or paid taxes too, right? If you MAGAs are such rugged individualists, why do Blue states supply most of the money to the federal government, and red states always take more money from the federal government? Who is supporting who?

Because blue states are more populated, that's it. Your cities are fetid wastelands, and people are fleeing, so that's changing.
I don’t know what a “cootie” is. I do know what insider trading is. I know what mishandling classified information is.
A cootie is an imagenary thing that first and second graders accuse each other of havng as an insult. A lot like all the imagenary claims you MAGAs constantly make. If you know what mishandeling classified information is, then you understand why trump was indicted.
Probably that time of the month.
Unfortunately, that's not the case with her. She's ALWAYS like this.

"Waahhhhh the country is doomed. Waaaahhhh Donald Trump is being treated unfairly. WAAAHHhhhhhhhh liberals are gonna get it some day."

She's just angry and bitter.
Unfortunately, that's not the case with her. She's ALWAYS like this.

"Waahhhhh the country is doomed. Waaaahhhh Donald Trump is being treated unfairly. WAAAHHhhhhhhhh liberals are gonna get it some day."

She's just angry and bitter.

Cop kills a black man = cool to burn cities to the ground because angry.

Nation is destroyed = shut up, Karen.


How about that?
Unfortunately, that's not the case with her. She's ALWAYS like this.

"Waahhhhh the country is doomed. Waaaahhhh Donald Trump is being treated unfairly. WAAAHHhhhhhhhh liberals are gonna get it some day."

She's just angry and bitter.
She'll make someone an exemplary ex-wife some day.

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