The far-right loses it over Trump indictment

We know why the Trump cult sore-losers here are in such a state of pants-crapping hysterical meltdown.

They know Trump is guilty.

That's not debatable, not by any honest person. Trump admitted to doing the crime. He was caught with the evidence red-handed. He has no defense for his actions. No, a president can't declassify things just by thinking about it, and no honest person says a president can. And for espionage part, the classification doesn't even matter. This isn't some complex financial case. This is as close to a slam-dunk case as it gets.

Trump is guilty. He'll spend the rest of his life in some sort of prison. That prison might be Mar-a-lago or his NYC penthouse, but it will still be a prison.

While the Trump cult losers know Trump is guilty, the cult forbids them from being truthful. That leaves deflection as the only tactic remaining to them. So they're here deflecting. They scream, they cry, they fake charges against Democrats, they make threats, they throw themselves on the floor and flail their widdle arms and legs around. What not one of them is doing is pointing out why Trump isn't guilty. Because they can't.

Liberals: "What is the evidence?"


The conservatives aren't even pretending to care about the evidence. That's how we know they're corrupt Stalinist party hacks.

As is the case every time, moral high ground to the liberals.
So you're one of those elitists that think Blacks are too stupid to get an ID or drive a car? And who is banning books except for the woke? And women still have the same ability to kill their babies that they've had for years, except for the late term- partial birth abortions, that are so popular with todays baby killers. I do know that internet censorship deprives conservatives from sharing their opinions. I know that people were forced to contaminate their bodies with vaccines, I know that our second amendment is under attack by Democrats. I know that the equal protection clause has been trampled on by Democrats. I know we have selective law enforcement, much like they have in Russia and Red China. I know our president has turned his back on his responsibility to keep our country safe and secure. He has abandoned the American people on our border and by pushing an anti police narrative. We know the Democrat's stranglehold on education has raised levels of indoctrination levels while lowering traditional education quality to POOR. I could go on but I think we can all see that one party rule by Democrats, is on the verge of destroying this country.

Book banning isn’t happening in Blue States. It is only happening in Red States. So blaming the Left is like blaming Toyota when your Ford breaks down.

Abortions are banned after 6 weeks in nearly all the Red States. A couple notable exceptions from when Republicans amended the State Constitutions to stop the imaginary Obamacare plans. Those states are now arguing that Abortion is not a medical procedure and not covered by the State Constitution.

The lies you post are funny. And pathetic.
Conservative Republicans have actually walked away from the Republican Party since 2016.

There are still some left in the House and Senate.

The Thread is about the Far Right, and not about all the other Conservatives who are not engaging in the far right practices, which have only led to Republican candidates losing elections since 2018.
MAGAtears are so delicious.
Fortunately there's an endless supply.

Stupid are you to write such a stupid post.

You know nothing but to write lies about what goes on in the US in order to incite dummer people than yourself.

November 2024 you are going to find out how stupid the voters really are.
Conservatives are "dummer". That's funny.
The problem is that Trump

There is a lot funny. First Trump and his supporters sound like Jon Lovitz character from Saturday Night Live. Tommy Flanagan, of the Pathological Liars Anonymous group.

Let’s review. First the claim was there were no more classified documents. Then the claim was the FBI planted the documents. Then there were documents, but Trump was allowed to have them as part of his former President Status. Why we heard endlessly how the Secret Service had secured the documents. There was a deadbolt and a padlock. And a camera. Yeah. A camera. It recorded the door to the room constantly. That’s the ticket.

Then we heard how there were documents. But that Trump had, with a thought, declassified them. That’s it. He declassified them.

When announcing his indictment Trump again went with his Tommy Flanagan imitation. He went with the Hoax claim. The boxes were planted by the FBI.

It is funny. It’s a reminder of when this sort of behavior was found on skit comedy shows, not the news.

The documents Trump had at Mar-A-Lago were related to "Crossfire Hurricane", the first of many manufactured crises put together by the Democrats to take him down. Democrat minions rejoice at the Democrats making a mockery of the Constitution and the rule of law in this country because of their irrational hatred of Donald Trump.

It is also not a coincidence that this joke of an indictment charge came on the same day that the FBI revealed an official bank document showing both Joe and Hunter receiving $5 Million dollar payments from the Ukrainian energy company where crack head Hunter was serving on the board. WTF??? But you're cool with that, because your Democrat masters have you and the rest of the Trump haters completely gaslighted.
It's clear that it's a made up story by somebody named Sarah Burns for something called "Raw Story". Maybe it's intended to be humorous but the crazy left grasps at anything these days.
I'd sure like to ask some of these partisan sycophants: What if he broke the law? What if he's guilty?

I know I wouldn't get a straight answer, because there's no reason to provide one in their world.
Funny how non-partisan Mac has no such questions about Joe Biden and the millions of dollars he's received from hostile and corrupt foreign entities.
Funny how non-partisan Mac has no such questions about Joe Biden and the millions of dollars he's received from hostile and corrupt foreign entities.
Yes, the standard weak deflection, based on fantasy.

HERE is what I have ACTUALLY said, MANY times, you poor, manipulated thing:

I've said it many times, but I'll be happy to say it yet again:

If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too. I don't care if it's Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, or anyone else.

I'm sure you agree with that.
Let's find out.

Do you agree with the following?

If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too. I don't care if it's Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, or anyone else.
The documents Trump had at Mar-A-Lago were related to "Crossfire Hurricane", the first of many manufactured crises put together by the Democrats to take him down. Democrat minions rejoice at the Democrats making a mockery of the Constitution and the rule of law in this country because of their irrational hatred of Donald Trump.

It is also not a coincidence that this joke of an indictment charge came on the same day that the FBI revealed an official bank document showing both Joe and Hunter receiving $5 Million dollar payments from the Ukrainian energy company where crack head Hunter was serving on the board. WTF??? But you're cool with that, because your Democrat masters have you and the rest of the Trump haters completely gaslighted.

You really should read the news. It isn’t about Crossfire Hurricane.

I understand that it is hard to stay on the right page of music with the conductor flipping the selection like an epileptic on Crack. But you really should read the news.

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