The fascists are at it again

As long as laws are not written to stifle free speech, fine. It sounds like you're in favor of a community being free to make a Kathy Griffin concert illegal. It is hate speech after all..

Well, no, it wasn't.

But let's look at that. Kathy Griffin did something that was in really poor taste.

Her business partners cancelled her contracts.
The Secret Service had a few words with her.
Venues where she was to perform canclled her gigs.

In short, she did something wrong, and there were CONSEQUENCES.

These kids did something wrong. They probably th ought they were being funny.

They got kicked off the football team.
The school has had a few words with them.

They did something wrong, there were CONSEQUENCES

And consequences there should be, just not laws that restrict speech.

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This is an interesting experiment: Is it possible to change the definition of an ideology simply by repeating it? It probably works best in the less educated and those that want to believe.
In the meantime, the colleges and universities still use the regular definition that is used in most college texts and taught in the classrooms.
Tell us what the definition off "leftwing" or "rightwing" is. I've never seen one. Turds like you typically just assign anything the public doesn't like to be "rightwing."
As long as laws are not written to stifle free speech, fine. It sounds like you're in favor of a community being free to make a Kathy Griffin concert illegal. It is hate speech after all..

Well, no, it wasn't.

But let's look at that. Kathy Griffin did something that was in really poor taste.

Her business partners cancelled her contracts.
The Secret Service had a few words with her.
Venues where she was to perform canclled her gigs.

In short, she did something wrong, and there were CONSEQUENCES.

These kids did something wrong. They probably th ought they were being funny.

They got kicked off the football team.
The school has had a few words with them.

They did something wrong, there were CONSEQUENCES

The problem is that the school wanted to have them arrested, and whether the school can kick them off the football team depends on any agreement they signed, and it's not clear to me that it's legal to include such clauses as you describe.
Which is good reason to make sure it gets as little power as possible.

Naw, man, I like drinking clean water and I like knowing someone isn't going to slit my throat at night. And I like that we are addressing these little haters now before they grow up to be Aryan Brotherhood Nazis.

This isn't about environmental regulations, though the is plenty of abuse the too.

Give someone the power to stifle speech and eventually they'll stifle yours. It won't always be used in ways you agree with.

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Fascists like Joe don't get that. They always imagine that they will be the ones deciding who gets censored.
I think it's meaningless to figure out what political party is closest to hitler's nazi party. That war has been over for more than 70 years. Some say when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag....that's both of our political parties....and carrying a cross.... sounds like the republican hypocrites there. Burning books and destroying statues... demorats. Serving corporate interests over the interests of the people? Sounds like both parties.
This is an interesting experiment: Is it possible to change the definition of an ideology simply by repeating it? It probably works best in the less educated and those that want to believe.
In the meantime, the colleges and universities still use the regular definition that is used in most college texts and taught in the classrooms.
Tell us what the definition off "leftwing" or "rightwing" is. I've never seen one. Turds like you typically just assign anything the public doesn't like to be "rightwing."
The left/right dichotomy sprang from the French Revolution. Members of the national assembly who supported the revolution sat to the left of the president while those who supported the monarchy sat to his right.

Left is progressive, right is conservative. Hitler was conservative.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia
The problem is that the school wanted to have them arrested, and whether the school can kick them off the football team depends on any agreement they signed, and it's not clear to me that it's legal to include such clauses as you describe.

I don't know, I think putting them in lockup with a large black convict would have done wonders for their world view.
It was a bit more complicated than that. The NSDAP did start out as a radical party that advocated socialism. But eventually, it got co-opted by conservatives, monarchists, militarists. The conservatives told Hitler if he wanted to be chancellor, he had to get rid of the radicals like Ernst Roehm. So Roehm and the other "Revolutionaries" in the party were purged in the "NIght of the Long Knives".
Anton Drexler, the founder of the German Workers Party was a right winger. At that time in Germany anyone seeking political influence would of had to given lip service to socialist policies. It's Bismarckian socialism.

Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction. Leon Trotsky
This is an interesting experiment: Is it possible to change the definition of an ideology simply by repeating it? It probably works best in the less educated and those that want to believe.
In the meantime, the colleges and universities still use the regular definition that is used in most college texts and taught in the classrooms.
Tell us what the definition off "leftwing" or "rightwing" is. I've never seen one. Turds like you typically just assign anything the public doesn't like to be "rightwing."
The left/right dichotomy sprang from the French Revolution. Members of the national assembly who supported the revolution sat to the left of the president while those who supported the monarchy sat to his right.

Left is progressive, right is conservative. Hitler was conservative.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia
We don't have a monarchy any longer. So now what is the definition?

Hitler was no conservative. Saying "left is progressive" is the same as saying "left is left." You still haven't defined it. Leftists never will define it because then it becomes obvious they are on the same side as the fascists.
It was a bit more complicated than that. The NSDAP did start out as a radical party that advocated socialism. But eventually, it got co-opted by conservatives, monarchists, militarists. The conservatives told Hitler if he wanted to be chancellor, he had to get rid of the radicals like Ernst Roehm. So Roehm and the other "Revolutionaries" in the party were purged in the "NIght of the Long Knives".
Anton Drexler, the founder of the German Workers Party was a right winger. At that time in Germany anyone seeking political influence would of had to given lip service to socialist policies. It's Bismarckian socialism.

Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction. Leon Trotsky
What makes you believe he was a right winger?
This is an interesting experiment: Is it possible to change the definition of an ideology simply by repeating it? It probably works best in the less educated and those that want to believe.
In the meantime, the colleges and universities still use the regular definition that is used in most college texts and taught in the classrooms.
Tell us what the definition off "leftwing" or "rightwing" is. I've never seen one. Turds like you typically just assign anything the public doesn't like to be "rightwing."
The left/right dichotomy sprang from the French Revolution. Members of the national assembly who supported the revolution sat to the left of the president while those who supported the monarchy sat to his right.

Left is progressive, right is conservative. Hitler was conservative.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia
Don't cite Wiki on me. There has never been a more unreliable source when it comes to political issues.
It was a bit more complicated than that. The NSDAP did start out as a radical party that advocated socialism. But eventually, it got co-opted by conservatives, monarchists, militarists. The conservatives told Hitler if he wanted to be chancellor, he had to get rid of the radicals like Ernst Roehm. So Roehm and the other "Revolutionaries" in the party were purged in the "NIght of the Long Knives".
Anton Drexler, the founder of the German Workers Party was a right winger. At that time in Germany anyone seeking political influence would of had to given lip service to socialist policies. It's Bismarckian socialism.

Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction. Leon Trotsky
What makes you believe he was a right winger?
He founded a right wing nationalist party for one. And after Hitler pushed him out of his own party he joined the Bavarian People's Party. He won a seat as part of that party in 1924.

The Bavarian People's Party (German: Bayerische Volkspartei; BVP) was the Bavarian branch of the Centre Party, a lay Roman Catholic party, which broke off from the rest of the party in 1918 to pursue a more conservative, more Bavarian particularist course. The party displayed monarchist leanings (because many Bavarians had never accepted the overthrow of the House of Wittelsbach in 1918) and there was a period of near separatism in the early 1920s, culminating in Gustav von Kahr's unwillingness to abide by rulings from Berlin during the autumn crisis of 1923.
Bavarian People's Party - Wikipedia
We don't have a monarchy any longer. So now what is the definition?

Definition of CONSERVATIVE
None of that blather has anything to do with how the term is actually used. In modern usage, anyone who advocates political liberty and economic freedom is a "conservative." That's also what the term "right wing" means.

Note that even your definition says nothing about nationalism or racism or militarism.
We don't have a monarchy any longer. So now what is the definition?

Definition of CONSERVATIVE
None of that blather has anything to do with how the term is actually used. In modern usage, anyone who advocates political liberty and economic freedom is a "conservative." That's also what the term "right wing" means.

Note that even your definition says nothing about nationalism or racism or militarism.
Nationalism is about preserving national identity. Think!
None of those define what "rightwing" means. Furthermore, you haven't demonstrated that he believed any of that.

Um, yeah, that's all Right Wing in this country is today. You guys don't even pretend to have an economic theory anymore.

None of that blather has anything to do with how the term is actually used. In modern usage, anyone who advocates political liberty and economic freedom is a "conservative." That's also what the term "right wing" means.

Except you guys don't advocate that.

If you want to tell a lady she can't have an abortion and a couple of gays they can't get married, you aren't supporting "political liberty".

NOr do you really support economic freedom if your "President" wants to force companies to not move operations overseas or consumer not to be able to buy foreign goods.

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